If a Saucer Lands, Don’t Run. Get On!

By Sarah and John Lamont

This eBook is FREE as a public service. You will want to hear this! In 120 face-to-face encounters with humans, the Extraterrestrials say the same thing – Earth is headed for serious trouble. Find out what they say is going to happen. 70 of these stories have never before been published. The 50 others are from ET contactees Whitley and Anne Strieber, Stanton Friedman, Preston Dennett, Ruth Montgomery, George Adamski, Howard Menger, Orfeo Angelucci, Edward Ruppelt, and Ardy Sixkiller Clarke.

Table of Contents

(Click Chapter Title below to start reading)

1 - Space Ships Passing in the Night. An ET leaves footprints in the snow. Aliens wear antigravity belts. A Friday-night commute to Mars. Aliens provide fireworks display.

2 - The Alien Agenda. Alien bases on Mars, Venus, and Saturn. ET ‘tourists’ on safari to Earth. Bad aliens are real. Like on Star Trek, there is a ‘Prime Directive.’

3 - Trickster Grays. Four-foot-tall gray aliens. Seven-foot-tall reptilians. 15-foot-tall mantis-like aliens. Abductions. Sexual/genetic experiments on humans. Four Grays on the beach.

4 - Nordic Gods and Goddesses. Blonde-haired, blue-eyed aliens are among us. ETs communicate over TV sets and radios. ETs give Frank x-ray vision. Alien video screens.

5 - 'Basketball Player' from Saturn. Eight-foot-tall levitating ET from Saturn. Eva walks right through an invisible ET. Aliens take apart atoms and reassemble them.

6 - Gardeners and Giant Scorpions. Billion-year-old alien race ‘planted’ life on Earth. ETs let an asteroid kill off the dinosaurs. A dangerous comet may be headed towards Earth.

7 - Mile-high Giants and Mrs. Hulk. Alien planets around other star systems. Aliens can bend light making their ships invisible. One-ton carrots and two-ton apples.

8 - Hurting the Robot’s Feelings. ET replicators can make tons of gold and diamonds. Building a giant mothership with robots. Ten-foot-tall cyborg looks and acts human.

9 - Do Aliens eat People? Carrot-shaped potato from another planet. US government seizes ET material. Alien walks through a wall. ETs drink 'elixir of the gods.'

10 - Ring-tone from Roswell. Frank investigates an ET artifact from Roswell crash. The aliens create antigravity using superconductors. Frank creates superconducting aluminum.

11 - War and Rumors of War. Aliens warn that millions of humans may suffer from what they call the “Great Accident.” Find out what is going to happen, so you can be prepared.

12 - H-Bombs and Sky-Fire. Disguised ETs are working within the Department of Defenses of many countries. Aliens blow up to Russian rockets to disable hydrogen bombs.

13 - Two Incinerated Planets. How an ancient civilization was destroyed on a planet beyond Mars. Description of the destruction of a planet in another star system.

14 - Trouble on Earth. Find out about refugees fleeing trouble in California. Automobiles will not run. The lights go out in New York City. Find out the details of what is going to happen.

15 - Blue Lightning and St. Elmo's Fire. Trouble with Earth’s nuclear reactors.  Vulnerabilities in the world’s electrical grid. Find out what happens when the lights go off.

16 - Rising Seas and Shifting Poles. Find out what will cause the polar ice caps to melt and oceans to rise. Hear how Earth’s geographic poles will slowly move toward Asia.

17 - Lifted off a Burning Planet. Find out more about what happens when Earth’s troubles begin. Learn out how millions of people will be lifted to safety aboard ET ships.

18 - Mopping up a Major Mess. How giant ET motherships will clean up the mess and pollution on Earth. How ETs will restock the planet with people, plants, and animals.

19 - Alien Tech for a New Earth. ETs will give us unlimited free energy, antigravity propulsion systems. People on the New Earth will fly around in flying saucers.

20 - Spirit, Mind, and Body. On the New Earth, people will commonly use telepathy and teleportation. The survivors will blend ET scientific and spiritual techniques.

21 - About the Authors.

22 - References.


Not copyrighted. Free to distribute.

Lamont Publishing Co., 2020

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Chapter 1 - Space Ships Passing in the Night


The aliens and ET contactees in this book want you to know that the Earth is entering a period of danger. The positive part is this. Many people may suffer through these coming troubles, but you and your family can be safe. This audiobook will tell you what to expect and how to avoid the worst. The uplifting news is that the ETs say when the dust settles – literally settles – we will have a far better planet that will seem heavenly compared to the world we live in today. This audiobook shares nearly 100 stories about what it is like to interact with the aliens. And, it explains why they are interested in helping. Most of them look on us as being like brothers and sisters. They are just taking care of family.  


Frank Paulson is an alien contactee who was born in northern California just south of the San Francisco Bay area. To protect his privacy, we are not using his real name. Frank got to personally know other contactees, including George Adamski, George Van Tassel, the Mitchell sisters, and Howard Menger. Frank was sometimes with them when they had ET sightings. On his own, Frank had face-to-face and telepathic meetings with the ETs dozens of times for more than 50 years. They specifically asked him to help spread the word that most of the ET races are here to help us, and he agreed.

Frank often gave talks to people who were interested in spirituality and UFOs. At the end of one lecture on a Friday night, Frank felt that this group of about 12 people was open to the Space People. He telepathically invited the ETs to show up. After getting an inner okay from the ETs, he said to the group, “Why don’t we go outside. I have a feeling we might see a saucer tonight.” Most had never seen one before, so they were hopeful and enthusiastic.

A light snow had fallen that day, and soon they were all outside standing in the dark in several inches of snow, looking up at the brilliantly clear moonless night sky. Everyone searched for about 10 minutes and saw nothing. Then, one of the group, Carol, pointed to the west and said excitedly, “There! Look at that! Is that a ship?”

Everyone turned to see a small bright light moving towards them along the foothills of the mountains. Somebody said, “Aw, it’s probably a plane.”

The light was about the size of Venus but quickly got larger. They could tell it was moving towards them but could not tell if it was an airplane.

Moving rapidly and growing larger, the light began to slow down and finally stopped to hover above a small mesa west of Frank’s house. It was about 200 feet or 60 meters away. The group grew silent, as they realized this was no airplane.

Slowly, the light began to descend, wobbling back and forth slightly until it was near the top of the mesa when it stopped. Within the surrounding bluish-white glow of the object, the group could easily see the distinct outline of a typical “flying saucer.” It was dome-shaped with a flanged body, looking like the combination of a bell stacked on an inverted bowl.

As everyone watched with rapt attention, a dark opening appeared in the ship, and a humanoid shape stepped out, silhouetted against the glowing ship. The dark form then walked to the left about one-quarter of the way around the saucer. Then, the ET stopped, turned and walked back to the ship, got in, and closed the door.

Mentally, Frank reached out and said, “Why don’t you come over. I think this group is receptive.”

Instantly, he got a telepathic answer, “We can’t. One of you is not ready.”

Surprised, Frank looked around at the group to see who they meant. About 10 feet to his left, his gaze fell on a local Protestant minister, who sometimes came to the spiritual meetings but was less interested when the talk turned to UFOs. The minister was staring intently at the ship with his face frozen in fear. Immediately, Frank realized that although the minister had seemed open-minded, he saw the UFO as the 'work of the devil.’ He was in a panic and wanted to run away.

“Maybe another time,” the ETs told Frank telepathically, as their ship slowly rose about 50 feet above the mesa, paused briefly, and then disappeared rapidly into space.

Several people in the group exhaled audibly and then began to chatter excitedly. Frank looked over at the minister to see a look of relief on his face.

The next morning, Frank invited back two people from the group, Carol and Ed, so that they could walk over and see where the ship landed. Previously, the ships Frank had seen always hovered above the ground, but this one looked like it may have physically landed. If so, he was curious to see if the ship left a depression in the snow.

There was one large rock visible near where the ship had come down, so Frank knew exactly where to go. As they walked up the mesa and to the landing site, Frank cautioned his two companions to step carefully so as not to disturb any evidence.

When they arrived at the spot, they immediately saw a curving trail of small footprints in the snow. The footprints began where the ET stepped off the saucer, curved one-quarter of the way around the ship, turned, and returned. No prints left the area in any direction except their own, matching what they had seen from the house the night before. And, there was no impression of the space ship in the snow. Using the radius of the curving footprints, Frank estimated the ship to have been about 50 feet across or about 15 meters.

Frank walked close to the footprints and motioned for his two companions to join him. The small narrow shoe prints had pointed toes but no visible raised heel, something like a bedroom slipper. The imprints showed subtle contours suggesting that the ET's feet had an arch like a human foot.

Frank stepped next to one of the footprints and then moved away, purposely leaving his footprints in the snow next to the ET’s. Frank weighed about 175 pounds or about 80 kilograms, and his imprint compressed the two inches of snow, just leaving a thin layer of ice on top of bedrock.

He pointed to both footprints and said, “Look at the difference!” The ET footprint was about two thirds as long as his and compacted only about one inch of snow. Frank’s print compressed all of it.

Frank motioned to Carol and said, "Come over and stand next to my prints." Carol weighed about 100 pounds or about 45 kilograms, and yet her footprint compressed the snow as much as Frank's and was longer than the ET’s.

Frank commented, “That ET probably was a Gray. It was smaller and lighter than any of us. Also, it probably had its antigravity belt activated.”

The hill never had a name before, but after that, they decided to call it ‘Space Mesa.’

Later, after telling John Lamont the story, Frank said, as he often did, “Don’t accept what I say on faith. Verify it, if possible.” So John did. Over the next few months, he talked to half of the people in the group, including Carol and Ed, who personally saw the footprints. With only minor variations, they told him the same details that Frank had.


A few years after the Space Mesa event, John attended a talk with about a dozen people on another Friday night. After it was over, Frank said, “Let’s go outside, and maybe we’ll see a ship.”

The group knew that Frank often was able to call in an ET ship, so, once outside, everyone looked up, eagerly scanning the skies. Before long, somebody pointed to an object in the air with red and green flashing lights and excitedly asked, "Is that one?"

A few people groaned out loud. They could all hear the engines of a small plane.

They went back to searching the sky and after about 5 minutes, Frank pointed to a tiny white light. It was smaller than the planet Venus, and it was crossing rapidly above us from east to west. The white dot gradually got smaller by about half, as if it were increasing in altitude.

Frank said, "That’s a ship. I often see them on Friday nights.”

He explained that some ETs were returning to their home bases, mostly on Mars and Venus. They had just finished a five-day work week on Earth, mainly in the military and defense industries. They were leaving and would return to Earth on Sunday night.

Tom found that funny and joked, “So after working 9 to 5, even ETs get Saturday night fever!” The group laughed, and Tom added, “John Travolta may be practicing disco moves on that ship right now!”

Pete said, “All joking aside, it looks like a satellite to me.”

Tom countered, “I’ve seen satellites, and that one’s moving far too fast.”

Frank continued, “Satellites don’t go higher and get smaller. And they don’t orbit in tandem, and these Friday-night ships usually travel two at a time. There should be another one any second now.”

When the first one disappeared, another white light showed up in the eastern sky at the same starting point. And, it was following the same track as the first.

Frank looked over at John and said, “Why don’t you time it.”

John quickly held up his watch to catch the light from the window and glanced back and forth at the secondhand as he traced the light's path across the sky with his finger.

After it disappeared behind the mountain, he said “It took about 8 seconds!”

Frank suggested, “You can use that to estimate the speed. I think you’ll find that those lights were moving a lot faster than any satellite.”

Fred was still skeptical and asked, “Why do they travel to another planet just for the weekend?”

Frank replied, “Well, they have family there. Also, for some, Earth’s chaos and negativity are hard to take. They need a break! And, of course, not all of them leave. Only a few.”

Ellen asked, “Why don’t they just teleport home.”

Frank said, "They usually do, but I asked them to show themselves tonight. And they did, so all of you could see them."

A little bit later, Frank reminded John to try calculating their speed, and so John went outside alone and stood in the same spot where he had stood earlier. The lights had appeared behind a tree and disappeared behind a mountain. So John held up his arms to the sky at about a 90° angle along the path of the lights. He guessed that the track of the ships was about 80°. That meant the ships had taken nearly 8 seconds to move across 80° of the sky.

After some research at home, John found that most satellites orbit about 160 miles up or 260 km, traveling at velocities of about 17,000 miles an hour or 27,400 km/h. A little math showed that if those lights were flying at the same altitude as satellites, their speed was an astounding 120,000 mph, equaling 193,000 km/h. That’s more than seven times faster than any known satellite or missile.

But, what about airliners, John thought. Plenty of them flew across that area, going back-and-forth from the East Coast to West Coast. After checking, he found that the cruising altitude for most of them is about 6 miles high or 9.6 km, and they travel at about 600 mph or 970 km/h. Using the same math, he calculated that if those two objects were 6 miles high, they traveled at more than 4500 mph or 7,200 km/h. That’s more than twice as fast as the world’s fastest known plane at that time, the SR-71 Blackbird. So it was not a high-flying airliner or military plane.

Next, John thought, what about small private planes flying at maybe 10,000 feet or about 3000 meters. He quickly realized that it didn't fit either. A private airplane would have been low enough for them to see the red and green navigation lights, and because it was a quiet night, they would have heard the engines. So the two lights were not small planes.

To sum it up, John knew of nothing on Earth that could move that fast. Of course, that doesn't prove they were ET ships. But John thought, if not ET, what else could they be? He had no answer. Strange as it seems, the best solution was what Frank had said. They were two ET ships traveling together and leaving Earth.


Later, on another night, John was part of a group of about ten people that had just ended one of our periodic meetings with Frank in a neighboring town. Here is his description.

“All of Frank's sessions were very inspiring. He had a unique talent for lifting people higher in consciousness, so when I went to stand outside and enjoy the nighttime sky, I felt very peaceful and spiritually high.

“Suddenly, I had the strong urge to look up, and as I did, I saw a bright, round faint light. It was stationary with no sound, and it seemed to be sparkling, although that’s not quite the right word. It was more like a piece of glowing opal. The light rapidly shimmered from bright white to faint yellow, red, blue, and purple. It cycled through all the colors of a prism in a slow random repeating sequence.

“There was a crescent moon that night, and by comparison, the object was about one third the diameter of a full Moon. Using a nearby hill for reference, I guessed the light to be 40-50 feet wide and about 400 to 500 feet in elevation, although it was hard to be sure in the dark.

“The light was so bright that I couldn’t see any detail that suggested it was a ship, but I guessed it might be. Frank always told us that if we see what we believe is a ship, we should mentally ask the ETs to give a signal. He said that they usually would because they don’t show up by accident. If you see an ET ship, it’s because they want you to see it.

“I concentrated intently on the object and sent out a thought, “Give me a sign!”

“Immediately, the light winked on and off three times within about three seconds, paused for a few seconds, and repeated the sequence.

“Then, the light stayed on and suddenly shot upwards without a sound, getting progressively smaller until it completely disappeared. There was absolutely no sense of acceleration. The light went from hovering at a standstill to extreme speed, apparently accelerating to many thousands of miles an hour. It disappeared in a split second.

“About 10 miles away at the same time as my sighting, Frank and five other people from the meeting were riding in two cars back to their homes in another town. Suddenly, ahead of them, they all saw two bright lights very close together at about the same altitude as my light. Except in their case, they could see the faint outlines of the two ships.

“Suddenly, it looked like a fireworks display went off beneath the ships. An exquisite, sparkling curtain of glowing golden particles of light cascaded slowly beneath the two ships and drifted down in a luminous waterfall. The light particles shimmered and flowed, like a curtain moving in a faint breeze. The stunning light show lasted for a few seconds, and then, the two ships zipped away and disappeared, just as mine had.

“Later, when I found out about the second sighting, I asked Frank why that happened. He said simply, "They know about our meetings and just wanted to let us know that they support us in our spiritual growth. When we move up in consciousness, they will gladly move down to meet us.”


Throughout this book, there are occasions when the ETs showed contactees TV-like scenes of past, present, and future events. On Earth, there are many types of TV programs. Documentaries, historical recreations, and fiction. Similarly, there are different types of ET programs.

One time, when Frank was taken aboard an ET ship, a tall blonde ET woman told him that there are three ways that the ETs can show contactees images of the past, present, or future. By 'time travel,' 'time reconstruction,' and 'time symbolism.'

She explained, “For ‘time travel,’ if we want to know what occurred at some point in time, we simply go backward or forward in time and find out. Any video you see of such events can be considered ‘real’ by Earth standards. It is not easy to explain how we travel this way, any more than we can describe antigravity. Even so, both are solidly based on the laws of this universe.

She continued, “The next type of video is ‘time reconstruction.’ It is based on the fact that the threads of your past are woven into the cloth of your future. You sometimes call this ‘karma.’ Our technology can collect these ‘threads’ so to speak, and predict what the ‘cloth’ will look like and display it on our monitors. Doing this is much like what you do in Hollywood. It is a computer-generation that looks realistic, but is not a factual recording of actual events. Time reconstruction is simply a high-accuracy prediction of the future. That future can change, but the closer you get to a future event, change is less likely.”

Then she said, “The last video type is ‘time symbolism.’ This type provides a symbolic or metaphorical version of some past, present, or future event and is not literal. Although people on Earth typically prefer logic, nearly all ET races think logic is not always the best way to understand the universe. So sometimes, we provide symbolic representations for you to view. We realize that sometimes it is difficult for you on Earth to tell the difference between the three. It is a learning process, and in the end, you are better off because you have developed your intuition to understand what we show you.”


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2 - The Alien Agenda

Some ET groups have been on Earth for thousands of years, and so are not technically 'extraterrestrial' any longer. Many are currently living and working among us on Earth, often in our defense industries, and can pass as humans. Others are living on Earth in secret bases that are underground or underwater. Most ETs say they come back and forth to Earth from bases on other planets in our Solar System. Less frequent ET visitors are here from planets around other suns in the Milky Way galaxy, from other galaxies, from different universes, and even from alternate dimensions. Some have come here from our future to warn us. Not all have physical bodies like us. Some are more ethereal. Whitley Strieber cautions that the ETs are not our enemies, but they are not necessarily our friends either.

So, what is it that the ETs want? Why are they coming here? The answers are just as varied as the races themselves, but they generally fall into several categories. Some ETs are simply casual space tourists, visiting and looking around. Those ETs are no different than humans who book passage on a cruise ship to unusual places. Or travel on safari to see exotic animals in their native habitat. The ‘space tourists’ generally appear hesitant to interact with us, seeming to view us as too unpredictable and dangerous. They prefer to observe at a distance, just as humans on safari are cautioned not to jump out of the Jeep and pet the lions – or humans walking through the zoo are warned not to feed the animals.

Other ET groups appear to be casual space scientists on expeditions to explore other planets, much like human explorers venturing into remote jungles on Earth. To them, we are simply curiosities to study. Just as humans occasionally mistreat wild animals, the ETs sometimes ‘trap’ us, more commonly known as abductions. Some of these races are particularly interested in physiology, reproduction, and hybridization, and others are interested in humans with psychic abilities. So, they take blood, tissue samples, DNA, sperm, and eggs for further study, and then they go back to their distant planets.

Then, there are the ‘bad aliens.’ Some ET races are more antagonistic than others, and we should rightfully be on guard. Occasionally, contactees run into the bad ones.

Frank told John, “The bad ETs are prevented from physically hurting humans, but they love to play mind tricks – it's like psychological warfare. The bad ETs will try to build up your ego by telling you how much better you are than other people. Or they will tell you that their race is superior to other ET races. If you run into ones like that, stay away – stay far away!”

Frank continued, "The good ETs look on us as being their equals, and they want to help us advance spiritually by getting rid of the ego, not by making it worse." He explained that ET societies are usually highly egalitarian, with only a loose hierarchy. The leaders are the ones that are most helpful, most humble, and most advanced spiritually. Even though the ETs who come here are far more technologically advanced than we are, the good ones don't look down on us. Instead, they see us as misguided younger sisters and brothers, who have forgotten our true nature and can use their help. In nearly all of the contactees’ experiences with ETs, the more advanced they are, the more likely they are to be accepting and supportive of less developed cultures like ours.

John was puzzled and asked Frank, "But if they are 'bad' aliens, what keeps them from hurting us physically as well as mentally?”

Frank said, “Just as on Star Trek, there really is a type of Prime Directive. He laughed and added, “Even though the Star Trek crew violated it on nearly every episode!”

He went on, “Even though there are bad aliens, they still fall under the Prime Directive that is enforced by extremely advanced, highly benevolent cultures, including the Gardeners. The bad ETs know enough not to fool around with the Gardeners.”

Frank continued, "Movies often portray ETs as being like cosmic outlaw gangs, riding around the galaxy raiding and invading other planets. Well, that's just Hollywood. Highly destructive races like that don't get to leave their planets. They get quarantined by more advanced civilizations until they get past their warlike tendencies. It’s the ET version of telling a child to ‘go to their room’ until they learn how to behave."

John stopped him. “So, why do the bad ETs get to come here at all?”

Frank explained, “Well, the Prime Directive gives them some amount of freedom. It doesn’t keep the bad ETs from doing some bad things – they just can't kill people on Earth and take over the planet. They can kill people on their own planet or group of planets – they just can't do it to other civilizations."

