If a Saucer Lands, Don’t Run. Get On!

By Sarah and John Lamont

This eBook is FREE as a public service. You will want to hear this! In 120 face-to-face encounters with humans, the Extraterrestrials say the same thing – Earth is headed for serious trouble. Find out what they say is going to happen. 70 of these stories have never before been published. The 50 others are from ET contactees Whitley and Anne Strieber, Stanton Friedman, Preston Dennett, Ruth Montgomery, George Adamski, Howard Menger, Orfeo Angelucci, Edward Ruppelt, and Ardy Sixkiller Clarke.

Table of Contents

(Click Chapter Title below to start reading)

1 - Space Ships Passing in the Night. An ET leaves footprints in the snow. Aliens wear antigravity belts. A Friday-night commute to Mars. Aliens provide fireworks display.

2 - The Alien Agenda. Alien bases on Mars, Venus, and Saturn. ET ‘tourists’ on safari to Earth. Bad aliens are real. Like on Star Trek, there is a ‘Prime Directive.’

3 - Trickster Grays. Four-foot-tall gray aliens. Seven-foot-tall reptilians. 15-foot-tall mantis-like aliens. Abductions. Sexual/genetic experiments on humans. Four Grays on the beach.

4 - Nordic Gods and Goddesses. Blonde-haired, blue-eyed aliens are among us. ETs communicate over TV sets and radios. ETs give Frank x-ray vision. Alien video screens.

5 - 'Basketball Player' from Saturn. Eight-foot-tall levitating ET from Saturn. Eva walks right through an invisible ET. Aliens take apart atoms and reassemble them.

6 - Gardeners and Giant Scorpions. Billion-year-old alien race ‘planted’ life on Earth. ETs let an asteroid kill off the dinosaurs. A dangerous comet may be headed towards Earth.

7 - Mile-high Giants and Mrs. Hulk. Alien planets around other star systems. Aliens can bend light making their ships invisible. One-ton carrots and two-ton apples.

8 - Hurting the Robot’s Feelings. ET replicators can make tons of gold and diamonds. Building a giant mothership with robots. Ten-foot-tall cyborg looks and acts human.

9 - Do Aliens eat People? Carrot-shaped potato from another planet. US government seizes ET material. Alien walks through a wall. ETs drink 'elixir of the gods.'

10 - Ring-tone from Roswell. Frank investigates an ET artifact from Roswell crash. The aliens create antigravity using superconductors. Frank creates superconducting aluminum.

11 - War and Rumors of War. Aliens warn that millions of humans may suffer from what they call the “Great Accident.” Find out what is going to happen, so you can be prepared.

12 - H-Bombs and Sky-Fire. Disguised ETs are working within the Department of Defenses of many countries. Aliens blow up to Russian rockets to disable hydrogen bombs.

13 - Two Incinerated Planets. How an ancient civilization was destroyed on a planet beyond Mars. Description of the destruction of a planet in another star system.

14 - Trouble on Earth. Find out about refugees fleeing trouble in California. Automobiles will not run. The lights go out in New York City. Find out the details of what is going to happen.

15 - Blue Lightning and St. Elmo's Fire. Trouble with Earth’s nuclear reactors.  Vulnerabilities in the world’s electrical grid. Find out what happens when the lights go off.

16 - Rising Seas and Shifting Poles. Find out what will cause the polar ice caps to melt and oceans to rise. Hear how Earth’s geographic poles will slowly move toward Asia.

17 - Lifted off a Burning Planet. Find out more about what happens when Earth’s troubles begin. Learn out how millions of people will be lifted to safety aboard ET ships.

18 - Mopping up a Major Mess. How giant ET motherships will clean up the mess and pollution on Earth. How ETs will restock the planet with people, plants, and animals.

19 - Alien Tech for a New Earth. ETs will give us unlimited free energy, antigravity propulsion systems. People on the New Earth will fly around in flying saucers.

20 - Spirit, Mind, and Body. On the New Earth, people will commonly use telepathy and teleportation. The survivors will blend ET scientific and spiritual techniques.

21 - About the Authors.

22 - References.


Not copyrighted. Free to distribute.

Lamont Publishing Co., 2020

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