He paused for a moment and then continued, "Now, that doesn't mean they can't cause a lot of trouble – they can, and they do. Here's an analogy. Let's say I'm a bad guy, and I drive to a nearby town and beat up someone. The police will lock me up.”

John was confused. "I'm not sure where you're going with this."

“Patience,” Frank said. “Okay, let’s say I convince you that some evil low-lifer in a nearby town is plotting to murder you and your family. Even though it is a lie, you panic, drive over, and beat up the guy. After that, the police will lock you up. But will they lock me up? No – I didn’t attack him.”

Frank paused for a moment to let that sink in. “The ETs can’t come here and kill people, but they can convince people here to do a lot of bad things. The Prime Directive allows them to do that.”

John responded, “Well, that’s mean-spirited.”

Frank shrugged and said, “That’s the way it is in our sometimes not-so-benevolent universe.”


The contactees tell us that a few races are semi-permanently here to help us. Like teachers on our planet, they enjoy being part of the advancement of younger civilizations, just as more advanced civilizations helped their cultures. Several races, including the Nordics and Grays, say they are here to protect us from ourselves, if possible. More specifically, they are trying to keep us from blowing up our planet, which would, to put it mildly, be catastrophic.

Visiting ET races are acutely aware of the dangers of a higher civilization sharing their advanced technology and understanding with a more primitive culture, causing severe disruptions. To avoid serious problems, they look at their interactions with us as a gradual teaching process. Part of that process is to gradually show themselves to more and more people so that we get used to having them around and are no longer afraid.

Most contactees say the ETs tell them that when the day is right, there will be official open contact between Earth's governments and the ETs. The contactees in this book and many others say that the ETs are showing themselves so that there will eventually be an open exchange of ideas with humanity.

One thing is clear – the ETs are not here to invade Earth or to enslave humans. If that were true, the immensely superior technology of just one of their ships could probably defeat all the world’s military in less than a few hours. So, despite the warlike claims of some of Earth’s military leaders, the ETs have no intention of taking over the Earth, or they would have done it long ago.

Many UFO writers report something similar to the Prime Directive. For example, Orfeo Angelucci wrote about this conversation with one ET, who said, "Cosmic law actively prevents one planet from interfering with the evolution of any other planet. Earth must work out its own destiny! We will do everything in our power to aid the people of Earth, but we are definitely and greatly limited by cosmic law.”


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3 - Trickster Grays

Frank told John that in many contacts with the ETs, he mostly saw human-looking Nordics, meaning that they looked like blond-haired people from Scandinavia. He also occasionally saw tall dark ETs from Saturn, small dark-haired humanoids, and short Grays, the most commonly reported ET type. Both George Adamski and Howard Menger said that the Grays travel to Earth from small permanent bases on Mars and that the Nordics are mainly from small bases on Venus.

Dozens of contactees report face-to-face meetings with ET races of different types, including bizarre ones. Some people have seen 7-foot-tall humanoid-like reptilians with scaly skin and slit-like pupils. Others have seen 15-foot-tall humanoid-like mantids that look like praying mantises with stick-like legs and arms and three claw-like fingers on each hand.

Frank saw multiple civilizations on other planets and said that the ETs in most advanced cultures that he saw were humanoid. That is, they had two eyes, two legs, and two arms, although they had highly variable skin textures and colors. Preston Dennett reported dozens of interviews with contactees, who also described ETs as humanoid, with some relatively minor differences. Upright-walking humanoids seem to be the most common body pattern across the universe, possibly because walking on two legs frees up arms for manipulating objects.

Most contactees describe the Grays as having grayish skin, as their name implies. They typically range in height from about 3.5 feet to 5 feet. They have oversized heads, pointed chins, large almond-shaped black eyes, slender legs, long skinny arms, and three-fingered hands. They typically have no apparent ears but have small noses and narrow slit-like mouths without lips.

Their arms and legs appear spindly because they spend a lot of time in the low gravity of space and because they evolved on a planet with lower gravity than Earth. They simply don't need large muscles and have lost them of millions of years. Besides, they have long been able to control gravity on their ships, adjusting it lower to be more comfortable, and therefore, they need fewer muscles.

It is rare to find accounts that the Grays speak or make any other vocal sounds. Instead, they always seem to communicate telepathically. There is some question about whether they even have vocal cords. It's the old use-it-or-lose-it principle. They don't need vocal cords, and so they have disappeared.

Contactees typically describe the Grays as wearing one-piece skin-tight bodysuits that seem tightly molded to their bodies, so that some observers consider them to be nude. If so, no contactees have reported Grays with genitals or nipples, consistent with eyewitness accounts that the Grays usually appear to be androgynous. However, there are occasional reports of gender differences. For example, Dennett reports that several contactees saw what they interpreted as a female Gray.

Some writers claim the Grays reproduce through cloning, which is not entirely accurate, according to Frank. The major drawback to cloning is the lack of genetic diversity so that if a particularly virulent epidemic occurs, a cloned species has too little genetic variability to survive. So, the Grays don't use cloning the way we think of it. Instead, they extract genetic information from two or more individuals and combine them outside the body. They don't need sperm or eggs to do that – they accomplish it using normal cells.

In general, the ET races have different tendencies. The Grays never seem to express emotions with contactees, and instead are typically analytical and rational. They are the ones that most often seem to abduct people, who frequently describe them as appearing to lack compassion during their investigations. Similarly, one ET from Saturn was aloof and distant, much like the Grays, except more so. On the other hand, the Nordics tend to be much friendlier and more compassionate.

 It is common for the Grays to tell an abductee, “Don’t be scared. We’re not going to hurt you”. However, they sometimes perform medical examinations that can be painful. Most of the time, however, the pain is brief and minimal, no worse than a bee sting or getting a shot from a doctor.

Many contactees report that among all the ET races, the Grays are the ones most interested in human genetics and reproduction. Some claim the Grays are creating half-human, half-Gray hybrids that they are raising on board ships or bases within our Solar System. In one encounter on an ET ship, a contactee described a room full of “giant bell-jars with babies growing in them.” The fetuses appeared to be human-Gray hybrids.

The contactees report several reasons the Grays are doing human reproductive research. First, they claim they are unable to breed the way we do and are conducting experiments to produce fertile hybrids. Second, they are concerned that the upcoming Earth Changes and war on our planet will be so severe that the human race will become sterile. At worst, humans may become extinct. To prepare for that possibility, they conduct genetic engineering to produce a new breed of hybrids that is better adapted to our planet after the Earth Changes. Also, they store humankind's DNA to preserve the original non-hybridized species, if it is ever needed in the future. Some reports claim that the Grays also are cataloging and storing the DNA of many of Earth’s animals and plants for future use, if needed. It’s a modern-day version of Noah’s Ark, except with DNA instead of actual animals.

Some of the ET races, including the Nordics and Grays, have reputations for being 'tricksters' and riddlers. They have a child-like sense of humor and enjoy putting humans in puzzling or confusing situations that require problem-solving. Whitley Strieber mentions that the Grays who visit him like to create "friction" in their interactions with humans. It seems to be their way of teaching. These descriptions remind us of folk stories about leprechauns, also called the 'little people.' They pose riddles to unsuspecting humans as a way of tricking them. Could those old folktales have arisen because people in the past came face-to-face with trickster Grays?


Max Frazier, another ET contactee, met the Grays many times. We don’t use his real name to protect his privacy. Max grew up in a hunting family in the woods along the Mississippi River in Iowa and learned to be an expert marksman at an early age. As a teenager, he enlisted in the U.S. Army, where his talents with a rifle were quickly recognized, winning him many shooting metals and promotions. He volunteered for multiple tours in Vietnam and was sometimes deployed alone behind enemy lines, where dangerous conditions often strained his survival skills to the limit.

One day, after being honorably discharged from the Army, Max was trying to relax on the beach in France, but he was struggling with his transition to civilian life. He missed the regimen of military life but was gradually adapting.

That’s when Max first met the ETs. He knew nothing about UFOs and, frankly, didn't have the slightest bit of interest. After being in the Army, he felt that something was real only if you could see it through a rifle's scope.

Max had almost dozed off on the beach when something shaded the sun from his face. He opened his eyes to see standing around him half a dozen 4-foot-tall, spindly, gnome-like humanoids with grayish skin. After years of jungle combat, he instantly went into full-alert combat mode. Immediately, the ETs telepathically assured him, "We are not here to hurt you."

Max was thoroughly surprised to be hearing voices in his head. He thought maybe he had been out in the sun too long and was hallucinating.

Reading his mind, the Grays told him, “We are just as real as the people on this beach.”

Max glanced around him. Several people were lounging about 10 feet away on either side of him but were not paying the slightest attention to these strange little gray creatures. He wondered, “If these little people are real, why don't other people see them?"

He warily asked, “What do you want?”

One of the Grays responded mentally, “We want you to help us get out the story about civilizations on other planets.”

Max thought about that for a moment. He really didn't care whether or not ET civilizations existed, and so, he countered, “Why would I do that?”

One Gray responded, “It will be good for you and others to know. Your planet is soon to experience terrible catastrophes, and we are here to warn anyone who will listen. Only a few will.”

“Why are you asking me?” Max responded.

“You are listening to us, but most humans will not," they answered.

Having just experienced violent combat in Vietnam, Max sometimes worried whether the human race would survive the seemingly never-ending wars. So, what they asked made sense to him. Thinking about the Grays’ offer, Max didn’t agree but didn’t say no either.

Changing the subject, one Gray showed him a mental image, like a photograph, of a pretty woman with a friendly smile and told him, "This is the woman you will meet and marry."

Max was a little miffed and replied sternly, “Well, that’s none of your business, is it?”

They responded, “You will like her. Remember this meeting when you see her for the first time. We will see you again.” With that, the Grays simply vanished.

As startled to see them leave as to arrive, Max was confused. Eventually, he dismissed the meeting as a daydream and put it out of his mind. Then, about a year later, the Grays’ prediction came true. He met, recognized, and eventually married the woman in the mental image they showed him.

Not long afterward, the Grays showed up again to begin a decade-long association with Max, involving multiple face-to-face contacts and many trips on ET ships, some of which we have described in this book.


Years later, the Grays’ prankish mentality became clear to Max one night, not long after midnight. Four Grays landed their small ship in a vacant lot and crossed the street to Max’s house in a small town in Iowa. Max told Sarah that he had watched them do this several times and always wondered how they got across the highway without being seen. Max finally concluded that, just as on the beach in France, he was the only one that could see them.

This time, Max didn't see them because he was asleep. Since serving in the jungles of Vietnam, Max had always been a light sleeper. He had trained himself to be in constant survival mode so that he could jump from deep sleep into action at a moment's notice – it was life or death in the jungle. Through quick response, he had lived through many nighttime attacks by poisonous spiders, venomous snakes, and Vietcong assassins.

After crossing the street, the four Grays entered Max’s bedroom and one of them, true to their nature as ‘tricksters,’ tickled Max’s wrist to wake him up. Startled, Max switched into survival mode. Instantly, he grabbed the Gray’s arm and tossed it through the air across the room, where it crashed headfirst into the wall. The other Grays quickly stepped back out of Max's reach and tried to calm him down, saying, “Relax. It’s just us!”

The one who tickled his arm got up off the floor, rubbing its head, and said telepathically, “We didn’t realize you are so strong!”

Max looked up at them and said, sternly, “Don’t ever do that again!” And they didn’t.


Other writers have mentioned the Grays’ trickster mentality. Whitley Strieber describes how the Grays woke him up every night for years by blowing on the back of his hand or face, and sometimes even kissing him. In another trickster incident, Strieber woke up suddenly when the Grays pinched his right nipple and shook it. Not the most pleasant way to wake up, but the trickster Grays seem to enjoy surprising humans.


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4 - Nordic Gods and Goddesses

The second most commonly described ET race is the “Nordic” one, called that because they usually are blonde-haired and blue-eyed. They have been described the same way in remote parts of the world by contactees who were so isolated that they had never read any UFO books or previously seen any Nordic photos or descriptions. Contactees almost universally describe the Nordics as being in their late 20s, and unlike the more cerebral Grays, they are generally friendlier towards contactees.

Of the ET races, the Nordics are the ones most commonly described as looking like us, and most often, they are the ones that work on Earth, posing as humans. In the 1950s, George Adamski and Howard Menger wrote that the Nordics come back and forth to Earth from hidden bases on Venus. Another report says that the Nordics traveled to Edwards Air Force Base in the 1950s to meet with Eisenhower and other US government officials. Other ETs approached Churchill, Stalin, and other world leaders. It seems that the Nordics offered ET technology to the major world governments if they would dismantle all nuclear weapons. Reportedly, Eisenhower refused, but still wanted alien technology. The ETs declined, fearing that the US would use it to develop even more destructive weapons.

Kevin, a contactee, says one ET told him that at least four different ET races work closely with all major governments on the planet. They have been doing so for many years, and will only give us their technology a little bit at a time. They don’t want us to use it to destroy each other.

Contactees report Nordic men to be of similar heights as humans, ranging from about 5.5 feet to over 6 feet tall, and the women are about 5.5 feet to just under 6 feet tall. They typically have Caucasian-like skin colors, with one Nordic described as having a "medium-colored suntan.” Both sexes often have long blonde hair, but it can run the full range of colors from blonde to black and be short or long.”

The Nordics, like the Grays, are typically described as wearing one-piece jumpsuits that can be either form-fitting or somewhat loose, covering them from neck to toe. Their suits usually are seamless with no buttons, pockets, zippers, or other openings. Often, when the Nordics put small objects into their jumpsuits, a formerly invisible pocket-like opening appears and then closes seamlessly after the object is inserted. The ETs say they can take apart the atoms of their clothing and reassemble them.

Unlike the typically asexual Grays, the Nordics commonly appear as movie-star-like handsome men and beautiful women. Many contactees report that the Nordic women have shapely forms with rounded hips and breasts. However, although they appear as different genders, it is unclear whether they have sex organs since no contactee has reported seeing any Nordics nude. Frank thought the Nordics did not have functioning sex organs but simply had a preference for bodies with either a masculine or feminine appearance. A few abductees report having been sexually seduced aboard ET ships by human-looking aliens, but none described them as being Nordics or Grays.

Frank never saw any Nordic or Gray children. When he asked them about reproduction, the Nordics told him that almost no advanced space-traveling ET civilizations have sexual intercourse and give birth “the way the animals do” on Earth.

The ETs explained that birth to them is more like teleportation. Nordic men and women may choose to live as couples for their spiritual growth, and they can be together for many hundreds of years. When a couple decides to have a 'child,' they materialize a young teenage-looking body the way they materialize their ships. He explained that at the moment of birth for humans, the spirit enters and takes control of the human body when the baby draws its first breath. It's similar for the ETs, he said, except that they materialize a nearly full-grown body and invite the spirit into the body to take its first breath. To Frank, that seemed like a better way – no painful childbirth, no dirty diapers.


Like the Grays, the Nordics reportedly have a 'trickster' mentality and enjoy playing what some humans call practical jokes. Other writers have mentioned their "deadpan" humor. Frank experienced this one time while driving his car to a UFO meeting in a nearby town.

As Frank drove along in the early evening with the radio on, he was thinking about what he would talk about, when the headlights began alternately flashing – left, right, left, right, continuously. He reached down to the dash and turned off the lights, but they continued flashing. Deciding that the car had an electrical problem, Frank wondered how safe it was to drive at night.

“Oh well,” he thought. “I’ll have to go to the mechanic tomorrow.”

Then, suddenly he heard on the radio, “News flash! We interrupt this program …” But then, the radio went dead.

“Oh, great!” Frank thought, “Now the radio, too!”

But then the radio voice continued, "Hello, Frank."

He was thoroughly surprised that his radio was talking to him, but then, he recognized the familiar voice of one of the Nordics.

He said, “So, you’re the one fooling around with my headlights.”

The Nordic laughed, "Don't worry – they're working fine now. We have news for you." And then, he gave Frank new information for the people in Frank's talk that night.

Frank had long been aware of the Nordics’ trickster nature, so he was not particularly surprised about the headlights and radio. However, this was the first time he realized that their technology was so advanced that they could take control of his car radio and talk to him. It was even more surprising that they could hear him reply through a radio that didn’t have a microphone!


In another example of Nordic trickery, Frank had been traveling, and after a long day on the road, he finally crawled into the motel bed after midnight. He had just started to drift off when the TV set suddenly turned on. Some TV sitcom was playing, and the volume was deafening. Afraid that he would wake up the guests in the rooms next door, Frank fumbled in the dark for the remote, clicked the TV set off, and pulled the covers up again.

As he began to relax, the TV turned back on, but there was a different program on, some sports show. As before, the volume was loud. Annoyed with the faulty TV, Frank sat up, clicked the TV off again with the remote. Then, he got up, walked over, and yanked the TV electrical plug from the wall socket.

“That should take care of it,” he thought, as he made a mental note to complain to the manager in the morning.

Before he could get back into bed, the unplugged TV set flickered back on, and a voice said, "Hello, Frank. Having TV troubles?”

Startled, Frank jerked his head around toward the TV set to see the familiar face of one of his Nordic contacts. The Nordic had a faint smile and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying his trick.

Irritated, Frank said, "How about letting a guy get some sleep!"

The Visitor said, "In a minute. You will want to hear this." And then, the Nordic gave Frank directions to meet with them in the woods the next day for a trip on one of their ships.

Once again, the Nordics had demonstrated their superior technology. They could talk to him through an unplugged TV set, and they could also hear him through an unplugged set with no microphone.

Something similar was described by Howard Menger, who wrote that one of the ETs also spoke to him through his car radio. And Preston Dennett describes one contactee, who reported that his TV sets started turning on and off by themselves. Sometimes, when he passed a TV, the sound would go up high, or when he passed a radio, the volume would go higher by itself. All these are examples of the aliens’ child-like way of doing things – they seem to like to surprise us.


Here's another example of the Nordics' ability to control our technology with ease. As Frank was driving his car through a rural part of New York State, the Nordics telepathically asked if he wanted to meet them at a ship in a secluded area.

He responded, "Of course! How do I get there?"

The Nordic answered, "It is easier to take you."

To Frank's surprise, the steering wheel started moving on its own without his control. His immediate reaction was that something was wrong with the car, and he tried to correct it by forcefully turning the steering wheel.

“Relax!” The Nordic told him, “We will take you there. Just enjoy the ride.”

Frank took his hands off the wheel after that. The Nordics drove the car nearly 15 miles down the highway, making several turns until they reached a dirt road into the forest. That part of New York State had lots of hills, and the ETs would accelerate the car going up hills and apply the brakes going down. Curious, Frank looked down to see the brake pedal and accelerator moving up and down on their own. He was no more than a passenger sitting in the driver’s seat.

Frank’s ‘driverless’ car went another 10 miles before the car slowed and then stopped. As Frank watched in amazement, the key rotated itself in the ignition, and the engine went off. Frank was impressed by the breadth of the Space People’s distant control of things on Earth.

Howard Menger described a similar event, writing, “I had suddenly lost control of my car, and realized it was being driven for me by some higher intelligence.”

Preston Dennett also relates a case where a contactee named Ramon was driving home one night. Without warning, he said, “They took control of the car. I had no control. The damn thing was going 90 miles an hour.” They never told Ramon why they did it. Possibly, it was just to demonstrate their out-of-this-world technical abilities to him so he could tell others.


As impressive as it is for the ETs to control our technology, they also sometimes demonstrate a remarkable ability to enhance human senses. This enrichment was evident one moonless night when Frank was driving down the highway with Art, who sometimes accompanied Frank to meet the ETs.

In a car on the way to rendezvous with a Nordic ship, Frank suddenly leaned closer to look at the rearview mirror. Turning to Art, he said, "Someone is following us.”

Art turned his head to see the headlights of a car about a mile or two back.

Doubtful, Art said, “Aw, it could be anybody.”

Frank said, "It isn’t just anybody. The Space People just warned me."

After that, Frank made four or five quick random turns on the highway, and every time, the car behind turned to follow them, always keeping the same distance. When they slowed down, it slowed too. When they sped up, the other vehicle did too.

Being followed was not particularly unusual for Frank. Because of his frequent contacts with the ETs, he had attracted the attention of the US government, who occasionally sent agents to follow him. On this night, Frank did not want the government to follow them.

They were speeding down the country backroad at about 60 miles an hour, when Frank suddenly said to Art, “Hold onto your hat! Let's lose them.”

With that, Frank reached down and turned off the car headlights. Instantly the road, the trees, everything outside the car disappeared into the darkness. It was pitch black with no moonlight.

“What the hell are you doing?” Art asked, worried they would crash.

Racing along the highway at breakneck speed, they could only see inside the car.

Frank said evenly, "Just wait. The Space People will take care of it."

Just after he said that, the road ahead and woods around them changed. They entered a twilight world. Not like full sunlight, but more like a full moon. They could see everything easily.

The weird thing was that the trees were translucent – ghostly. As the car sped past nearby trees, he could see right through them to the trees behind. Everything shimmered. Faintly lit – like x-ray vision.

Frank asked, “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”

Amazed, Art responded, “Yeah. This is really weird!”

Frank said excitedly, “This is just like Superman. X-ray vision, right?” They both laughed at the thought of having superpowers.

Frank stomped the accelerator to the floorboards, and the car sped up – 60, 65, 70, 75 miles an hour. Ordinarily, Frank would have been worried, but he wasn’t now – they could easily see the road with their twilight-like x-ray vision.

As their car raced down the road, the vehicle following them also sped up, but they gradually pulled ahead. Then suddenly, they came to a curve on the highway.

Frank said, “Hold on tight!”

Art grabbed the armrest on the door.

As they zoomed around the curve, Frank suddenly jammed on the brakes, jerked the steering wheel hard right, skidded, and continued down an unpaved forest dirt road in a cloud of dust. He drove rapidly about 50 yards in the twilight and pulled off the dirt road behind a big pine tree.

They both turned to look behind them. The car following them raced past without turning. They waited about 10 minutes to be sure that the car didn’t come back. It didn’t. Frank cautiously drove back to the highway and drove back the opposite direction to meet the ET ship. They had lost the government men.

Frank had already seen the ETs use extrasensory perception many times as part of their day-to-day lives, but this was the first time he realized that the ETs could transfer those abilities to humans. After that, Frank found that his x-ray vision would come and go unpredictably.

Astonishingly, sometimes Frank could look right through the ghostly walls of a building and see the people inside. The walls and the people were translucent, just like in an x-ray image.

At first, Frank’s occasional x-ray vision was novel and exciting, but at other times, he saw things that he didn't particularly want to see. He realized that people often do strange things at home when they think they have privacy, like some unusual sexual relations. Frank felt he was invading their privacy. So, he asked the Nordics to take away his x-ray ability, and they did. Later, when Frank occasionally had a life-or-death need, his ghostly x-ray vision would reappear. But it only happened when he truly needed it.



In a similar incident, Dennett wrote that Kevin, a contactee, said that once when he was aboard an ET ship, he was able to look through the wall of the ship. He also could see through the wall of a nearby building on Earth. As if watching an x-ray image, he saw ghostly I-beams, air conditioning and heating ducts, water pipes, and electrical conduits. X-ray-like, he saw his father sitting at his desk at work, three or four rooms deep in the building. This is another case showing that the aliens can pass their unusual abilities directly to humans.


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5 - ‘Basketball Player’ from Saturn

Frank most often interacted with Nordics and Grays, but occasionally he encountered other ET species. One night in Northern California, Frank was giving a UFO talk, and as he often did, he telepathically invited the ETs to show up for the group. The ETs responded by saying that most people in the group were not ready to meet them face-to-face. After the meeting, Frank quietly approached Elizabeth and Eva, two women who had seen ET ships before. He invited them to go with him to meet the ETs in a secluded wooded area nearby.

After a 15-minute drive, they got out of their car and walked through thick underbrush into the woods. After a few minutes, they saw the pulsating whitish-blue glow of a small saucer-like ship descend from the sky and hover above the ground about 150 feet away. Using the trees silhouetted in front of the spaceship for comparison, Frank estimated it to be about 40-50 feet wide.

As they walked close to the ship, an oval-shaped door opened like an iris, and they could see two ETs in the doorway. One was a 6-foot-tall Nordic man and the other was a Nordic woman about five and a half feet tall. The two ETs came out of the ship, floated to the ground, and walked towards him.

When the third ET came through the door, Frank saw that it was much different. He estimated it to be about 8 feet tall with grayish skin and a long angular somewhat humanoid face. The tall ET seemed to float a little above the ground with a long robe that extended over its feet, although Frank couldn't be sure that it had any feet.

“Wow,” Frank said. He was impressed with its size, “That guy would make a terrific basketball player – eight feet tall and can float on air!”

Frank walked forward after motioning for Elizabeth and Eva to stay behind temporarily. He knew that some people often are afraid of meeting the ETs. The two Nordics greeted Frank telepathically, but the tall ET was distant and made no contact. The Nordic male told Frank that they had come from a base on Venus and that the tall ET was from a base ship orbiting Saturn.

As Frank watched, the Nordic female reached down and lightly touched a knob-like device on her belt. It was several inches wide, silvery, and metallic-looking.

Frank wondered what she was doing, and she answered telepathically, "Sometimes, Earth's gravity is uncomfortable for us when we first leave our ship. I was adjusting it lower."

Still curious, Frank asked, “How much lower?”

She responded, "I prefer it to be closer to the gravity of your Moon."

Frank remembered the US moon landings, where the astronauts were hopping around under the Moon’s low gravity, which is about 1/6 that of Earth. He could see why that would be more comfortable.

Frank asked them if it was okay for the two women to walk forward. The Nordics’ said okay, so Frank turned and motioned for the two of them to walk toward them.

To everyone’s surprise, Eva walked up to the ET group and continued walking right through the tall Saturnian as if it weren’t there. The tall ET showed no reaction, and no one else mentioned it.

The two women greeted the ETs verbally. The two Nordics responded telepathically, and they all heard it, but once again, the Saturnian didn't respond.

Afterward, Frank questioned Elizabeth and Eva. They both mentioned seeing the two Nordics, but Eva, the lady who walked through the alien, was the only one who had not seen the Saturnian. She was puzzled and irritated that the others thought there were three ETs. She insisted there were only two Nordics.

Later, Frank explained why many people like Eva, don't see ETs and their ships when they are in front of them. Most ETs, although living in our physical universe, function at a higher rate of vibration than we do, and so they are invisible to us. That’s the same way that dark matter and dark energy are part of our physical universe, but invisible to us. In order to see most ETs, they have to move down in vibration, and simultaneously, we have to step up to higher consciousness – something like going high in meditation. They can always see us from their higher vibration, but we can only see them under the right conditions. For the two women, Elizabeth was able to move up, but Eva could not go high enough. Frankly, the ethereal Saturnian didn't seem interested in seeing any of them anyway. Kind of an ET snob.


In this account by Frank, the ETs appeared to come out of the ship through an iris-like door. Among ET reports, it is common to read descriptions of ET doors and windows that almost magically open without any moving parts. This iris effect is an essential clue to alien technology.

Orfeo Angelucci wrote, “I saw the walls appeared to be noiselessly moving to close the aperture to the outside. In a few seconds, the door had vanished, with no indication that there had ever been an entrance.”

Howard Menger wrote, "The blond man went to the wall of the craft where we had entered, passed his hand over a pulsating blue light to the right, and again the invisible door opened out of nowhere. He beckoned, and I got up quickly and walked to the opening. Again, he passed his hand over the blue light, and the door disappeared.”

Menger described another similar incident, "Soon, an opening appeared on a flange around the bottom of the craft. It is difficult to describe the opening because it wasn't there one moment, and the next moment it was. The best I can describe it is to compare it to the opening of an iris in a camera lens." Later, he saw a ramp to one of the saucer-like ships being retracted, and after it did, an iris-like door closed behind it.

So, how did the ETs do this? How do doorways just seem to open magically. Whitley Strieber writes that one of the ETs told him the answer: “We rearrange atoms.” The Nordics told Frank the same thing. British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke said it best: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."


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6 - Gardeners and Giant Scorpions

In one of his UFO meetings, Frank related how myths and legends of cultures all over the world describe seeing ET-like beings. Here’s how John described the meeting.

Jim, a man in the group, asked Frank, "How long have the ETs been coming to Earth.”

John expected Frank to say maybe tens of thousands of years. Instead, he surprised him by saying, "Oh, about four and a half billion years."

“What?” Jim responded in disbelief. “That’s the age of the Earth. Why would they have come here – there was no life on Earth then?”

Frank replied, “That’s the point. When the Earth was able to support life, they brought life here. They’re ‘gardeners.’ Just like gardeners on Earth except on a cosmic scale. They’re known as the ‘Gardener race’ because they travel around the universe looking for planets that have evolved enough to support life. When they find one, they plant the 'seeds of life’ and let them grow."

John was astonished, and a dozen questions raced through his mind. Frank explained that the Gardener race is one of the most ancient and advanced of all the ET races, billions of years old, far older than the Nordics and Grays.

Frank said, "Because they are so advanced, it's difficult for humans to relate to them. Humans may plan for years at a time, or decades at most, but the Gardeners make plans millions and billions of years in advance."

“They don’t have bodies either, at least not the way we think of bodies.” He continued, “I’ve never seen any Gardeners myself, but the Nordics tell me that billions of years ago the Gardeners were more like us, but they’ve evolved far beyond that now. They’re wispier and more ethereal.”

Fran, an older woman in the group, complained, “I’m having enough trouble using this human body to do gardening. How do they do it with wispy bodies?” Everyone laughed.

Frank smiled and said, “Mentally – by thought alone. All of you know that the Nordics and Grays materialize things out of thin air using their technology. The next step higher is to do it by thought, and that's the way the Gardeners do it. They don't need technology – or arms, for that matter. They simply imagine something, they think it, and it happens. They don’t need ships to get around either, although they have wispy ships, too. They can travel in their wispy ships at far faster than the speed of light. Or they can simply teleport across the universe. To human beings, they appear to be benevolent Gods, and I guess, in a sense, they are.”

Frank continued, “When the conditions on a planet are right, they introduce DNA and the other necessary raw materials for getting life started. It’s kind of like leaving blueprints for self-assembly of lifeforms.

“You’ve heard the old saying that a gardener doesn’t plant a seed and dig it up every day to see how it’s growing,” Frank explained that it’s the same with the Gardeners. “After they plant the seeds of life on some planet, they come back periodically to check on things, say every hundred million years. But mostly they don’t interfere. They just let evolution run its course.”

From college biology classes, John knew that scientists think life arose from the accidental combination of chemicals in the 'primordial soup.' He brought this up to Frank.

“Well, to put it simply, they’re wrong,” Frank said. “A few intuitive scientists believe in what’s called ‘panspermia,’ It's the idea that life hitchhiked to Earth on comets and asteroids. If you accept that comets can do that, it's not much of a jump to accept that ET civilizations also can do it. And it’s not just the Gardeners. When a planet has evolved enough to be habitable, some race of ETs will likely show up to colonize it. Most people think humans evolved from apes, but that’s not true. The ancestors of humans actually came to Earth from the stars. As a matter of fact, that’s also where apes came from – the stars.”

Fred, who was often skeptical, said, “Okay, let me play Devil’s Advocate. So, we have two ideas. The first one, life on Earth was a slow happy accident. Second one, the Gardeners did it. Is there any evidence one way or the other?”

“Two words: Cambrian Explosion,” Frank responded. “Look it up. That's just one of the times that the Gardeners seeded the Earth with life.”

Later, John did an online search and found that about 540 million years ago, there was life in the world's oceans, but most of it was microscopically small. The largest plants and animals were only about the size of a fingernail.

Then suddenly, everything changed. Scientists call it the Cambrian Explosion because the oceans suddenly 'exploded' with a weird array of bizarre creatures that were up to 3-6 feet long (1-2 m). There were big spiky worms like centipedes, huge scorpion-like creatures, and six-foot-long ancestors of crabs and spiders, along with a bewildering array of other plants and animals. All the main groups of animals that we know today suddenly appeared.

The problem is that for some of them, there were no predecessors. How did they show up so suddenly? How did they evolve? Evolutionary scientists say that so many varieties of plants and animals cannot have appeared over such a short interval through evolution alone. The explosion was so abrupt that it bewildered Charles Darwin, the father of evolution. The Cambrian Explosion simply did not fit his theory of evolution slowly at work.

When John continued the discussion later, Frank said, “Darwin couldn’t explain the Cambrian Explosion, because he didn’t know about the Gardeners. Even so, Darwin was partially correct. Darwinian evolution took over after the Gardeners left. Evolution is a fundamental law of the universe, but it is slow and plodding, making gradual changes over long periods."

“The real story is that every once in a while, evolution is punctuated by some highly unusual event that suddenly pushes life forward in a great leap. Whether it’s the Gardeners, other ETs, comets, asteroids, or supervolcanoes, all of them can suddenly jumpstart life in a new direction.”

Frank continued, "But the Gardeners don't just plant seeds – they protect the garden. Like an Earth gardener protecting her garden from an aphid attack, the Gardener race has protected Earth from all kinds of attacks. They have deflected asteroids and comets, and they have kept bad alien races from taking over the planet."

“And that's not all. At the end of a season, a human gardener will plow up her garden to prepare for the next season’s crops. The Gardener race does that too."

Frank looked at John and asked, “You know about the dinosaurs – right? Well, the Gardeners 'plowed the garden.’ Their season was over."

John knew the story well. As a kid, he had been fascinated with dinosaurs and how a 10-mile-wide asteroid had smashed into Mexico. The violent impact tossed millions of tons of dust, debris, and soot into the atmosphere and started fires across most of the planet – almost all species of dinosaurs when extinct.

Surprised to hear a new twist to an old story, John responded, “You mean the ETs purposely sent an asteroid to kill the dinosaurs?”

Frank replied “Well, maybe not exactly on purpose.” “It could be that it was already heading towards Earth, and they looked the other way. They could have stopped it, but didn't. The ETs told me that they and the Gardeners have stopped asteroids and comets from hitting Earth in the past. Their technological abilities are so great that they can easily vaporize a comet. Or bump it into a different path that misses Earth. Or push an asteroid to hit Earth, if it's time to 'plow up' the garden."

John asked whether the ETs have had a hand in every global catastrophe throughout Earth’s long history.

Frank responded, “Of course, not all of them. But a lot of them, in one way or another. They either cause them or look the other way and let them happen. Humans mistakenly think that global disasters are random and accidental, that we're locked inside some cruel random cosmic shooting gallery with no protection, but that’s simply not true. Nothing of major consequence for Earth ever happens by accident. One way or another, the ETs were involved and almost always will be involved in the future. It's nice to know that they are looking out for us – kind of like guardian angels. Eventually, we'll have the technology and abilities to do it ourselves."


Other contactees, including Orfeo Angelucci, recounted stories supporting the idea that ETs can affect the orbits of dangerous comets and asteroids. In a curiously appropriate coincidence, Orfeo’s surname, ‘Angelucci,’ roughly translates from Italian as "messenger of the angels." He was indeed a messenger of the ETs.

Angelucci wrote that he was often taken aboard ET ships and traveled to other planets. On one trip, Angelucci described how an ET touched a crystal-like control panel that caused the hologram-like 3D projection to appear on the entire wall. Fascinated, Angelucci watched as a glowing comet with a long tail approached a dark planet surrounded by a gray mist. Intuitively, he understood that he saw an evil world filled with heavy negativity and darkness. He felt that the negative planet was irresistibly attracting the fiery comet. The two collided in a massive explosion that demolished the planet.

One of the ETs turned to him and said, “It is an immutable law of the cosmos that too great a preponderance of evil inevitably results in self-destruction. After that there is a new beginning.”

Immediately, the ETs showed him another 3D simulation. In this one, a different planet was not as dark as the first. Angelucci wrote, "Again, I saw a fatalistic fiery red dot approaching, and it was evident that this world too was doomed. But then I held my breath as I beheld two tiny dots coming forth from that world apparently to intercept the fiery comet. Intuitively, I realized that the dots were remotely controlled by intelligent beings upon the planet who were concentrating the magnetic impulses of the dots upon the comet. Suddenly the comet exploded, leaving the world unscathed. I breathed a sigh of relief."

"Once more, the scene shifted and focused upon a third world. Obviously, this was an 'in-between' world, neither as dark and hopeless as the first nor yet as light and inspired as the second. To the left of this planet appeared another smaller body – I recognized it as our Moon and the planet as Earth."

“Suddenly, terrifyingly, to the right of the planet Earth, appeared the red, fiery dot of cosmic doom. Rapidly, it increased in size, leaving behind it a fiery tail of flame. It was evident that the comet was being drawn irresistibly toward Earth.”

Then the projection suddenly stopped. Anxiously, Angelucci turned to the ETs and asked, “But what happens to Earth?”

One of the ETs told him that the people of Earth have a choice. We can continue our destructive ways and “be destroyed by the comet.” Or we can change and move "toward a world of love, light, and unity." Will the ETs intervene if a giant comet is heading toward Earth? Or will they let humans go the way of the dinosaurs? Time will tell.


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7 - Mile-high Giants and Mrs. Hulk

After having met with ETs dozens of times, Frank knew a lot about life on their home planets. But he was curious about the home planets of ET groups that he had not met. What is life like throughout our galaxy and other galaxies? He decided to find out.

He told John, “The process was simple – I went deep in meditation, went out of my body, looked at the stars all around me, and picked one that looked interesting. Whenever I thought, ‘I wonder what’s in that star system,’ I instantly teleported there at the speed of thought. Far faster than the speed of light. I went to dozens of stars, maybe a hundred, and nearly every one had inhabited planets.”

John asked, “Do you mean rock-and-water planets like Earth?”

Frank responded, “Some were. But just as in our Solar System, there was a wide variety – balls of rock, giant lumps of ice, and huge gas planets. And there was life on every planet that I visited. A wide variety of species just like on Earth. Some planets had life that is far more primitive than on Earth and some far more advanced, with everything in between.

John asked him, “Do you mean life as we know it?”

Frank said, “No, not always. Sometimes it was wildly different. Take, for example, life on the giant gas planets. I saw huge creatures that were ghostly and ethereal. They flapped in slow-motion on giant sail-like wings. Or glided around these planets on powerful winds. Some almost looked like manta rays in our oceans, except some were thousands of feet wide, and I could see right through them – they were practically transparent."

He paused to see how John was reacting. John shrugged – it sounded weird to him but logical. After all, John thought, there are some bizarre almost-transparent luminous creatures in Earth's deep oceans. So, why not in the air too. Life is incredibly adaptable.

Frank continued. “After seeing these things on planets around other stars, I wondered whether they were also on Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune. So, I teleported to those planets and looked around. There they were – similar manta-like creatures right here in our system. But humans can't see them unless they move up in vibration. They're not going to show up on any NASA cameras.

He continued, “I didn’t check out every planet near Earth, but both the Nordics and Grays told me that there is life on every planet and moon in our Solar System.”

John was surprised and asked, “Even Venus and Mercury?” He knew their surface temperatures are very hot – high enough to melt metals.

Frank said, “That’s what they said. Of course, it isn’t life as we know it. But then, even on Earth, life is incredibly adaptable. Some bacteria can live in the sub-zero ice sheets. Other varieties can live in the boiling pools of Yellowstone Park. Humans can’t live there, but other forms of life can."

He continued, “Now, I wasn’t including the different ET races that have bases on the planets and moons in our Solar System. Those races aren’t native to those planets – they came here from somewhere else.

The first time that Frank told him this, John found it hard to believe and asked, “Every planet?” He knew that some were very hot, but others were incredibly cold.

Frank replied that the underground and surface bases of the ETs are inside protective enclosures. They also have large orbiting ships around the gas giants, such as Jupiter and Saturn.

John still found it hard to believe that the ETs could withstand the extreme surface temperatures on those planets – none are at all like Earth. He did an Internet search and found that Martian surface temperatures are about -80°F or -60 °C. Venus has average surface temperatures of plus 860°F or 460°C, and Saturn is at minus 290°F or -180 °C. These temperatures would be lethal for humans. John asked Frank about that extreme range.

Frank said, "You forget about deep space – it’s at absolute zero of -454°F or -270°C. The ETs don’t have any problem with those temperatures, so why would a freezing planet bother them? Their technology shields them.”

John was still skeptical and asked, “I can understand that the government might cover up bases on other planets, but amateur astronomers have taken hundreds of photos of nearby planets. Why don’t they see the bases?”

Frank said, “The Nordics told me that some bases are underground, and the ones on the surface are simply invisible to us. Earth people are not ready to accept ET civilizations, and so they hide their bases. If they don’t want our telescopes to see them, they won’t.”

John asked, "Okay. If they are invisible, does that mean they are here from a non-physical universe?”

Frank responded, “I wondered the same thing. They told me that they are from the same physical universe as we are. Except they normally function at a higher vibration. It's a little like dark matter. Scientists say that dark matter and dark energy make up about 70% of the universe, but we can't see either of them. Even so, they affect all the galaxies. But to us, they're invisible."

Intrigued, John asked, “Wild question. Do you think the ETs are made of dark matter?”

Frank said, “I never asked, but I don’t think so.”

John went on, “Invisibility is one of the hardest things to understand. How is it possible that a ship can be visible one second, and gone the next? The same with the ETs themselves. They can vanish in a heartbeat. What’s going on?”

Frank said, "Two ways they do that. One is harder to understand. They teleport. The ETs say that they simply take atoms apart and reassemble them somewhere else. Frankly, I don't know exactly how they do it, but it makes sense. We take atoms apart in Earth’s giant particle accelerators. You know, those giant ring-like tubes that bring together two opposing particle beams at nearly the speed of light. When the particles collide, the atoms get destroyed and fly apart so that we can see all the pieces. Of course, the ETs have learned how to do the same thing but much less destructively.”

Frank continued, “The other way is simpler to understand – bending light. Usually, photons bounce off matter to make it visible, right? Well, the ETs simply bend light around the ship to make it invisible.”

John added, "Yeah, I heard that the military is working on something similar using fiber-optic cables. They channel light around a tank to try to make it invisible. However, it doesn’t work very well yet, based on some photos I saw.”

Frank responded, “Well, the ETs don’t use fiber optics. You know that light bends when it passes close to a massive object like a black hole or galaxy – well, they do something like that. They use the ship's antigravity to bend light – let's call them light rays for simplicity. They bend a light ray around a ship and then straighten it out and let it keep going. They do the same thing to every single one of the millions of light rays that could reflect off a ship. No matter what direction the rays come from, they bend them around the ship and send them off in the same direction. So, if no light ray ever reflects off the ship, then the ship effectively ‘disappears.’ With bending light, the ship is still there but appears invisible. With teleportation, the ship is somewhere else and, so, really is invisible.”

John was curious and asked, “Can they still see us when we can’t see them?”

Frank replied, “When they bend light, they can, because they are still here. When they teleport, they can’t, because they are somewhere else.”


Orfeo Angelucci said that the ETs told him about the complexities of other civilizations. He wrote, “Among the worlds of the universe are many types of spiritual and physical evolutions. Each form of intelligent life adapts itself to the physical conditions prevalent upon its home planet. Most of these evolutions exist in more highly attenuated forms of matter than upon Earth. But the majority are rather similar to humans in appearance.”

Like Angelucci, Frank said it was common to find humanoid shapes, meaning one head, one mouth, two eyes, two arms, and two legs, although with far more variety than on Earth.

Frank told John, “When I went traveling around the universe, I found many planets with very low gravity. On one of them, there were humanoid ETs that were extraordinarily large. It's hard to believe, but some of them were more than a mile tall by Earth standards – giants. But then, you have to understand that everything on that planet was larger.”

He paused and asked, “Have you read the book, Gulliver’s Travels?”

John vaguely remembered the book from high school – about a big guy tied down by lots of little people, the Lilliputians.

Frank continued, “Well, that’s how I felt, except in reverse. A small guy, me, surrounded by one-mile-tall ETs, living in two-mile-tall houses among 20-mile-tall trees. Everything was in relatively similar proportions to Earth, just gigantic.”

John said, “Those big people must have needed a lot of food!”

Frank replied, “I never saw them eating, but they probably could have eaten mountains of one-ton carrots and two-ton apples.” We both laughed at the thought of giant people stuffing their mouths with giant carrots.

Frank continued, “All across our galaxy and beyond, I saw a huge range of ET body sizes that depended on each planet’s gravity. I saw one planet with enormously powerful gravity. It was just as strange as the one with the tall guys but in a different way. You’ve seen the Hulk in comic books. Right? Well, that’s what they looked like – humanoid but with huge bones and muscles like the Hulk.”

John suddenly had a mental image of a planet full of Mr. and Mrs. Hulks with a bunch of baby Hulks.

Frank tuned in to John’s mind and said, “Except they weren’t green and did not get angry easily. Their gravity would have crushed our physical bodies into pancakes. Lucky for me that I couldn’t feel the gravity. These Hulk-like ETs obviously had different physiologies than the spindly Grays, who have adapted to much lower gravity.”

That reminded John of the Grays, so he asked Frank whether he saw other planets with humanoids like the Grays.

Frank said, “Yeah, plenty. They looked the same but all weren’t gray-colored. They came in a wide range of colors. Just as for us on Earth, their skin color seemed to depend on the amount of sunlight. If their sun was weak, their skin was pale and was so translucent that I could see the blood vessels just beneath their skin. On other planets, where the rays of the sun are far more intense than on Earth, the people there come in different shades of inky dark blue to dark purple.

John thought of some science fiction movies and asked, “Did you ever see overcrowding – millions of people crammed into crowded high-rise buildings?"

Frank answered, “Never. All the advanced space-going civilizations I saw were nothing like that – they all had minimal populations. They learned to keep their population levels under control so that they wouldn't devour their planet like a horde of hungry locusts."

John asked, “You say they ‘learned’ about overpopulation – how do they teach their people? They have schools and universities like us – right?”

Frank said, “On one ET planet, I visited what we on Earth would call a university, but this one was much more informal than here. A teacher typically has only a few students, maybe half a dozen or less, all of whom have similar goals, something like university students pick a major field of study on Earth.

“One big difference – I saw no desks, no rows of chairs, no lecture halls. On that planet, each student’s education was a highly personalized, back-and-forth interaction between one teacher and one student. The teacher would use his or her intuition to ‘read’ the student. Based on that, the teacher would guide the individual to develop their innate skills. This process is somewhat like the actions of a Guidance Counselor in schools on Earth, except much more accurate and more tailored to the individual.”

Frank’s description of schools is similar to that of Howard Menger, who wrote about an ET planet he visited: “They have communal type schools or places where they are briefed on their spiritual development. Most of their knowledge is within themselves, and in such schools, it is encouraged to develop.”

Just like Frank and Howard Menger, Orfeo Angelucci and George Adamski found highly advanced schools and universities on all space-faring ET planets. Students there routinely learn telepathy, clairvoyance, and clairaudience.


Telepathy found its way into the conversation between John and Frank one day. John asked about SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. He said, “Why haven’t they detected radio transmissions from ET civilizations already?”

Frank responded, “We on Earth are a young civilization, and the first radios were invented here a little more than a century ago. So, why do we expect some million-year-old civilization to be still using primitive radios?

“Even if the ETs were still using them, radio waves are limited to the speed of light, so it would take millions to billions of years for any messages to reach us, and then, the same amount of time to answer. That just won’t work when you’re trying to have a conversation. Here’s an example. Let’s say you call up a friend and leave a message on her answering machine. You say, ‘Hi, I’m home now. Call me back in a million years.’ That doesn’t make sense – right?”

“By comparison, telepathy can travel from one side of the Milky Way Galaxy to the other instantaneously. That’s what the ETs use. Telepathy – not radio. They have been contacting us telepathically for as long as humans have existed. The problem is this: they are calling us, but humans aren’t answering the ‘phone.’ But then, humans say that no one is calling.”

Frank continued, "Here’s an excellent example of other ways that the ETs use telepathy. One day I had been invited on board an ET ship. As I looked around, I saw two small ETs seated at two consoles on the other side of the ship. They weren’t Grays but were about the same size, and unlike the bald Grays, they had long flowing dark hair.

“Their consoles didn’t appear to have any knobs or dials or visible meters. All I saw were multi-colored lights that seemed to glow and flash from within a black glass-like surface. One of the pilots waved his hand above the glass without touching it, and faint lights flickered and changed color.

“Being around the ETs had reawakened my telepathy, and so, I could follow what was going on. The pilots were manually entering instructions into the control panel by waving their hands over the console, but to my surprise, they were also entering instructions telepathically. I found it odd that they would do both, but that’s the way these ETs did things.”

Later, John was curious to see reports that the US military has developed what they call ‘heads-up displays.’ With those, a human pilot or navigator can control some of the functions of a fighter jet. They work from electrodes that are in contact with the pilot’s head inside his or her helmet. Not exactly telepathy, but getting closer.


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8 - Hurting the Robot’s Feelings

As Frank described life on ET planets, John asked, “Do the ETs work? Do they have factory jobs, for example? Do they get paid.”

Frank said, “No, no, and no, at least not the way we think of it. On ET homeworlds, robots and replicators provide for nearly all of their needs. And no one has a 9-to-5 job. So, no jobs, and they don't need money, because they create everything they need for free, eliminating hunger and poverty.”

Surprised at this, John responded, “What do they do? Don’t they get bored?”

Frank replied, “None that I talked to were. The ETs have what we would call hobbies, instead of having jobs. Their individual projects contribute to the overall well-being of their society, and they do it as volunteers. No one forces anyone else to do anything, but rather, they contribute because they want to. They were all far happier and more fulfilled than nearly all humans that I know.”

“Also, many ETs travel within the Milky Way Galaxy and to other galaxies the same way that humans take vacations. They like to experience the variety of other civilizations on other planets. Even though many civilizations they meet are less advanced, the good ETs are egalitarian and accepting of different cultures. It's a little like for us on Earth, we don't expect children and pets to have the same skills as adults, but we love and accept them anyway.”

John questioned, “How do they get an education?”

“They look on that as a long-term pursuit – they expand their knowledge and wisdom for their entire lives. If they are curious about something new, they have zero-tuition universities, where everyone can freely acquire knowledge about any subject imaginable. Or they can do it online through their version of the Internet.”

John picked up on something Frank said and asked, “You mentioned ‘replicators.’ Do you mean like on Star Trek?”

Frank continued, “Exactly. “You know that guy Roddenberry who created Star Trek? He has to be an alien!”

John smiled, even as he wondered whether Frank was joking.

Frank continued, “All an Enterprise crewmember had to do was tell a replicator to make something new or repair something or take something apart, and it would. Well, the ETs have equipment just like that on all their ships and home planets.”

John responded, “Okay, so they have replicators. But where they get all the raw materials? They can’t take everything with them on a ship.”

 “They take apart atoms,” Frank said. “For advanced civilizations, there is no mining of any kind. They don't destroy the environment digging up iron and copper ore. That's the hard way."

John mentioned seeing a TV show about aliens. The narrator claimed that aliens would travel hundreds of light-years to mine gold on Earth.

Frank continued, “That’s pure fantasy. With the aliens’ superior technology, they don't need to mine gold. They simply rearrange atoms to make whatever they need, including gold. They can take water, dirt, or trash and turn them into anything they choose, including tons of gold and diamonds. On Earth, those things are precious and scarce, and that makes them valuable here. That’s not the case for the ETs. Anyone can make as much of any of those things as they want.

“If an ET couple chooses to make an entire house out of nothing but gold and diamonds, they can easily do it. And no thief would be tempted to chip off part of their gold-and-diamond house and steal it because it would be easier for the thief to use a replicator. By the way, ET civilizations have no thieves. When you can create anything you want, there's no need to steal anything from somebody else.”

“Every ship, every home has a personal replicator. The home versions are mostly for smaller objects. For things up to about the size of a refrigerator on Earth. For larger objects and for making ships, they have computer-operated robotic factories filled with large replicators. Because they have unlimited free energy, everyone can have anything they want, and everything is free. With free energy, there is no poverty, no lack, and no hunger. Think about how life on Earth would be different if no one had to pay for electricity or gasoline."


John related an experience where he saw giant ET replicators, as Frank described. In a regression-progression session, he traveled out of his body to see the following.

John described what happened. “Suddenly, I’m in a vast factory-like building in an underground base, alongside a giant mothership under construction. The ship appears to be about twice as long as an American football field. About 600 feet or 180 meters. I'm aware that these ships can be much larger than this one. They can be miles long. But they are constructed in space, not underground like this one.

“I am not 'me.' I am not John in this experience. Rather, I’m looking through the eyes of a Gray, as if through a video camera. I'm not sure exactly where I am, but this isn't Earth – maybe an underground base on Mars. It seems to be the present time and not the future or past. I know I'm in this physical universe and not in another dimension.

“I’m standing on a hovering round platform about 10 feet in diameter or about 3 m wide and 6 inches thick or 15 centimeters. It is like a freight elevator on Earth, used to carry equipment and parts around and within the ship. Though seemingly rigid, the platform can change into any shape, for example, like a half-moon or quarter-moon. That way, its curved surface can perfectly conform to the shape of any part of the hull.

“The platform uses antigravity to hover around the ship. I can adjust the platform's position, raising or lowering it telepathically. Or I can tap instructions into a small computer-like tablet on my chest. I can also tap the 3-inch round antigravity device on my belt and hover away from the platform.

“I also have round handheld antigravity discs that are about 4 inches in diameter. After I attach them magnetically to any object, the object will levitate, making it easier to move it around.

“Looking in all directions, I see several other Grays. The factory is almost completely automated with maybe a hundred robots. But I see only three Grays.

“These robot machines look nothing like Earth's assembly-line robots. Or the robots of science-fiction with dozens of gears, levers, and tubes sticking out in all directions. Also, none of the ones I see have heads, arms, or legs. Instead, all have smooth, curved surfaces that can change their shape to conform to the shape of the ship’s hull. I don’t see any sharp edges. The bots vary considerably in size – some are no more than a foot high, while the largest one looks to be about 50 feet tall and moves slowly and deliberately.

“Most of the smaller bots hover or dart rapidly around, while the larger bots are in close contact with the hull. The ship appears about three-quarters complete with large unfinished areas that allow me to see inside.

“The largest bots move laterally alongside the ship about as fast as a human can walk, generating a completed hull beneath them. I can't see any signs of raw materials, and instead, the gray metal of the hall simply materializes underneath the bots as they move. The metal is semi-gloss and not particularly shiny, and there are no seams, no rivets, no indentations, no holes, and no visible flaws.

“Looking through the unfinished parts of the hull into the interior of the mothership, I see dozens of smaller bots in the process of materializing the interior walls and floors. As they finish the walls and floors, other bots move in to materialize the inner equipment and furnishings. In every case, the bots receive no raw materials – they are simply creating the entire ship out of thin air, so to speak. I wonder how long it will take them to finish the ship, and the Gray part of me knows that it will be no more than a week or two by Earth time.”

After the session ended, John took a few minutes to think about what he had seen. He intuitively knew that among several ET races that most commonly visit Earth, the Grays excel at high-level engineering. Other races, including the Nordics, are happy to have the Grays build most of their ships.


In another regression-progression session, John wondered about the ET robots that he had seen in a previous session. None of them had been humanoid. Because he didn't see any reason why that should always be true, he asked about humanoid robots. The ETs transported him into the following scene.

John said, "I find myself looking out through the eyes of a massive, 10-foot tall, humanoid-looking cyborg. It was like being two people at once – I never lose the feeling that I am John from Earth, while at the same time, I am a giant cyborg on an ET ship somewhere far beyond Earth.

“The cyborg is incredibly strong, highly intelligent, and has basic human-like emotions. In almost every way, it seems human, except that it is massive. Even though the cyborg is mostly an artificial body, my spirit meshes with it and operates it smoothly.

“Exploring this new body, I reach down and press my huge finger into my forearm. The skin is warm and feels like typical human skin, but I know it isn’t. My outer skin and muscles appear made of flexible synthetic materials that look and feel like living flesh. I realize that my cyborg body is not breathing, and in fact, it doesn't have lungs. Instead, there is some fist-sized power source inside my chest that runs my cyborg body. It does have something like a human heart that circulates fluids throughout the body.

“To my surprise, I realize that my cyborg body has a form of x-ray vision that I can turn on and off mentally. As I turn it on, I see everything inside my forearm. There is some type of artificial circuitry with no visible circuit boards, no silicon chips, and no transistors or electrical wires. Instead, most of the cyborg interior is made of artificial almost-living components that seem to have grown in-place like real flesh, nerves, and arteries. Synthetic DNA-like material provided the instructions, and the cyborg body parts simply grew where they were supposed to be.

“Looking around, I see that I am in a large room maybe 50 feet long, filled with metal tables and lots of what looks like surgical or medical equipment. On one of the tables near me, I see another cyborg that is severely damaged. It doesn’t move, but it still seems to be partially conscious. Some accident had violently ripped off one leg and one arm, leaving shredded cyborg muscles, tendons, and blood vessels sticking out. An almost transparent blue-colored fluid is slowly dripping onto the table. A large chunk of cyborg flesh and organs is missing from its midsection.

“The cyborg part of me understands that something damaged this other cyborg while on some dangerous, off-ship mission. The ET technicians nearby are talking telepathically. They agree that the cyborg is unrepairable, and they decide to recycle it. They plan to kill it.

“Even though I am not human, I feel a sharp pain of regret, a typically human emotion. I have developed a close personal friendship with the damaged cyborg – it is my friend.

“As I reflect on what has happened, I blame the ETs for the lethal damage to my friend. They had put my friend in unnecessary danger.

"I feel intense conflicts. My programming forbids me from harming these beings – but they are trying to kill my friend.

“But my program allows me to defend myself and my friend. I am required to protect my friend from danger.


“A powerful wave of anger washes over me, another distinctly human emotion. Then, anger turns to rage.

“I grab one of the massive medical machines and throw it at the two technicians, killing them instantly. I feel a strong sense of satisfaction.

“The impact rips a huge blood-stained hole through an interior wall of the ship.

“Still filled with rage, I turn and race through the door toward the front of the ship.

“Sprinting headlong into the control room, I see that we are approaching a small moon next to a more massive planet.

“I grab one of the pilots and toss him like a ragdoll into the wall, killing him instantly.

“Determined to teach these heartless creatures not to kill my friends, I lurch forward to grab one of the other technicians sitting at the console.

“Clutching at him, my powerful hand and fingers pass through him like Earth Jell-O, killing him instantly.

“The momentum carries my hand forward, and it plunges deeply into the control console, damaging the ship’s control system.

“The ship lurches violently sideways, throwing me hard against the wall. My cyborg body is seriously damaged. I lie on the deck, paralyzed.

“In severe pain, my last view through the cyborg’s flickering eyes is of the fatally damaged ship spiraling out of control into the planet’s moon.

Before it crashes, John bounced out of the session and was back into human consciousness, breathing heavily. After he calmed down, he reviewed the scene.


Why had the ETs shown it to him? He thought that maybe it was to expand his concepts of ‘consciousness’ and ‘emotion.’ John knew that on Earth, it is common to think of animals as having consciousness, although less advanced than for humans. However, almost no one considers computers and robots to have consciousness, self-awareness, and emotions. Artificial intelligence scientists are hopeful but haven't achieved those yet. In this session, John had looked through the eyes of a clearly conscious, highly intelligent machine with powerful emotions. It is hard to see any fundamental difference between that machine and human beings on Earth.

Suddenly, John had a flash of realization. Someday, human spirits will inhabit and operate much more advanced machines than the cyborg in this session. In almost every way, the cyborg he saw was an improvement over our current fragile earthly ‘meat’ bodies.

That cyborg’s body could operate under a very wide range of temperatures that would quickly kill a human. It could function without oxygen in space or underwater, could effortlessly lift immensely heavy loads, jump much higher and run faster than any human or animal on Earth, and had a far better memory. Plus, it could feel emotions.

John realized that in the future, there is every reason to assume that the human spirit should consider a cyborg body to be a suitable vehicle for exploring the universe. After having looked through the eyes of that cyborg, John could honestly say that he welcomed that.


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Chapter 9 - Do Aliens eat People?

Space-zombie movies promote the idea that ETs travel hundreds of light-years across the galaxy just to eat human brains. It’s a lot of trouble for lunch, but that idea works in Hollywood. Of course, it isn’t realistic, so what do ETs eat? Obviously, the answer varies, but here’s what some contactees say.

Frank lived a long way from town, so he had a mailbox by the highway and checked it only every few days. One time, he opened the door to his mailbox to find a large padded envelope with no return or delivery address. Puzzled, he flipped it over, but it was blank on both sides.

Tearing open the envelope and looking inside, he saw several shriveled roots. Each was a few inches long and about an inch wide. He dumped them into his hand, picked one up with his fingers, and looked at it carefully from all sides.

Thinking this must be some prank by the local kids, he started to throw them away. But then, his intuition kicked in, and he knew that the package was from the ETs. This was so typical of them – sending a mysterious package with no information. Ever the tricksters, they enjoyed doing things that stumped him and made him work to figure things out. Not knowing what to do with the dried shriveled roots, he put them back in the envelope.

After arriving home, he placed the envelope on the kitchen counter and didn’t think about it until the next morning. As he stared at the shriveled roots, he received a one-word telepathic message. “Water.” Okay, but what did that mean? Soak them in water? Sprinkle water on them? He took the easiest way, got a glass from the kitchen cabinet, filled it about half full of water, and dropped in one shriveled root.

Nothing happened right away, but when he checked the next morning, the dried root was getting larger. On the second morning, he was surprised to find the root sticking well above the glass. It appeared to have absorbed all the water and regained its full-size, which was about 10 to 15 times larger.

Leaning in to look at it, he thought that it looked vaguely like a carrot, except it was tan instead of orange. He thought that maybe it was a carrot-shaped potato. It didn’t look exactly like anything he’d ever seen.

Frank sniffed it, and it smelled sweet and fresh. He was certain the ETs would not try to poison him, so he cut off a small piece with a knife and tasted it. It was crunchy with a pleasant flavor – vaguely like a cross between a potato and a carrot.

Frank was not sure what more to do with the vegetable, so he waited for more information. But the ETs were silent, although he knew they would tell him eventually.


About six months later, Frank was walking to his recliner in his front room when he noticed something gray and wispy-looking under the chair. “Is that a dust ball?” he wondered, remembering that his mother called them ‘dust bunnies.’ But something was off – he had dusted the day before, and there was nothing under the chair then.

Kneeling to look closer, he carefully picked up what looked like a one-inch-wide round ‘dust bunny.’ But he instantly knew it wasn’t dust. It was whitish-gray, stiff, and springy, a little like steel wool with lots of strands bunched up into a ball. Holding it close to his eyes, he became certain that it was not metal. Instead, it looked organic. Suddenly, it hit him – it was another dried ET vegetable of some kind.

Frank put the ‘dust bunny’ into a glass of water and went about his day. When he looked at it again in the morning, he was surprised to see that all the water in the glass was gone, and the ball had expanded to nearly fill up the entire glass. Leaning in, he could see that the glass was laced with thin strands that looked like tiny roots. Miniature green leaves grew from the end of each root. It reminded him of alfalfa sprouts, but as with the carrot-potato, it didn't look exactly like anything he had ever seen before.

Frank still didn't know why the ETs were showing him these dried vegetables, and the ETs weren't telling him. So, he just shrugged and put them out of his mind.


About a month later, Frank was meditating in his recliner when he heard a high-pitched tone a little like an electronic doorbell, but it wasn’t his. Frank opened his eyes and looked over to the door in time to see a Nordic slowly walk right through the stone wall! Not through the door, but through the wall! The ET came through as if in tiny 'slices.' That is, Frank first saw his foot, hand, chest, and nose, in that order. Then, within about a second, the rest of him gradually came through the wall until the ET was entirely inside the room. There was never any opening in the wall – the Nordic just appeared to gradually materialize on one side of it. The Nordics hand was resting on a small round device on his belt, and after he came through the wall, he lifted it off.

The Nordic greeted Frank and then walked over to shake hands with him. Immediately, Frank thought that was odd – the ETs rarely shake hands the way humans do unless they're living on this planet pretending to be human.

The Nordic picked up his thoughts and said, “I just wanted to show you that this body is real in your world. My solid body just came through your solid wall as if it were not there. It was because of this,” he said, pointing to the device on his belt. Frank had already guessed that the shiny device materialized and dematerialized the ET’s body.

Changing the subject to the ET vegetables, the Nordic told Frank that they grow them on their home planet, as well as in space in extensive gardens on their motherships. Some of their ships are so huge that they have entire forests inside, somewhat like Earth cities that put buildings around wooded city parks. Or like giant arboretums inside cities that contain multiple biomes of different plants and animals.

To preserve vegetables for storage on long voyages, they have a technique for compressing the molecular structure, which removes nearly 100% of the water from the plants but does not reduce the nutritional content. Once preserved, the dried food can be stored for years and does not spoil or decay. When they want to reconstitute the vegetables, they have a process that adds water. Once revived, the plant tastes like it did when it was first harvested. Amazingly, the vegetable will continue to grow if replanted.


Howard Menger reported having a similar experience with dried ET vegetables, and like Frank, he was told that the ETs were able to remove nearly all of the water.

In previous meetings, the Nordics explained that their culture was vegetarian. They said that not all ET civilizations are vegetarian – like Earth, some less advanced civilizations are still meat-eaters. The Nordics mostly ate fruits of the flower, rather than the plants that grow the flowers. For earthly plants, that would mean things such as bananas, apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, pecans, and walnuts, all of which grow from seeds and also contain seeds. The Nordic told him that eating these is best for physical and spiritual health because it represents cooperation with the plant kingdom. Plants produce fruits of the flower for animals and people to eat so that their seeds get spread around. That’s harmonious – everybody wins, the plants and the animals.


Howard Menger mentioned Frank’s vegetable experience without using Frank's name. Even back then, Frank preferred anonymity. Menger wrote, “This individual (meaning Frank) had been given samples of processed food from an ET base on the Moon which he had kept in his possessions for eight months, not being sure what he should do with it, and asked my advice.”

Menger suggested to Frank that they use a reputable laboratory in Philadelphia to analyze the specimens. The results were surprising. The potato-like dried vegetable contained nearly seven times the protein as a dried potato.

The head of the laboratory said they had never investigated anything like it and was intrigued. He suggested that Frank and Howard take the specimens to a nearby government research laboratory with more sophisticated instruments. He had already made the arrangements.

The two of them left the samples at the lab. Howard wrote about what happened. “About two weeks later, my wife, my friend and I went to the lab to check on the progress of the analysis. We were shown into a room where a piece of a specimen was in a container of water, another piece was in another container, and a small fragment was under a huge microscope. We took turns looking through the microscope.”

“We were told they would run all sorts of tests on the specimens left with them and keep us informed, and that we were also welcome to come to the lab any time we wished to watch the progress of the experiments.”

After that, everything changed, “That was in June 1958, and the last we heard from the laboratory. I understand that it has now become classified information." The government lab would not give Howard and Frank any more information and even refused to acknowledge they had received anything from them. Luckily, Frank had retained some samples.

Later, in several experiments, Frank tried to achieve extreme dehydration of Earth vegetables, followed by rehydration. However, he could never recapture the original fresh taste the way the ETs did. They had used some unknown processing and would not explain how they did it.


Sometime later, Frank experienced a different kind of ET food on one of the Nordic ships. One of the ETs handed him a goblet containing a clear iridescent liquid that seemed to shimmer and sparkle in the light. The liquid was thicker than water, about the consistency of light syrup.

The Nordic motioned for Frank to take a sip, saying, “This drink was specifically designed for your body, just as mine was specifically designed for me.”

Frank took a small sip and found the drink to be pleasant and slightly sweet. The moment it entered his mouth, he felt a tingling sensation that started in his lips and rapidly spread throughout his body. Instantly, he felt a spiritual and physical uplift, an almost euphoric sense of well-being.

The ET continued, “Before consuming this drink, our technology scanned your health and then produced a drink that would provide every nutrient needed by your body and mind. If ten people have a meal together, all their drinks would look the same but would be different. As you know, we also consume solid food, such as fresh and reconstituted vegetables. However, we can consume this drink alone for long periods and remain healthy. It contains every vital nutrient that we need, some of which your scientists know, and some they do not.”

The Nordic continued, “Long ago on your planet, the ancient people of India had a similar healing drink that they called 'Soma' or the 'elixir of the gods.' It produced a mild euphoria. ETs that visited those ancient people showed them how to make it. Of course, this drink is not the same but provides a similarly uplifting effect. The effect is something like that claimed for hallucinogenic drugs on Earth, except the results of this drink are only positive, without any adverse side effects or addictive qualities.”


George Adamski also mentioned a similar drink aboard an ET ship, and the ETs gave Orfeo Angelucci a similar one with healing properties. Angelucci described something similar to Frank’s description of Soma. “Lyra (one of the ETs) took a white wafer from the crystal cabinet while Orion (another ET) poured a sparkling liquid into a lavender crystal goblet. It glistened in the soft light. Hesitantly, I lifted it to my lips and tasted the drink. It was the most delicious beverage I had ever tasted. I drained the cup. Even as I was drinking, a feeling of strength and well-being swept over me, and all of my unpleasant symptoms vanished."


There is an amusing similar story in one of Preston Dennett’s books. A contactee named Kevin was face-to-face with several ETs and was curious.

“Do you eat?” he asked them.

They replied “Yes.”

Not knowing whether they were vegetarians or not and fearing the worst, the contactee asked them hesitantly, "Are you going to eat me?"

The ETs almost laughed. They responded “You watch too many horror movies!”


Something similar happened in one of Frank’s meetings when a man jokingly asked about whether ‘aliens eat human brains.’ Frank knew that most people are fearful of the ETs, and so, he gathered that the man was only half-joking. To have some fun with the group, Frank told them this story about what happened when some ETs invited him and several other Earth people aboard one of their ships.

Frank said that as they arrived, one of the ETs told them, “Welcome to our ship, Earthlings. To celebrate, please join us for dinner.” The humans were enthusiastic because none of them had ever eaten ET food.

The ET then pointed to a table nearby and said, “Just go over there and sit on one of the large dinner plates. We will be right over to eat.”

It took a second, but everybody in the group finally caught on that Frank was teasing them, and they smiled or laughed, some a bit nervously. It was sometimes hard to tell if Frank was joking because he had a dry sense of humor and could keep a straight face.


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10 - Ring-tone from Roswell

One aspect of the alien plan is to share their technology with us, but gradually so as not to disrupt our civilization. By now, there must be more than 100 books on the crash in 1947 of an alien ship at Roswell, New Mexico. Here are excerpts providing some essential details of the crash.

Whitley Strieber writes, “The crash was not an accident; it was a ‘donation.’ They want us to figure things out on our own, to be independent self-sufficient companions.”

Cooper claims to have seen one of the Roswell crashes and writes, “The disturbed soil was about a hundred feet in diameter. When it crashed at about a 30-degree angle, it pushed all the earth back away from the craft itself. My best thought of this rather strange hole is that some kind of magnetic field had pushed all the earth away from the craft at impact.”

Cooper continued, “The piece of physical evidence that I held in my hand was a material that I really can’t identify. It may have been torn from the front of the craft when it crashed. It was about one square foot and an inch thick. It weighed almost nothing. It even weighed less than any plastic that I had seen of a similar size. I tried to scratch it with a pocket knife, and even cut away a small piece of the edge, but the knife did nothing to it.”


Here is Frank’s account of his visit to see an alien artifact from Roswell. This story has never been published before.


When the first newspaper stories of the Roswell crash came out, Frank was instantly intrigued. The first report said there had been a "saucer crash," immediately followed by a statement declaring it was just a "weather balloon." Frank asked himself, how could trained military observers mistake a small balloon for a metallic saucer? It sounded suspiciously like a cover-up.

Several years later, Frank arranged to travel to Roswell to see some actual evidence from the crash. It had been taken from the ranch where the first ship crashed and changed hands several times before it ended up with another rancher in the Roswell area.

The meeting to see the evidence had been challenging to organize. It was happening only because Frank knew someone who knew someone who knew the rancher. The contact assured the rancher that Frank was one of the 'good guys.'

Frank and his contact drove along an unpaved dirt road up to the ranch, which was miles outside of Roswell. It was a sweltering New Mexico day, and the car didn’t have air conditioning. To keep a little bit cooler, they rolled down the car windows, but it didn’t help. Red dust swirled through the car and over their clothes, leaving them still hot. But now they were dusty.

At last, they saw a ranch house in the distance, surrounded by a few cottonwood trees. Stray cows grazed on the dry brown grass around the house. As they drove closer, Frank saw the rancher standing on his porch. After they got out of the car, they brushed off the dust and walked to the porch.

The rancher looked Frank up and down as if trying to decide whether he was a "government man." He finally shook hands, opened the screen door, and invited the two men to sit at the kitchen table.

Like many local people, the rancher wasn’t much for small talk, so after a brief introduction, the rancher reached into a stained dogeared cardboard box on the floor under the table and pulled out something wrapped in a red bandanna. Without saying a word, he carefully unfolded it on the kitchen table, exposing a small bright silvery object.

Frank leaned forward but couldn’t tell much about it from across the table. Without a word or change in facial expression, the rancher picked it up and handed it to him.

The rancher said tersely “It’s from the ship.”

Intrigued, Frank took it from him carefully, as if he were handling a priceless Faberge egg.

The rancher noticed and smiled for the first time, “Don’t worry. You can’t break it. Nobody can. I tried a hacksaw and a hammer on it. Didn’t make a scratch.”

The object was about three or four inches across and an inch thick with a half-inch hole in the middle. It was oddly cool to the touch, even though the air was hot. Frank thought it was made of some kind of metal – probably aluminum. It was shiny but with a slight semi-gloss. The part around the hole was plain, but the entire outer edge was decorated with dozens of curving wavy channels.

Frank flipped over the object in his palm. Moving it close to his eyes, he saw no indication of marks from machine tooling or casting. All the edges were smooth and slightly rounded over. No sharp edges anywhere. Frank guessed it was a gear or knob of some kind.

Then, the rancher held his fingers up in the air close together and said, “Grab it like this.” He waited until Frank looked up, “Now, tap it on the table. Lightly.”

Frank did that and was astounded to hear it ring like a tuning fork. The high-pitched ring was rich-toned and melodious. It died down after a few seconds.

The rancher leaned forward and said, “Now, that’s a sound from out of this world!”

Next, the rancher stared intently at Frank and said, “Now, I told you that this is just between us. You can’t tell anybody about it until after I’m gone. And after my wife’s gone, too. Or they’ll come after us.”

When Frank told this story to John, both the Rancher and his wife had passed away long before.

Frank said, “Sure. Of course,” and then asked cautiously, “Who will?”

The rancher said, “CIA … FBI … who the hell knows. Not long after that ship came down, a rancher friend gave me this thing and said to hide it away. He didn’t want the Army to take it.”

He stared down at his hands, “A week or so after that, two carloads of buttoned-down, spit-polished uptight guys showed up. You know. ‘Suits.’ He almost spat the word out.

His voice got quieter as he continued, “They looked deadly serious. The tall one said, ‘If you got something, you’d better give it up now!’”

“I started to curse at him, but bit my tongue.”

“Then, he got a mean look in his eyes and said, ‘I think you have a piece of something you shouldn’t have. If you don't give it up, you, your wife, and little girl are going to get a one-way trip to the desert!’”

“Putting on my best poker face, I told him I didn't have anything, and so they could just head back out the way they came. They did, and I never saw them again. Once was too many.”


Later, Frank asked one of the Nordics about the metal object from Roswell, and they confirmed it was from a crashed ship.

Frank asked, “What made the thing ring like that?”

The Nordic man replied, “You already know that we can take atoms apart and put them back together. More importantly, we can make things with perfect crystalline lattices – no flaws, no imperfections, not one atom out of place. That’s what that was.”

The ET went on to explain to Frank that their ships' hulls and other materials have perfectly aligned atoms. On one of the ship’s TV-like monitors, the Nordic showed Frank an ET planet with tall buildings constructed using pencil-thin girders. They were made of aluminum or steel with perfectly aligned atomic structures. One pencil-thin girder could carry as much weight as a massive two-foot square steel girder on Earth. The ET girders are so strong that their buildings did not need to have a lot of straight lines and right angles, but rather, they built with graceful loops, artistic twists, and elegant curves that would be impossible to re-create on Earth with our technology.

But there’s more. The Nordic said, “Aligning the atoms makes materials incredibly strong. But most importantly, it can also turn them into superconductors.”

For this book, we did an online search for superconductivity. The first discovery of superconductivity was by a scientist that cooled mercury in liquid nitrogen to slightly above absolute zero of -459°F or -273°C. To the scientist’s astonishment, mercury’s electrical resistance almost disappeared. And a permanent magnet would levitate over the frigid superconductor.

The ETs told Frank that superconductivity is one of the keys to their antigravity propulsion. The ETs said they know how to create room-temperature superconductivity in many materials.


Based on what the ETs told Frank about superconductivity, he decided to conduct some experiments. He contacted Tony, a chemist that was one of the most brilliant people Frank had ever met. Even though highly intelligent, Tony could get irritated when his experiments didn’t go as planned. Frank joked that Tony acted like an amnesiac ET, who knew what is scientifically possible but was frustrated because he couldn’t do it with Earth’s primitive level of technology.

With Frank’s financial and technical help, Tony worked for more than a year on the project. The scientific equipment included a specially designed furnace about half the size of a Volkswagen ‘bug.’ The furnace was wrapped with massive heavily insulated coils of thick copper wires. It used large amounts of electricity to generate powerful magnetic fields around a crucible of molten aluminum. Sometimes, when Tony first turned on the furnace, it required so much power that streetlights in the industrial park flickered, along with lights in the nearby houses. Some people complained but never found out that Tony and Frank were causing the problems.

After numerous failures, they were very disappointed and began to think that their experiment would never work. But then, one day, Frank noticed something very odd.

To keep the molten aluminum at a stable temperature, they circulated argon gas through metal pipes around the aluminum-filled crucible, which was heated to about 1200°F or 650°C. Usually, the metal output pipe carrying the argon was extremely hot when the furnace was on, and it always glowed bright red.

However, one day, as Frank leaned over to check the usually red-hot pipe, it wasn’t glowing. Thinking something was wrong with the furnace, Frank reached down and rapidly tapped the usually hot tube with the back of his hand.

As he did, Tony glanced over. Quickly, he yelled, "Don't touch that! What the hell are you doing!” Tony was afraid Frank would burn his hand.

With a puzzled look, Frank looked up and said, “It can’t burn anything? It’s as cold as ice!”

Quickly, they checked the furnace but found that everything was working correctly at the correct temperature. The furnace was hot, but the gas was ice-cold. Tony and Frank couldn’t figure out what had happened. It just didn’t make any sense.

After letting the furnace cool, they took out the 8-inch-long aluminum ingot to inspect it. It looked the same as every time in the past, but it was cold, just like the argon. The two men wondered how that could happen in a red-hot furnace.

Then, Frank had a hunch. Holding the ingot lightly by one end, he tapped it gently on the edge of the metal furnace. It rang like a tuning fork! Just like the metal 'gear' at Roswell. He looked up at Tony with a big smile and said, “We did it!”

Eagerly, they sliced off a small piece of the aluminum and took it to a nearby testing laboratory to measure the electrical and thermal conductivity.

When the technician handed them a sheet with the results, he said, "What is this stuff? It looks and feels like aluminum. But the thermal conductivity is 180 times above aluminum and 300 times higher than copper! What’s going on?”

Tony and Frank were dumbfounded. Those values were more than 30 times higher than diamond, the most thermally conductive material known on Earth.

Tony looked at the tech and asked, “Are you sure? Maybe your machine is broken?”

The tech replied, “I didn’t believe it either. So, I checked your stuff three times, and the measurements were the same every time. Then I measured a piece of copper, and it was normal. The machine’s working fine.”

The tech tried to be nonchalant but stared at them intently and asked again, “So, what is this stuff?”

Tony took the sample and, as he walked out of the lab, said over his shoulder, “I’ll have to tell you later.” But he had no such intention.

When the tech has said ‘300 times higher,’ both Tony and Frank understood instantly. The aluminum atoms had become nearly perfectly aligned – almost no atoms out of place, no flaws, no impurities. Electricity and heat could flow through the aluminum with virtually zero resistance. In the furnace, the heat dissipated so rapidly from the aluminum that it remained cool.

They were ecstatic. Tony and Frank had created something that scientists had been trying to create but could not. It was something no one had ever seen on this planet – a room-temperature superconductor. The ETs said that superconductivity was involved in the antigravity propulsion of their ships. Knowing that connection, both of them were sure this discovery would revolutionize Earth’s science and technology.


Not long after that, everything changed. When Frank shared their results with the ETs, they told him, “You have to stop your experiments.”

Thoroughly confused, he couldn’t believe what they were saying – he thought they would be happy that they had figured this out on their own.

The ETs explained, "If you continue, there are people on your planet who will see your discovery as a threat. They will stop you."

Frank asked cautiously, "Now when you say 'stop,' does that mean what I think it does?"

The Nordic nodded, “Yes. They will send men to have you killed! They will rationalize by saying such technology will produce ‘severe disruptions in your society,’ but by that, they mean they will lose control. They won’t let that happen.”

Frank was very disappointed. He thought about all the positive implications of superconducting materials. The ETs told him that superconductivity was also a fundamental key to their ability to produce unlimited free energy. Frank felt that this discovery was one step in truly revolutionizing our society for the better. Superconductivity would eventually mean that there would be no hunger, no poverty, no pollution, and no lack of anything on Earth. Frank was dejected.

The Nordic continued gently, “It just is not time yet. There will come a time when they can no longer stop this. That time is coming soon.”

Not having death wishes, Tony and Frank reluctantly stopped work on the project.

Years later, John asked Frank several times about details of those experiments, but Frank would not talk much about them. He would only say, "It still isn't time yet."

One day, however, Frank showed John a manuscript that Tony had written describing most but not all of the details of their experiments – they had purposely kept vital information hidden. It was highly technical, and John admitted that he couldn’t follow some of it. But there was one interesting page – a faded xerox copy of the laboratory report showing the enhanced thermal conductivity of the aluminum. It was 300 times higher, precisely as Frank had said.

In recent years, scientists have reported high-temperature and low-temperature superconductivity, but none that operate at room temperature. If achieved, it would be of enormous importance in our present world, leading to much lower costs to transmit electricity. It would also allow much faster computers. Most importantly, it would eventually lead to antigravity.

In support of the ET’s almost magical abilities to work on the atomic level, Whitley Strieber wrote, “One of them once made a very telling comment to a close encounter witness. It told her, ‘We rearrange atoms.’ This is the holy grail of technology. If we could do that, we could make anything into anything. We could create completely novel materials. We could, in effect, do anything.”


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11 - War and Rumors of War

Many contactees report that the ETs have warned of serious trouble ahead for the Earth and its people. These warnings vary considerably, from California sliding into the ocean. To massive earthquakes. To pole shifts. One that commonly comes up is the threat of nuclear war as part of an unprecedented global catastrophe. Here are some accounts from UFO contactees.

Whitley Strieber wrote that the ETs indicated to him that the Earth might become uninhabitable, and that human bodies could no longer survive here. He also mentioned that the ETs had spoken with urgency, suggesting that a global apocalypse is not decades in the future, but is imminent.

In one of Preston Dennett’s book, a contactee named Kevin, reported that the onset of atomic bomb testing in the 1940s drew the attention of several races of ETs. Kevin said, “They told me that when we exploded the atom bomb, that started a countdown clock.” Kevin said that they didn’t explain the phrase ‘countdown clock,’ but he had the distinct impression that they were referring to a catastrophic nuclear apocalypse.

George Adamski wrote, “If however, mankind on Earth should release such power against one another in full [nuclear] warfare, a large part of Earth’s population could be annihilated, your soil rendered sterile, your waters poisoned and barren to life for many years to come. Yet they blunder on ever nearer to the brink of an unthinkable world-wide slaughter.”

Howard Menger wrote, “Due to our experiments with atomic and thermonuclear explosives, we are dealing Nature a bad blow to an already weakened condition. Two things must be prevented: atomic and hydrogen blasts.” The ETs warned him that atomic weapons could lead to the destruction of the entire planet.

Orfeo Angelucci, referring to nuclear weapons, wrote that one ET told him, “The hour of tragedy is close on Earth. In history, it will be known as 'The Great Accident.' Wide devastation, suffering, and the death of many will result from it.” The ET referred to the coming destruction as the "holocaust of Armageddon" and the "War of Desolation." The terminology they used suggests that the coming nuclear war will begin accidentally. Declassified military reports indicate that we have already come dangerously close several times to accidental nuclear war between the US and Russia. Could it happen again?

Ardy Sixkiller Clarke heard stories of war when he interviewed Native American elders in Mexico. They described this UFO encounter. “The sky machine hung overhead for what seemed like a long time, but it was probably only minutes. It was round and big. It covered the whole village. It turned a bright sunny day into a dark day. It shaded the sun.

Then three Sky Men appeared. They looked like us, except they were taller. They walked directly to the elders and escorted them on board the ship. They talked about the future of the Earth, and how the population growth and greed would bring about its destruction. There will be diseases at first. People will be afraid to leave their homes. Food will become scarce because there will be no one to produce it. Then the wars will come. Wars will destroy the Earth as we know it.”

In the 1950s, the Mitchell sisters, among the earliest known female contactees, reported numerous face-to-face contacts with the ETs. They wrote that the ETs warned them, “The military antagonisms on Earth might be carried to the extremes, resulting in all-out wars and even atomic conflagrations. Earth's scientists are creating around planet Earth the deadliest conditions to material man than ever before. The explosions of A-bombs and H-bombs are placing the residue particles of radioactivity into all the materials of Earth. Soon, even the water will become undrinkable due to the radioactivity of these bomb releases.”

The Mitchell sisters published an allegorical story that they received from the ETs about nuclear war. The allegory describes a ruthless ‘Bear’ that is shot by an ‘arrow from the Bowman’ and killed by the ‘Eagle.” They interpreted this to mean that the military (symbolized by the Bowman) of the United States (as the Eagle) will attack Russia (as the Bear) with missiles (represented by arrows) and destroy it.

There is a curious twist to the story of the Mitchell sisters. After writing a book about their ET contacts, both sisters mysteriously disappeared at the same time in the 1960s. Supposedly, no one ever heard from them again. Some people speculate that they were taken aboard an ET ship and chose never to return.


So, what did the three contactees in this book say about the possibility of nuclear war? The ETs gave Max and John similar messages, as in this ominous account by Frank.

On one of the ET ships, a tall blonde-haired Nordic man warned Frank, “If your people don’t change their headlong descent into nuclear war, the air on your planet will become unbreathable. You will survive only if you are lifted off your planet in one of our ships.”

Frank asked, “So, any chance of changing that?”

The Nordic woman responded, “It is not likely. Your people will not easily give up their hatred and compulsion to destroy one another. But there is a bright side. The results will be so devastating and so catastrophic that it will make a powerful impression on the few that survive. They will determine to put away hatred and war at all costs, and Earth will enter a long period of peace and harmony.”


In his classes, Frank often talked about the extraterrestrials’ warning of a catastrophic future. The prospects of a dark future worried a lot of people, so Frank often emphasized how to turn a negative into a positive. He said that our consciousness has a lot to do with what happens to us, sometimes putting it this way: ‘The wise person is where the trouble is not.’

Frank said, “Most people don’t like to hear this, but the past mostly controls our present choices with very little real freedom left. That’s true whether it's the colors we like, the food we eat, the music we prefer, or the friends we choose. People like to think that they have free will and freedom of choice, but that's just an illusion. Most people are slaves to the past.”

So, is there anything we can do to change the future? He and the ETs said that there is little we can change, but we do have one important choice: we can struggle against whatever is coming. Or we can accept it and be at peace.

Frank often said, “When we don't accept something, we feel sad, fearful, resentful, or angry – but when we accept whatever is going to happen, we feel freer and happier. That's our only choice: accept it or don’t. Either way, the same event happens. We may not be able to change the future, but we certainly can change how we feel about it when it arrives.”

Over the years, the ETs have recommended several spiritual techniques to help people get ready for the coming trouble. If you are interested, you can find out more about them in Chapter 20, called Spirit, Mind, and Body. References are at the end of this audiobook.


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Chapter 12 - H-Bombs and Sky-Fire

Although concerned about all nuclear weapons, the ETs seem particularly worried by humanity's development of hydrogen bombs or H-bombs. They said that humans are only remotely aware of the adverse effects of these bombs. Obviously, deadly radiation is a hazard, but the ETs said that the worst problem is that these powerful bombs warp space and time in a way that humans simply cannot comprehend. Here are some of the warnings that the ETs provided contactees about the H-bomb. The ETs told the Mitchell sisters the following: “If the great hydrogen bomb which Earthmen play with should be detonated, elements of Earth shall become fire. Free elements high (in the atmosphere) ignited could be. Earth’s encirclement of fire would become,” the ET said, seeming to warn about a fiery nuclear chain-reaction in Earth’s atmosphere.


Frank has several ET encounters about H-bombs. He often traveled to New York City and Washington, DC, for business and to give talks, and while there, he sometimes ran into Nordics. They informed them that they were among the thousands of ETs working on Earth. All of them that Frank saw looked entirely human.

One day, as Frank was walking down the steps to the subway, someone said, "Hello.”

Frank turned to see who had spoken but quickly realized that the greeting had come telepathically. His attention immediately focused on a Nordic-looking blonde-haired man walking up the stairs out of the subway.

Frank responded telepathically, saying, "Hello! Wait a minute." Frank began walking faster to catch up with the ET so that they could talk.

Without turning around, the Nordic responded telepathically, "Don’t come closer. It’s not safe – they are watching me."

So as not to attract any attention, Frank continued to walk several paces behind the Nordic, who explained that he worked in the Defense Department in a highly sensitive area researching hydrogen bombs. His work was so secret that US government agents had him and all others in his department under 24-hour surveillance. They wanted to make sure that he didn't sell US secrets to the Russians. Of course, they had no clue he was an ET.

As they walked in tandem a few paces apart, the Nordic explained that he and many other ETs were working within secretive departments of the US and other countries, trying to keep us from blowing up our planet with atomic weapons. He was not optimistic. In particular, the Nordic was concerned about the H-bomb, which he explained was far more dangerous than regular atomic bombs. Humankind had developed this incredibly destructive power and yet lacked the knowledge and wisdom to understand the risks.

After a few minutes, Frank said goodbye, turned and walked back down into the subway tunnel.

Frank had one more ET interaction about the H-bombs. He found out that in 1958, the US government conducted Project Argus. It was a nuclear weapons experiment designed to find out what might happen when small low-yield hydrogen bombs detonated in the Van Allen radiation belt. This is a region of charged particles that surrounds the Earth at an altitude from about 1000 km to 12,000 km.

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, both the US and USSR conducted similar tests. The results showed that these small, high-altitude detonations created electromagnetic pulses or EMPs that blacked out radar equipment and interfered with radio communications. That’s the public side of the story, but there is an unknown side.

One day, a Nordic mentioned to Frank that the Russians had been planning to launch a rocket to detonate a gigantic, 50-megaton H-bomb in the Van Allen radiation belt.

For this book, we researched this online and found that the most massive bomb ever detonated was a Russian one called Tsar Bomba, "the emperor of all bombs." It was nearly 4000 times more powerful than the bomb detonated over Hiroshima in Japan. The Russians wanted to blow up a 50-megaton sister version of that H-bomb in the Van Allen belt.

The Russians merely wanted to find out what would happen. But the ETs knew the massive explosion would be catastrophic. The human-looking Nordics secretly working on Russia's space program tried to warn the country's generals, politicians, and scientists. They explained that an H-bomb detonation 600 miles high could initiate an uncontrollable chain-reaction in Earth's hydrogen-rich upper atmosphere. The results would be an extraordinarily powerful explosion.

The ETs explained to the Russians that Earth's magnetic field tends to align all the hydrogen atoms at that altitude, so that the atoms are highly susceptible to a chain-reaction. Under just the right conditions, the force of a 50-megaton bomb could be magnified dozens to hundreds of times, leading to a global catastrophe. Simply put, a large part of the hydrogen in the upper atmosphere could ignite in a massive chain reaction.

The Russians waved aside their warnings – they didn't believe the ET scientists. The Russians continued their plans to conduct the test and soon afterward, launched a rocket with the 50-megaton H-bomb mounted on top. As the missile rose off the launchpad, a nearby cloaked ET saucer interfered with the missile’s electronics, deactivated the weapon, and blew up the rocket above the launchpad, severely damaging the launch equipment.

Not to be deterred, the Russians prepared another rocket with another H-bomb. Once again, the ETs warned the Russians, and once again, the Russians ignored them. After the Russians launched the missile, the ETs again took control, disabled the bomb, and veered the rocket off course. Except that this time, they aimed it directly into the nearby Russian mission control center. The resulting explosion killed a lot of top military men and scientists who were watching the launch.

After that, neither the Russians nor Americans tried to explode high-yield hydrogen bombs in the upper atmosphere, although they detonated smaller ones.

After hearing Frank told me this story, I asked him, “Obviously, I’m glad they did it, but what about the Prime Directive? Why did they have the right to kill a bunch of Russians, even though they deserved it?”

Frank replied, “The Prime Directive grants us the right to blow up our planet, as senseless as that might seem, but there’s a bigger picture that involves other ETs. They say that the detonation of a huge hydrogen bomb in the atmosphere would have had lethal effects beyond Earth. They say our scientists just don't understand that such detonations ripple outward invisibly, severely warping space and time. This affects Earth but also the Moon and nearby planets in our Solar System, where the ETs have bases. The ETs don't have the right to stop us from blowing up our planet, but they have the right to defend themselves and to keep us from harming their off-world bases."


When writing this book, we checked to see whether the idea of the bomb-induced chain reaction in the upper atmosphere as a factual basis. No country has ever blown up a large H-bomb that high, and so we couldn’t confirm it one way or the other.

The only thing that may be relevant is magnetic resonance imaging or MRI. This technique relies on the fact that the human body contains lots of hydrogen atoms. The spinning proton inside the hydrogen atom creates a small magnetic field that can be detected by sensitive equipment such as the MRI. In simplified terms, the machine generates a powerful magnetic field that is up to 60,000 times more powerful than Earth's field. This field causes the hydrogen atoms to align with each other. Then, when the machine turns off, the alignments of the hydrogen atoms return to the way they were before. Unlike the bomb, the patients don't explode when that happens (thankfully), but it does show that hydrogen atoms can align under the right circumstances.

So, could a massive atmospheric explosion be triggered by an H-bomb? Maybe. As with an MRI, maybe the H-bomb could create a magnetic field that is so powerful that it aligns the hydrogen atoms in the upper atmosphere. We don’t know. We only know that the ETs say we should avoid it at all costs.


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13 - Two Incinerated Planets

Some contactees say the ETs told them about a former planet in our Solar System that blew up. Orfeo Angelucci wrote: “There was once a planet in the Solar System of Earth, called Lucifer [named after one of the rulers of the planet]. Its orbit lay between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. That planet was the original home of Earthlings. They made war among themselves and finally turned against the Great Giver of Life. Ultimately, they destroyed their own planet, which today exists only as a sterile and barren ring of asteroids and debris in the Solar System.”

George Adamski wrote a similar story: “A planet in our system was once destroyed by the misapplied discovery of the fundamental power of the atom. Modern astronomy has calculated that there should be another planet – about the size of our own – between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. However, instead of a planet, there is a ring of cosmic dust, stones, and debris called ‘the Asteroid Belt.’ If such a planet did exist and was suddenly destroyed, the repercussions on the rest of the Solar System must have been catastrophic, particularly upon Mars and Jupiter.”

The Mitchell sisters also wrote about the explosion of the planet, “The doom annihilated the seas of Mars that were turned boiling hot and dissipated in clouds of steam. Water became almost nonexistent. All vegetation and animal life, as well as man, was no more. Much of the oxygen of the atmosphere was burned out. Mars became a place where nothing living could exist.”

Orfeo Angelucci recounted meeting an ET that described life on one of the larger planetoids in the asteroid belt that remain from the shattered planet Lucifer. “It is only a few hundred miles in diameter, hence the nearness of the horizon. The thunder, lightning, and constant play of color phenomena in the atmosphere are the result of magnetic disturbances because of the vicinity of other asteroids. The clouds you see above are not clouds as you know them upon Earth, but they serve to obscure the debris of our wrecked planet.”

Frank said that the ETs confirmed that the current asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is the remnants of a small planet that had been blown up by the warring civilization living there. When Frank asked when this occurred, the ETs would only say a very long time ago.

The ETs told Frank that some of the beings that lived on that planet incarnated on Earth recently. One of those was named Joseph Stalin, who, when he had lived on the planet Lucifer, had been among those responsible for blowing up the planet. In an attempted repeat performance, Stalin authorized the 50-megaton H-bomb explosion in the Van Allen belt. As discussed in a previous chapter, the ETs claimed that the H-bomb would have created a fiery chain reaction in Earth’s high atmosphere that would have devastated the Earth, much the same as happened to the planet Lucifer.


It is always worth questioning ET stories, so let’s explore the story of the destroyed planet. In the late 1800s, scientists accepted that a planet formed between Jupiter and Mars, and then later, broke up into millions of pieces that became today’s asteroid belt. However, beginning in the Twentieth Century, most scientists concluded that the asteroid belt is just leftover material from the formation of the Solar System and never formed into a planet.

If the asteroid belt is the remains of a shattered planet, it was quite small. If you could ‘glue’ all the asteroids back together, the resulting object would only be about 1400 km wide, much smaller than Earth’s Moon and smaller than Pluto. But does size matter? Not really. A small number of people can still live on a small planet.

If the ET story is correct about Lucifer's destruction and its devastating effects on Mars, then it means that Mars was habitable in the past. This idea is in agreement with the latest discoveries by NASA's Rovers that indicate Mars once had a denser oxygen-rich atmosphere, along with surface oceans that have since evaporated into space.

However, according to most scientists, surface oceans evaporated from Mars about 3.8 billion years ago. The ETs never gave a timeframe for when Lucifer broke up, and so, it may have happened billions of years ago. On the other hand, 3.8 billion years is based on scientific calculations of how long it would take the Martian atmosphere to bleed off into space slowly. In other words, it is just an estimate. So, that date could be younger.

In any event, if there once was an advanced civilization on Mars, evidence suggests it must have been there a very, very long time ago. But time really doesn’t matter. The ETs say they are numerous billion-year-old civilizations within a few dozen light-years of Earth. Why not one on Mars?

So, it appears that it is at least plausible that the asteroid belt was a planet and that Mars once had a breathable atmosphere, vast oceans, and could support life. However, that doesn’t mean any of this actually happened. Scientists now say that it didn’t happen, but once accepted that it. The ETs say that it did.


Moving on from atomic warfare on the planet Lucifer, the ETs have told multiple contactees that wars with A-bombs and H-bombs have occurred elsewhere in our galaxy. They showed John one previous example in a regression-progression session. Here is his description of what he saw.

“As I relax and enter the session, there is a jolt in consciousness. I seem to be two people at the same time. I am dimly aware of still being John, but the other 'me' is an ET aboard one of a fleet of saucer-like ships. We are stationary in space above a planet in star system far from Earth. The planet looks to be about the size of Earth's Moon.”

“My ship is about 100 feet across and is flanked by two ships on each side. I’m behind the command console in a single domed room. In front of me appears to be a 30-foot-wide, 5-foot-high window, but actually, it is an electronic viewscreen.”

“The ship's pilot is seated at a console near the viewscreen, and one technician is on each side of him. I'm some kind of envoy or ambassador on the ship. The ETs I see are not the familiar Grays but are humanoid, resembling Asian people on Earth with black hair and darker skin. They are all thin but not skinny and about 4½ to 5 feet tall. They look like early-teenage children.”

“The small planet ahead had been a member of the Coalition, a group of planets, and it had recently tried to withdraw from the Coalition violently. They killed hundreds of people, hurt thousands more, and destroyed buildings and property. Finally, the Coalition became weary of the years of chaos and unheeded warnings.”

“Now, we are on what I understand to be a police action. Not to destroy the planet but to sterilize it, so that it can be re-colonized. After instructions from the pilot, one of the technicians reaches out and activates a glass-like console in front of him. He turns to make eye contact with the other technician, who reaches out the same way. Simultaneously, they both touch the center of the screen.”

“At first, there is no indication that anything is happening – no flashing lights, no sound, no missiles, no death rays. But then, directly ahead of the ship high in the planet’s atmosphere, a small bright-yellow flattened disk of fire begins to form. As I watch, the fiery disk slowly expands laterally through the atmosphere, turning yellow-red and growing larger with every passing second.”

“Before long, the fireball expands around the curve of the planet, engulfing it. I can tell that the fireball is in the atmosphere and never reaches the ground. Even so, the heat on the planet's surface is so intense that it incinerates everything. Every person, every animal, plant, insect, and bacteria are roasted in the immense heat – no living creature could survive that inferno.”

“The others in the ship seem completely unaffected by the massive scene of destruction below them. To them, the planet had it coming. The inhabitants had been warned but wouldn’t listen.”

“Unlike the crew, I’m overwhelmed with a flood of conflicting emotions. On the one hand, I am awed by the immense spectacular show of power. On the other hand, to be able to fry an entire planet like that is terrifying. I feel great sadness for the people and animals that were just destroyed and am almost sick to my stomach."


Suddenly, John got kicked out of the session and sat up. He felt a little dizzy, and his breathing was rapid and shallow, so he sat for a moment with his hands on his head. The therapist gently brought him into the present moment, reminding him that he had relived a memory that is no longer real.

Later, John wondered about the Prime Directive. How could these people have annihilated the people on that planet? Then he remembered something an ET told him. The directive only applies outside of your group – unfortunately, beings can be as violent as they want within their own group of planets.

John also thought about the story of the small planet, Lucifer, destroyed long ago. He wondered whether it was the same world that he had just witnessed being destroyed. Intuitively, he decided it was not. This event happened outside our Solar System.


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14 - Trouble on Earth

According to the ETs, we will use nuclear weapons to destroy our civilization on Earth. Here are some accounts by contactees in this book about this.

John described the following out-of-body experience, “I was in a car driving west on Interstate 40 from Flagstaff to Kingman. There were very few cars in the two eastbound and westbound lanes. After driving for several hours, the trip had become monotonous, and I started to feel drowsy. To keep awake, I shook my head several times, shifted around in the car seat, and took deep breaths.

“Suddenly, I experienced an out-of-body experience overlapping the in-the-body one. The road ahead changed from the regular view through the windshield to a shimmering vision, superimposed over my real-world view. Ahead, I saw hundreds of stalled cars in the middle of the road and off to the side. All were heading east towards Flagstaff – none were heading west.

“Unable to drive any farther, people had grabbed food, water, and a few belongings, and abandoned their cars. There was a steady stream of people walking to the east, weaving their way in among the parked cars. There were many more people than cars, so some people must have been walking for many hours. The range of their expressions was the same. Dazed, fearful, shocked, stunned.

“Mentally, I asked, 'What happened?’”

“Instantly, I received an answer, “They are refugees.”

I asked, “Refugees from what?” Immediately, I got a mental image of the Los Angeles basin. From the inland mountains west to the Pacific Ocean, the scene showed endless miles of crumpled freeways, crushed cars, and collapsed and burning buildings. In downtown Los Angeles, tall high-rise buildings had toppled over to crush smaller buildings or had broken apart as they fell across freeways. Thousands of out-of-control fires filled the air with acrid black smoke and soot laced with a toxic brew of chemicals. I remembered the aliens’ message that Earth's air would become "unbreathable."

“I wondered whether we had come under nuclear attack. Or had nuclear bombs triggered massive earthquakes? But the ETs would not tell me.”


Although written down years apart, John’s account is very similar to one by a contactee named Harry, as described in one of Preston Dennett’s books. In Harry’s vision, he saw a major highway packed with cars. However, none of the cars were moving. Instead, everyone has exited their vehicles and were walking along the highway like refugees. Harry saw this vision of a future catastrophe but did not see what caused it.


John had another ominous encounter about a future nuclear war, as follows.

“As I go deeper into my regression-progression session, I am suddenly out of my physical body, hovering thousands of feet off the ground in a small spherical ship. It is nighttime with a full moon. I can see it clearly, because the ship’s walls are almost transparent.

“Turning my attention down, I recognize rolling countryside that I intuitively know to be the northern Great Plains. I see the faint line of the Rocky Mountains to my left. To my right is a long river winding snake-like from north to south. I guess that I am over the eastern Dakotas.

“An inner voice says, ‘Look north.’ I turn to see a dozen pinpoints of orange lights flare up at ground level and begin rising into the sky, lighting up the prairie around them.

“A feeling of dread washes over me as it dawns on me what I see. Missiles! Lots of missiles!

“The inner voice then says, “West.”

“I turn and see more missiles rising from the dark plains.

“Then, the voice says, "South." Dozens of missiles – maybe one hundred or more in all three directions.

As I watch in dismay, the bright whitish-yellow glow from the missile exhausts turns into long, thin, white vapor trails reflecting the moonlight.

“The scene is oddly quiet and beautiful, except for the chilling thought of impending nuclear war. 

I think to myself, ‘This is it. They finally did it!’

The arc of the missiles is mostly to the north over Canada. Mentally, I ask the ETs, ‘Who are they after? Russia? Iran? China?’

“Before I get an answer, the view shimmers and goes dark. Then, I was suddenly back in the session room.

“I sensed that what I had seen was not symbolic but real. Saddened, I thought, “Heaven help us!”


When writing this book, the authors wondered whether what John saw matches reality. An online search showed the northern Great Plains are host to about 400 Minuteman missiles, each with up to three nuclear warheads. That’s more than a thousand atomic bombs. They are housed in underground silos at three Air Force bases – the Malmstrom base in Montana, Minot in North Dakota, and Warren in Wyoming. Their locations fit with what John saw.


Once, Frank was taken aboard a Nordic ship and shown a scene from the future on one of the ship's monitors. It was a nighttime view looking northeast along the US coastline. The view from the monitor appeared to be many miles high, enough for him to see the distinct curve of the Earth’s horizon off in the distance.

Frank told John, “I saw a large sliver of what I knew to be the Atlantic Ocean to the right, reflecting the faint moonlight. Close to me and to the left, I saw the rugged curves of the Appalachian Mountains.”

Then suddenly, Frank saw a bright white flash directly ahead on the ground at the far horizon. It flared into a golden-red ball of fire and then gradually faded in brightness after less than a minute. In its place, an ominous mushroom cloud rose above Earth’s surface.

Looking closely, John could see Long Island Sound stretching off into the night. Startled, Frank said, “Oh, my God! They’ve bombed New York City!”

The Nordic nearby said, “Bombs will fall everywhere.” Then, in quick succession, the scene shifted to show nuclear explosions and mushroom clouds expanding over Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston, and a dozen other cities. The ET said, “Nowhere will be safe.”


John describes another war-related incident with the ETs, “I snapped awake at 2 AM one morning, and the ETs took me of my body. Suddenly, I am in one of their ships up maybe 100 miles over the central US, looking toward the East Coast. It is nighttime and it is sometime in the future.

“Turning my attention to the scene below, I see the Atlantic Ocean far off into the distance. A quarter moon is low in the eastern sky, reflecting faintly off the ocean. About halfway to the horizon, I see the US coastline, highlighted with an intricate expanse of bright spots of yellow-white nighttime lights from hundreds of cities and towns. The largest and brightest lights are in cities such as Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and Washington.

“The lit-up cities are interconnected by a thin lacework of highways and roads lit with reddish-white lights from streetlights and automobile traffic. The scene is exactly like nighttime photographs from the Space Shuttle – black oceans, dark-gray continents, colored in by the lights from human activity.

“Everything looks normal, and so I wonder to myself why I am seeing this. Instantly, the scene changes. The thousands of lighted cities suddenly change from white to reddish-orange and begin to flicker and shimmer. The long lines of bright highways go dark.

“I wonder what’s going on.”

“Then, it suddenly dawns on me – fires! The flickering is from massive fires! In all directions, I see towns and cities on fire, glowing, flickering, and smoldering across a dark landscape.

“Far into the distance to the west, I can just barely make out a patchy orange glow on the low-lying clouds. There are large city fires along the West Coast – Los Angeles and San Francisco are going up in smoke. But that’s figurative because oddly, I don't see any smoke.

“Inwardly, I ask what could cause all this.

“The answer comes back, ‘Unnecessary roughness.’ I'm thoroughly puzzled, The term refers to a penalty in American football, but I'm not sure how it applies.

“I ask, ‘What does that mean?

“Immediately, I hear, ‘Unforced error.’ I'm even more puzzled – that's a tennis term, which refers to a mistake in play that is the player's fault.

“Unable to figure out the meaning, I remind myself that the ETs often resort to cryptic messages and symbolism.


John suddenly was back in his body at home in bed. While the scene was still fresh in his mind, he worked to interpret it. The ETs had not given him much to go on.

The lack of smoke suggested to John that he saw a symbolic scene, not a real one. Even so, John felt the fires represented a real event.

Next, John reasoned that if they had been real fires, people would have been fleeing the cities and so the highways would have been brightly lit with car lights. Instead, there were none. For that matter, except for the fires, there was no indication of any other lights. That meant the electrical power must have been off. That was a crucial clue.

If the electricity was off and cars would not work, then there are very few things that could cause an effect like that across an entire country. One is an electromagnetic pulse or EMP from a nuclear detonation. When atomic bombs explode high in the atmosphere, they produce EMPs that can destroy all electronics – in automobiles, cell phones, computers, and satellites.

But what about the sports phrases. The first one, ‘unnecessary roughness,’ suggested to John that one ‘player,’ maybe the U.S. government, would intentionally break the rules and be excessively violent toward another ‘player.’ Meaning that the U.S. would attack another country.

The second phrase, 'unforced error,' suggested that the action would be an unnecessary mistake by the same government. Summing it up, John interpreted the clues to mean that the U.S. government would do something extraordinarily unwise that would trigger a nuclear attack on or by another country. Would it be Russia? Iran? North Korea? John didn’t know, and as usual, the ETs wouldn’t give him a complete answer.


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15 - Blue Lightning and St. Elmo’s Fire

A Among the many dangers of nuclear detonations, one is called an electromagnetic pulse, abbreviated as EMP. It is a brief intense wave of energy caused by solar flares, lightning strikes, nuclear explosions, and certain non-nuclear weapons. It radiates outward from a single point in all directions. EMPs have little direct effects on humans, but the worst-case scenario is that EMPs have catastrophic effects on the electronic components of our wired society. Just think of all the aspects of modern-day life that are electronic and dependent upon the electrical grid.

In 1962, the US ran a high-altitude test called "Starfish Prime," detonating a small hydrogen bomb 400 km high above the Pacific Ocean. When the bomb went off, it had unexpected effects. It generated a powerful EMP whose effects were felt 1400 km in Hawaii, where electrical blackouts occurred, along with malfunctions in electronic equipment. A more powerful bomb would have created far more severe results.

If a nuclear bomb detonates at an altitude of 95 km, the EMP will spread in all directions covering an area with a 2250-km diameter. Six well-spaced aerial nuclear detonations would probably cover most of North America or Europe or Australia.

So, are EMPs a real danger? According to a US government commission that studied the effect, they consider EMPs as a potential threat to produce the largest-scale failures in electrical power generation, including nuclear reactors. The problem is that most studies have been about single EMP pulses with only regional effects, ignoring multiple high-altitude nuclear detonations across an entire continent. If the effects really are minimal, there would be only local damage, but if the studies are wrong, the destruction would be continent-wide.


Frank told John about a meeting he had about EMPs on board an ET ship.

Frank said, “After Starfish Prime, the 1962 test of the high-altitude bombs, radio and TV were filled with stories about the weird electrical effects. I watched reports of the tests on the evening news with my black-and-white TV set.

“The next time I was on one of the ships, I asked a Nordic about the tests. The ET mentally asked me to come over to one of the ship’s full-color monitors. I saw color TV-like sets on the ET ships a long time before they were available on Earth.

“As we stepped up to the set, my ET contact turned it on telepathically and told it what to show me. I’d often seen them do things like that telepathically in the past – they only occasionally turned on the sets manually.”

John was puzzled, “Why would they use both? Telepathy seems so much simpler.”

Frank answered, “Frankly, I never understood why either. Some ET races do things only by telepathy. I think the Nordics are just a bit closer to being like us on Earth. Their civilization began transitioning from manual to telepathic not too long ago, so they still use both.”

Continuing, Frank said, “I saw on the TV what looked like an inward-curved cooling tower with steam coming out. Next to it was a big concrete dome. At that time in the 1960s, nuclear power plants were rare, but even so, I knew right away that this was one. The plant nearly filled the entire viewscreen. The sun had already gone down, and the sky was almost dark. Stars had started to come out.

“I asked the Nordic the location of the scene, but he didn’t say. I felt it was somewhere along the Atlantic Ocean on the East Coast of the United States.

John asked, “What made you think that?”

Frank replied, “Oh, just intuition. I could only see the power plant, but my intuition told me it was in the Carolinas somewhere or maybe Virginia.”

He continued, “Telepathically, my Nordic friend pointed to a slowly moving white spot high above the power plant. I leaned forward to see it better and wondered what it was. Suddenly, I was startled to see a brilliant flash that turned the monitor’s screen almost white. Within a few seconds, the glare died down, leaving an orange-red fireball growing gradually larger in the sky.

“I was stunned. I suddenly realized that a nuclear bomb on a missile had just detonated."

John asked, “Which way was it coming from?”

Frank said, “I didn’t really know which way was north. I was sure it didn’t come from over the Atlantic, so it probably came from the north or west.”

John wondered to himself whether it was from Russia, China, or some country in the Middle East.

Frank answered John's unspoken question, "Don't know, and the Nordic wouldn’t say."

He continued, “Then, just out of view on the left side of the screen, another fireball went off. I couldn't see the actual fireball, but the glare lit up the left side of the monitor. Then another one went off farther out of view. Three in total that I could see.

“Turning my attention back to the first explosion, I saw thousands of thin blue jagged streaks of lightning flickering down to the ground.”

That description reminded John of the Tesla coil, a device invented by Nikola Tesla. One large coil could produce hundreds to thousands of eerie, flickering, lightning-like threads of blue electricity. However, something seemed wrong with Frank’s description. For the Starfish Prime EMP test, no one ever saw any electrical discharges. Also, electricity from a Tesla coil could never reach the ground from that height, and neither could regular lightning, which comes from clouds that are much closer to Earth.

 Frank picked up John’s thinking and replied, “Good points. As I watched the scene, I suspected that the lightning was not real, but rather, symbolic for an EMP. I asked my Nordic friend about that, but as usual, he was silent.

Frank continued, “All around, as far as I could see, the blue lightning strikes hit trees, buildings, the cooling tower, and the power lines around the nuclear plant. Lots more hit the dome over the nuclear reactor as if it were attracting them. Dozens of them flickered across the top of the dome. Everything that the blue lightning touched began to give off an eerie blue glow, pulsating and flickering, almost as if it was alive.

“As soon the lightning touched any lights, they went out – streetlights, automobile lights, building lights, everything. Now, wherever I looked in the scene, there was no light of any kind except the expanding red fireball high in the sky and the blue halos around almost everything on the ground.

“Then suddenly, as I watched, the top of the nuclear dome split like a cracked egg. Right after, a fiery explosion blew giant chunks of concrete far into the sky. Some of them came straight towards the monitor.

“Instantly, my view on the TV set changed to right above the reactor dome, looking down into a cavernous hole caused by the explosion. Inside, I saw nothing but black smoke, fire, and molten metal that formed into a bright glowing ring of fire around the inside of the dome. As I watched, the molten material began to sink – slowly at first and then faster. It was eating its way through the innards of the concrete dome. It went down and down until there was a massive explosion. White steam clouds shot up violently toward the viewscreen. Instinctively, I pulled back. But of course, it was only on the monitor. The molten material had hit groundwater and exploded.

“As the view on the TV set pulled back from the dome, I watched as one extreme explosion after another hurled radioactive steam and debris into the atmosphere. The glowing cloud rose like the plume from an erupting volcano, then flattened out and drifted out over the Atlantic.

“As the view drew back even farther, I saw a similar plume from another reactor off in the distance up the coast, and then another. With a chill, I realized that many damaged reactors were spewing massive quantities of radioactive debris into the atmosphere and the ocean.

“With that, the Nordic telepathically turned off the TV set. I peppered him with questions, but he would only say, “That is all you need to know for now.”

Shocked by what he had just heard, John asked, “Why don’t the ETs stop it?”

Frank said, “They can’t interfere – remember the Prime Directive? Unfortunately, humans have the inalienable right to be as stupid and destructive as they want – as long as they don’t destroy nearby planets. We’re going to learn the hard way. You know the old saying about putting your hand on a hot stove once, and you won’t do it again? Except this is going to be a lot hotter than the hottest stove.”


For this book, the authors explored what would happen if EMPs exploded above any region or country around the world? If there were multiple, powerful EMPs, they would permanently destroy all electronic and electrical devices. Here are just a few of the adverse effects that could effectively send us back to the Pre-electronic Age. As you read these, consider how your life would be different if just a few of these things occur.

  • Satellites would be destroyed, so no satellite phones or TV.
  • Cellphone landlines would be damaged, so no phone calls.
  • Computers would stop working and could not be repaired.
  • Local TV and radio stations would go off-line.
  • No satellite-based GPS.
  • No Internet and no Cloud.
  • No refrigerators to store food.
  • No electricity or air conditioning.
  • No trucks to deliver food or products.
  • No pumps to deliver water to your house.
  • Banks would close so no access to money.
  • The world’s financial system would collapse.
  • Electrical transformers would burn out.
  • Hydroelectric plants would be shut down.
  • Dams would fail, leading to massive flooding.
  • Nuclear plants would melt down and explode.
  • Coal power plants and wind generators would shut down.
  • Gas stations would not work so no fuel would be available.
  • Pre-1970s cars would run, but would soon run out of fuel.
  • Cars with electronics made after the 1960s would not run.
  • Refineries would shut down, so no new fuel would be made.
  • Modern airplanes and trains could not run without fuel.


We did an online search and discovered nearly 100 operating commercial nuclear reactors in the United States. There are about 440 in 30 countries around the world. A few are designed to resist EMPs, but the cooling systems appear to be the main vulnerability. If EMPs shut down the cooling pumps, the plants would go into meltdown and explode, releasing massive amounts of radioactivity.

To understand the danger, consider the nuclear accidents at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, at Fukushima in Japan, and at Chernobyl in Russia. Decades later, the area around Chernobyl is still too radioactive for humans to live there. It likely will remain that way for hundreds if not a thousand years. Fukushima is still spewing radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean that has reached the US's West Coast.

All three of those reactors either partially or entirely melted down. None ultimately reached the water table to create what is called the China Syndrome, a fanciful way of saying that the molten material would keep melting down in the Earth until it reached China. If their melted radioactive cores had hit water, the situation would have been far worse.

If 50 or 100 of the world’s reactors melted down in a China Syndrome, it would be an unprecedented catastrophe. Because of the intense heat generated by the nuclear material, those damaged reactors would spew out radioactive steam and debris for hundreds if not thousands of years, making the area unlivable for many miles around the smoldering plants. Equally as bad, radioactive steam turns into radioactive rain that would be carried all around the planet. Such a scenario could make Earth’s air “unbreathable,” as the ETs have warned us. In that case, the only solution would be for the survivors to be lifted off an increasingly deadly planet.


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16 - Rising Seas and Shifting Poles

Some of the most common themes mentioned by ET contactees are massive Earth Changes – huge earthquakes, mega-tsunamis, rising sea levels, a comet impact, and a pole shift. The ETs frequently talked to Frank about the coming Earth Changes, who often joked that to take advantage of the future Earth Changes, everyone should invest in soon-to-be 'oceanfront property' in California and Arizona.

One time, aboard an ET ship, the Nordics took Frank to a monitor to see what the US Southwest would look like after the Earth Changes. From a high altitude, Frank saw that New Mexico, Arizona, and the southern half of California were much wetter than today. The region appeared more like the modern-day Midwest of the United States with lots of green leafy trees, rather than pine trees. The semi-deserts were gone, replaced by hundreds of new perennial streams and rivers. The entire region was wetter and seemingly cooler.

He could not tell how far in the future it was. Was it 20 years? Or 200 years? He asked, but the ETs would only say, “Time is not linear.” They rarely answered Frank’s questions about timing.

Then, Frank asked, “How does that area get that much wetter?”

As he asked, the computer monitors zoomed in to show the southern coast of California near Los Angeles. The Pacific Ocean was miles farther inland than today. Large parts of downtown Los Angeles were underwater. The tops of dozens of crumbling skyscrapers stuck above the new ocean level. Cities farther inland were unaffected by the new sea level, but still, something had destroyed nearly all of the buildings and freeways – they all had turned into rubble.

Puzzled, Frank asked what caused this. The ETs said, “Realignments.”

Frank wasn’t sure what that meant. Was it from the San Andreas fault line? Or a pole shift? He asked, but the ETs wouldn’t say.

Frank had been in San Francisco many times, and so, he mentally wondered how that area would look. The moment he thought about the city, the scene shifted to show a close-up. He was amazed. The ship was reading his mind. Whenever he mentally thought of a specific city, the area would pop up on the computer-like monitor.

As the scene zoomed in, Frank was surprised to see that parts of San Francisco were underwater. San Francisco Bay now extended miles farther south.

East of San Francisco, the Pacific Ocean spilled through the mountains to fill much of the Central Basin of California. He was astounded to see that fertile fields and orchards, some of the nation’s most productive croplands, now lay beneath an inland sea that extended nearly half the length of California, from near the Oregon border to the mountains north of Los Angeles.

Stunned by what he was witnessing, he asked, “Did the Earth go down or the oceans go up?”

The answer came back, “The waters rose.”

He thought, “Oh, my God. What happened?”

A surprising answer came back, “There is no longer any ice at your Earth’s poles.”

Frank was dumbfounded. If all the polar ice melted and the oceans rose, that would explain everything he saw.


Here is John’s story. One night, he went out of his body onto an ET ship high above Virginia. John had long been curious about Frank’s description of the flooding in California, but the ETs had not provided Frank with much information. Now John was hoping for more.

Suddenly, the ship moved out high over an ocean. In the distance, he recognized the southern tip of Greenland, so he knew he was looking north over the Atlantic Ocean, thousands of miles away from Virginia. There was no feeling of acceleration or motion. John was just over Virginia one moment and over the Atlantic the next.

As John looked through the large viewing window of the ship, he was astonished. He had seen many photos of the Greenland ice sheet, but now, the vast white ice sheet was gone. Instead, a huge landlocked inland sea extended about half the length of Greenland.

Then the ship moved instantly again. As before, John saw mostly the ocean, but this time, he recognized the tip of South America in the distance and understood that he was over Antarctica. There was no ice there either. Instead, about half the continent was now open ocean. Most of Antarctica was now under the waters of the Southern Ocean, leaving dozens of small isolated islands and several large ones.

John struggled to come to terms with the missing ice. There was none in Greenland or Antarctica, and none on the Andes of South America in the distance. Earth was now ice-free for the first time in millions of years. And all that melted water was now in the world’s oceans.


In another out-of-body experience, John was taken up into an ET ship and shown a future scene on a large monitor. He was high above Earth and could see the Baja Peninsula and the California coastline below him. The Pacific Ocean off to the left. As was often the case, the scene was in 3D, so that it seemed like he was looking out a wide window, but he knew it to be a computer reconstruction.

To John’s surprise, he suddenly saw a massive wave rise from the Pacific and wash inland into California. It was thousands of feet deep and several hundred miles wide, extending from San Diego to Santa Barbara. As it came ashore, it changed color from ocean blue to frothy dirty gray, and flattened into a tongue-like shape. The enormous wave continued inland, flooding across Southern California and the southern halves of Arizona and New Mexico. It finally stopped when it reached western Texas and then slowly began to withdraw into the Pacific.

John felt certain that any tsunamis could not cross mountains in California and Arizona that were many thousands of feet tall. So, he asked the ET standing next to him, “Is that real or symbolic?”

The ET responded, “Use your intuition.”

John thought for a moment and said, “Well, I don’t see how a real tsunami could travel that far or reach that high. It must be symbolic." He decided to interpret it as a dream. “Okay, if it’s symbolic, I would say that it represents the future when a huge tsunami hits California from the west. It won’t wash entirely across Arizona and New Mexico, but it will be very powerful. Far more than a typical tsunami.”

An ET told him that he was correct.


Later, to check on what John saw, the authors did an online search. Sometimes, enormous chunks of the underwater flanks of the Hawaiian Islands break off and slide into the Pacific Ocean. When such giant landslides occur, they create enormous waves called mega-tsunamis. One was more than 300 meters when it hit the island of Hawaii long ago. It continued east, and when it hit California, it was still 90 meters high. The tallest known tsunami wave was 525 meters in Alaska. Even though huge, none of those waves would have washed across California into New Mexico.

So, what the ETs showed John appeared to be symbolic. The ETs explained to him that many scenes shown to contactees are not literal but symbolic. They stressed that it is essential for a contactee to use intuition to tell the difference.


Another common theme is a pole shift, a catastrophic change in Earth's geographic pole, its axis of rotation. This change is different from a shift in Earth’s magnetic pole, which happens often and is not catastrophic. Here are what some contactees have said about a possible pole shift.

In one of Preston Dennett’s books, a contactee named Dolly said that the ETs told her that Earth would face severe widespread disasters that will cause an unprecedented loss of life. She mentions one possible cause as being a pole shift.

Also, in Dennett’s book, an ET contactee named Harry, maintains that the ETs gave him the power of clairvoyance to see future events. One compelling vision that he received shows half of Florida going underwater, although he didn't know the cause of it.

The Striebers describe two contactees who say the ETs showed them a pole shift. One contactee described the following, "The polar ice caps on the Earth were melting, causing massive flooding and imbalance. The ET said, ‘This will affect the tilt of the Earth on its axis. We cannot intervene.’”

The Mitchell sisters wrote that a rapid pole shift would occur. They say that such a shift typically would be gradual and would not cause tremendous catastrophes. But now, the testing of nuclear bombs and multiple atomic explosions in the coming world war will cause fault lines to move. In turn, this will cause many lands to sink beneath the waves. These changes will disrupt Earth's balance, resulting in a much faster geographic shift that will be cataclysmic.

For Ruth Montgomery, her Guides told her a pole shift is coming “in the twinkling of an eye, as the Earth slips approximately onto its side.” She writes that the sun will momentarily appear to stand still in the sky and then move rapidly backward for a brief time. She says that Earth's axis does not really change, and instead, Earth's tectonic plates, which float on Earth's molten interior, will rearrange themselves to re-balance Earth's rotation. This catastrophic movement of Earth's crust will devastate the coastal areas of many continents but will leave most inland areas untouched. When that happens, some mountains will push up higher, and some will drop down lower, causing the diversion of rivers and lakes. Montgomery warns that Earth will be severely depopulated and that “those who survive the Shift will be numbered in the millions… nothing like today’s population on Earth.” Most importantly, she says that before the worst of the catastrophes occur, many people will be taken into ET ships and lifted off of Earth’s chaotic surface.


Frank sometimes mentioned pole shifts. He spoke to John one day about a conversation he had with the ETs, “I asked the Nordics about predictions of a pole shift. They indicated that it would be a slow-motion shift.”

John was surprised to hear that it would be slow and interrupted Frank, “So, they’re saying it won’t happen overnight?”

Frank continued, “That’s right. I asked them how long it would take, but they wouldn’t say. The ETs usually won’t answer questions about time. I don’t know for sure, but when they said ‘slow-motion,’ I took that to mean years, maybe hundreds of years – probably after the big war and after the ice sheets melt. The rising water seems to be the trigger. When all that water spreads across all the world’s oceans, it will throw the Earth out of balance. Even so, I didn’t get the impression that the North Pole will move very far.”

John added, “But what about the predictions by the Mitchell sisters and other contactees? They saw the planet flipping on its side and water sloshing around?”

Frank shrugged, “I’m don’t think a pole shift with sloshing water should be taken literally. Sometimes the ETs show us symbolic scenes.”

John responded, “Does that mean the ‘slow-motion’ part they told you is symbolic, too?”

Frank said, “Could be. Have you heard that old figure of speech about ‘turning your world upside down'? Maybe the ETs are referring to the entirety of Earth Changes – to nuclear war, earthquakes, mega-tsunamis, rising sea levels, and depopulation. It might take decades or hundreds of years for that all the play out. And if all those occur, they will symbolically ‘turn our world upside down.’ Maybe that’s the meaning of the visions.”


Afterward, the authors researched what Frank said. A crucial question is whether a future ‘pole shift’ is symbolic or actual. We did an Internet search and found that, according to scientists, the geographic pole has shifted a maximum of 1200 kilometers during the last 50 million years. That’s only about 10° from its current location, but none of that motion was rapid or catastrophic. NASA recently discovered that the geographic pole is shifting faster toward Europe due to the melting ice sheets. However, it’s just creeping along at about 15 centimeters per year. That’s hardly catastrophic.

So, is an actual slow-motion pole shift going to occur? Or are we facing a ‘pole shift’ that is symbolic? Scientists say a very rapid geographic pole shift is almost impossible, short of being hit by a gigantic asteroid. The ETs say a shift is coming but won’t explain whether they mean symbolically. Clearly, the answer is unclear. We’ll have to wait to find out.


In multiple encounters with multiple contactees, the ETs made it clear that Earth will suffer very real catastrophes on a massive scale, unlike any in human history. Global nuclear war, melted ice sheets, unprecedented earthquakes, rising oceans, mega-tsunamis, and maybe, a pole shift. We should be prepared to have our world ‘turned upside down.’ Figuratively and literally.


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17 - Lifted off a Burning Planet

Numerous contactees have been given messages from the ETs, indicating that conditions on Earth will become so bad that the ETs will lift some people off the surface. Here are excerpts from a few of those.

In one of Preston Dennett’s books, a contactee named Lynnette reported, "The ET being said that there were going to be more sightings and that if people should start disappearing from the planet, it was because of the ETs and was being done for the ‘universal good.’” By ‘disappearing,’ she meant they would be lifted off.

Dennett also described another ET encounter by Ron. He said the ETs told him that Earth was soon to undergo “a transformational event – the equivalent of the Biblical Rapture," interpreted to mean that a select group of people would be lifted off.

Then there’s the story about an ET contact by Pat. It happened after a massive volcanic eruption in South America. The explosion demolished many villages across the region, buried them in mud, and killed an estimated 23,000 people. Pat reported, “The ETs took thousands of people (into their ships), and they weren’t bringing them back.” The ETs lifted them off to save their lives.


Her Guides told Ruth Montgomery that after the cataclysmic Earth Changes, “One method of rescue for the physical survivors will be ‘the lifting off by means of spaceships that will need to navigate around the Earth for several days during the turmoil of the Shift until stability returns to the orbiting planet.’” The Guides told her that the rescued earthlings “will be infused with healing energies” on the orbiting ships. In other words, the survivors would live aboard the ships until it was safe to return. Montgomery also said that some people who were lifted off might opt to travel to other planets and resettle permanently.

She also emphasized that very few people would be lifted off, writing, “This is not a wholesale evacuation project, but a careful selection of those who are deserving of perpetuation in bodily form or who have remarkable talents to contribute during the rebuilding of Earth’s environs.” She was told that those who return to Earth would do so to help create a benevolent, egalitarian society.


The Mitchell sisters also wrote extensively about an impending global catastrophe. The ETs told the sisters that they are "ready to lift people chosen of Earth to safety should the elements become fire (meaning a nuclear war). We will lift the chosen people to watch from afar the rest of Earth's woes." After being lifted off, Earth people “will await the final cleansing of Earth's surface.”


Snow and Wambach conducted regression-progression sessions with hundreds of people. After being hypnotically progressed into the future, many people described living in the aftermath of an immense global catastrophe. The Earth they envisioned is devastated, and there are almost no people left. About 25% of them reported being in contact with friendly ETs and either living on space stations and ET motherships orbiting Earth or living on other planets.


Of the three contactees mentioned in this book, all reported that the ETs told them they would lift some people off the planet to protect them from a global cataclysm. Here are their accounts.

Max told Sarah that one day when he was aboard a ship, the Grays warned him about Earth's future troubles. One of them showed him what he called a 'black box,' something like a computer monitor. It was more than a meter wide and about a meter high.

Engrossed in the scene on the monitor, Max saw long lines of people loading onto saucer-shaped ships. One of the Grays told him telepathically, “They are being evacuated to safety.”

Max told Sarah that the refugees were being “packed in like shoes.”

Max started to take notes, but the Grays told him that he could not – he could only watch what was unfolding. One Gray told him, "Just pay attention, and you'll remember it clearly."

Some people were boarding with necklaces of gold, pearls, and diamonds around their necks and wearing multiple rings on each finger. They were allowed to board with all the jewelry that they could carry. The weight was sometimes so heavy that people struggled to walk.

Max had many mature fruit trees in his backyard, and one of the Grays told him, “When the time comes, we will lift the trees off with you and bring them back down after all the trouble is over. You and your group will need the fruit. There will be no grocery stores.”

The ETs would not let pets aboard the ships because there was not enough room. To Max’s surprise, the Grays told him that some children would not be lifted off with their parents. Some will be left behind. Max wondered why. Was it because the children were too afraid to get on the ships? Or because they weren’t high enough spiritually? He decided probably for both reasons.


Frank saw an almost identical scene in a large city sometime in the future. As he watched on the TV-like monitor on a Nordic ship, the sky filled with ominous dark clouds that mostly blocked the sunlight. Frank leaned closer to see hundreds of people crowding up ramps onto dozens of large ET ships of all types. Some were saucer-shaped, some cigar-shaped, and others were round.

Frank recognized a few people that he knew – they all appeared much older than the present time for him in the 1980s, so he knew that he was seeing decades into the future. A few people’s faces were distorted by fear. A few others were blank with shock. However, most were relieved about being rescued and hopeful about starting a new future.

Some people carried suitcases filled with prized belongings. As Frank watched, they were disappointed to be told they had to leave them behind. The ETs needed room for as many people as possible.

Some people clutched their pets, but the ETs told them gently but firmly that they had to leave their pets behind. The ship was simply too crowded for animals. A few people would not abandon their pets and got off the ships to remain with them on Earth. The ships took off without them.


One night, John suddenly went out of his body. He described the encounter this way. “I am off in the future inside a large saucer-like ship more than 30 meters or 100 feet across. It is jammed with people packed shoulder to shoulder. I’m standing near the curved wall when it suddenly becomes transparent.”

“As the ship slowly begins to leave the surface, I see a chaotic world with burning buildings and a dark turbulent sky. Away from the ship, people are fighting and killing each other, their faces contorted with hatred and madness. They feed off the chaos and destruction as if it were some drug. The ships are filled with only those who hope for a better world for themselves and their families. All others are left behind.”

“As the ship pulls farther away and the violent crowds disappear from view, I feel a sadness for the billions of people left behind. They had a chance for safety and rejected it. Everyone had multiple opportunities to hear the truth, to learn how to get along with each other, and to help make Earth a better planet. Instead, they chose hatred and violence. They were now paying with their lives for those poor choices.

“In one moment, the big ship is at the planet’s surface. A split second later, it is high above a blue Earth next to an enormous mothership that looks to be many kilometers long – it’s the largest ET ship I’ve ever seen.

“A telepathic ET voice says softly, ‘Onward and upward.’ I smile as I recognize that quote from C.S. Lewis’ Narnia books. As in Lewis' stories, we are heading into an enchanted realm full of magical beings, the ETs.


Sometime later, Frank and John were talking about the trouble to come.

Frank asked, “Have you heard that song from the Broadway musical – the one about “Stop the world, I want to get off.”

John nodded, and Frank continued, “Well, the world’s going to stop, and lots of people are going to get thrown off. That is, they’re going to get rudely ejected from their bodies.”

John knew about predictions by Ruth Montgomery and others and asked Frank, “What do you think – hundreds of millions?”

Frank looked up but didn't say anything. Instead, he held out his fist with the thumb sticking up and raised it slowly, indicating a higher number.

John asked incredulously, “Do you mean Billions?”

Frank shook his head and said quietly, “The ETs told me that less than a few million would survive."

John was skeptical and responded, “You mean that out of some seven billion people on this planet, only a few million are going to survive? More than 99% will be gone!”

Frank said, "Hey. Don’t shoot the messenger – that's what the ETs said. Maybe the people on this planet can change."

John thought for a moment about our current dysfunctional society and remarked, "Yeah. What are the chances of that?"

Frank just held up his hand and touched the tip of his thumb and forefinger to form a large round zero.


One day at lunch, Frank was discussing being lifted off by the ETs and said to John, “A Nordic once told me that there is one main message most of the ETs are trying to get across. That’s why so many people are seeing them now. They show us their ships so that Earth people can get used to the idea that the ETs are real. And that the ETs don’t eat people!”

He smiled and paused before continuing, “They’re trying to get us over our fear, so we won’t run away when we see them.”

He looked up from his plate, "This is their message: 'There is serious trouble coming. If a saucer lands nearby and waves for you to get on board, don't run. Get on! Your life may depend on it.’”

Frank paused to take a few bites of his lunch, smiled, and continued, “It’s easy to remember because it rhymes. Don’t run. Get on. But some will find it hard to do – they will be too afraid.”

He looked up from his plate at John and asked with a faint smile, “Would you run?”

John laughed and said, “Are you kidding? I’d run trying to be the first on board."


Later, in another meeting, Frank told John, "Look around you. The overall consciousness of Earth is becoming more outwardly destructive. While it’s true that small groups of people on Earth are moving upward in spiritual consciousness, most people are not changing for the better. They are increasingly expressing their anger and hatred toward others. There is a direct correlation between exploding anger and exploding bombs.”

He continued, “The trouble that is coming is almost certain to affect most people, but it doesn’t have to affect you. No matter how bad things get for others, you can always turn a negative into a positive.”

“Here’s an analogy,” he said. “A few days ago, I saw a demolition company take down an old brick building nearby. They spent days strapping big packages of explosives on the girders. When the moment came to bring it all down, a big guy with a hard hat pushed a plunger and then, ‘Boom!’ Down it went. Very dramatic.”

Frank quizzed John, “Have you ever seen something like that?”

John nodded, and Frank continued, “Well, did you pay attention to what happened?”

John was not sure what Frank was getting at, but answered with a shrug, “Uh. Well. The building came down.”

“What else?” Frank asked.

“Lots of dust?” John asked, still not sure where Frank was going.

“Right – lots of dust,” Frank responded. “The building came down, and the dust went up!”

John still looked puzzled, so Frank explained, "That's the analogy. That’s what we need to do when the entire world falls down around us. We need to go up like the dust, meaning that we need to go higher spiritually. When the world collapses with great energy, it provides a powerful updraft that can carry people higher, if they go along for the ride. A planet rarely gets destroyed as violently as will happen to Earth. Smart people will use this unusual event to achieve an acceleration in spiritual growth.”


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18 - Mopping up a Major Mess

On many occasions, the ETs told Frank that nuclear warfare would make the air on Earth "unbreathable." If so, one of the most pressing problems would be to clean up the radioactivity. Frank said the ETs would be able to do this, and John witnessed how that might work.

One night in the 1970s, John was sitting outside, enjoying the fresh air in western Virginia near the Appalachian Mountains. Near the foothills, he saw a bright green light falling slowly toward the ground at an angle. He was surprised at how large it was – about one quarter the size of the Moon. Even though it was some distance away, it was so bright that nearby trees cast shadows.

At first, he thought the light was just a military magnesium flare – they are also green. But military flares usually flicker as they burn, while this light was steady. Also, military flares are often suspended beneath a parachute and fall slowly. This light was freefalling much faster. John questioned whether it might be a meteorite, but it seemed to be moving too slowly.

Even though puzzled, John just figured it had something to do with the military and didn’t think anything more about it. When he saw Frank the next time, he mentioned it.

Frank said, “The ETs do that a lot – they drop green fireballs.”

Puzzled, John asked, “Why do they do that?”

Frank responded, “Radiation from our nuclear testing, nuclear weapons, and nuclear power plants. Humans are poisoning the Earth's atmosphere with radiation. The ETs can't directly interfere, but they can help by neutralizing it. They do it with those green flare-like fireballs.”

John questioned, “How can something that small have much of an effect?”

Frank answered, “The ETs say that because of their advanced technology, the effect is far greater than we can see.”


Although John can’t be sure about what he saw, several reports confirm a connection between green fireballs and ETs.

In the late 1990s, the National UFO Reporting Center stated that "September has been an incredibly active month for UFO reports, including mass sightings of blue-green fireballs across the United States.”

Edward Ruppelt, a United States Air Force officer best known for his involvement in Project Blue Book, wrote the following. "The green fireballs streaked into UFO history late in November 1948, when people around Albuquerque, New Mexico, began to report seeing mysterious 'green flares' at night. The story went on to tell about how a ‘blinding green’ fireball the size of a full Moon had silently streaked southeast across Colorado and northern New Mexico. Thousands of people had seen the fireball. It had passed right over a crowded football stadium at Santa Fe, New Mexico, and people in Denver said it ‘turned night into day.’ The crew of a TWA airliner flying into Albuquerque from Amarillo, Texas, saw it. Every police and newspaper switchboard in the two-state area was jammed with calls.”

Ruppelt also reported that an Air Force intelligence agency concluded that the green fireballs were not military flares and were not meteorites. They took the sightings seriously and were investigating them for a possible ET origin.

He also wrote: “At the Atomic Energy Commission's Los Alamos Laboratory, a group of scientists seriously discussed the possibility that the green fireballs were of ET origin.” Many UFO researchers consider green fireballs to be some of the best examples of ET activities.

James mentions a contact in which the ETs told him, “Your people will soon witness more fireballs, which we are dropping as nullifiers,” meaning that they nullify radiation.


On one of Frank's trips aboard an ET ship, a Nordic showed him videos of the future, after nuclear warfare had saturated Earth's atmosphere with deadly radioactive particles. The footage showed ET ships and drones releasing hundreds of thousands of green fireballs to neutralize harmful radioactivity.

Frank also saw giant ET ships moving slowly and deliberately over the world’s oceans, removing the radioactive particles, along with mercury, pesticides, and other toxic chemicals.

He told John, “Those ET ships were among the largest motherships I’ve ever seen – some were many kilometers long.” The typical mothership looks like a giant vitamin capsule – a long tube rounded on each end. Or like a submarine, but without fins, propellers, or a conning tower. These giant cleanup ships were the same general shape. But there was one major difference – the entire bottom of each ship was flat. Rounded on top, but flat on the bottom.

The ships were dematerializing the bad stuff that humans have been dumping into the air and oceans – the radioactive particles, poisons, and toxins.

Frank explained to John, “Their flattened hulls had something to do with cleaning up the mess. The ETs told me that the flat bottoms help focus their technology downward toward the surface. However, I couldn’t see any visible beams, or rays, light, or sound – nothing obvious at all. And yet, they were purifying Earth’s atmosphere and ocean waters."

Frank was astounded that they were doing a lot more than cleaning up the oceans. He said, “I saw that they were not just taking out the bad stuff, but at the same time, they were putting in good stuff.” The ET ships were restocking the ocean with fish, shellfish, clams, and plankton, everything that had been killed by radiation.

“It reminded me of the Fish and Wildlife Department. When I was a kid, they would restock lakes and rivers with fish. They went out on the lakes in boats and dumped huge bins of trout into the lakes – thousands of fish. The ETs were doing the same thing, except on an enormous scale. Instead of restocking lakes, they were restocking the oceans.”

But that was not all – the ET ships weren’t just replacing old lifeforms. They were also introducing new ones – plants and animals that had never been on Earth before but fit harmoniously with other of Earth’s lifeforms.

What the ETs were doing reminded Frank of the Cambrian Explosion. He said, “The Gardeners introduced new life to Earth about half a billion years ago. Now they’re back – I couldn’t see any of them, but I knew they were here.”

“The last time the Gardeners were around was 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs went out. But that’s how they think. Very long-term. To them, 65 million years is like last year to you and me. That was a major turning point for Earth. When the dinosaurs went extinct. And what we are going through now is the latest turning point. They’ve also come back for this one.”

Frank continued, “Unlike the Fish and Wildlife people, the ETs didn’t have all these fish in big bins that they dumped into the oceans. No, the ETs were materializing them using genetic instructions! Can you imagine that? They were creating billions of lifeforms out of thin air and stocking them in the empty oceans.”

Frank said, “It didn’t take the ETs long to finish the cleanup and restock the planet. They did it within just a few months.”


Max told Sarah about a similar incident on an ET ship, when the Grays told him about the future cleanup process and the aftermath of nuclear war. Throughout two or three visits, the Grays showed Max video-like images on a ship's monitor. Their technology could roll time forward and backward, just like a digital video recorder, showing Max the past as well as the future. He realized that in some cases, these were digital creations. In other cases, the Grays told him that they had moved into the future to show Max what Earth would be like after the Earth Changes ended.

First, the Grays showed Max high-altitude views of the planet. Max explained to Sarah, “It was like those ‘before’ and ‘after’ shots on TV. In one, there were people everywhere, but in the second, almost no people anywhere. In the ‘before’ scene, I saw crowded cities. Then the viewer would change to the 'after' scene with ruined cities and no people.

“Then, they showed me the shattered cities with huge motherships hovering over them. They were taking apart the empty wrecked cities – dematerializing them. The ET ships simply vaporized the broken rubble of the cities, making it vanish. I was amazed to watch scorched broken buildings shimmer and disappear from view. It was eerie.

He continued, “It was the same with highways. The ET ships passed slowly over asphalt highways and roads. They vaporized them, leaving bare Earth behind.”

“Next, they rolled the video forward into the future. It was a little like fast-forwarding a video or DVD, or a time-lapse movie. You know, where everything speeds up much faster than in real life. As the ETs rolled their scene forward, years passed in seconds. Grass and trees grew at high speed across the denuded Earth, erasing any trace that the highways, towns, and cities had ever existed.

Just as Frank had seen for the oceans, Max saw that ET ships were having an effect on animal and plant life.

Max explained, "Many UFO sightings have reported ET ships taking animals on board. The Grays told me that this was part of their genetic collection process. Not just on humans but also on plants and animals. And not just physical genetic material. They also are storing genetic codes just for this, for when almost all life on this planet has been wiped out. As I watched the ET monitor, I saw the giant ships passing over the landscape materializing plants and animals beneath the ships. Radiation had killed them, and now the ETs were putting them back.”

Max continued, “The Grays told me that when the planet is clean and safe enough, they will bring people back to Earth’s surface. At least some of them, anyway. Not everyone who had been lifted off would want to come back. The ETs would let some of them go to other planets. They said it wouldn't be easy because of culture shock, but some people still would go. Some people simply were sick of living on the old Earth and weren’t interested in creating a new one.”

Next, the video shifted, showing a close-up of a tribe of maybe 15 to 30 people. Probably in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Max only saw one tribe and wasn't sure whether all had a similar number of people, but he was certain that all tribes only had a few people.

Max told Sarah, “I was surprised to see that nearly all of the people in this tribe were not wearing any clothes. When I was in the jungles of Southeast Asia, it was hot, and the tribal people were usually more comfortable being naked or mostly naked. I guessed that it was the same for this tribe."

He continued, “I saw natural 'hot tubs' around the village. Natural like the hot pools in Yellowstone National Park." Max knew that these were hydrothermal pools that had not been there before the Earth Changes, meaning that volcanic activity had increased in this area.

Max knew some of the individuals in the tribe, but they appeared a lot younger than they were in the current timeframe. He said, “The ETs had ‘rolled back time.’”

Sarah thought Max meant that they had time-traveled back to when the people were actually younger. It is more likely that the ETs may have reversed the aging process in the human survivors. Their understanding of biology and genetics is advanced enough to do that.

Max said, “Everyone’s health appeared to be flawless. Even their teeth were perfect.” Dentures and fillings were gone as if they had never existed. Max believed that the ETs would regrow missing teeth for the survivors.

The ET video showed Max that there just would not be many people left on the planet. The ETs have told Frank and other contactees that only a few million will survive out of seven billion. Many of today’s problems on Earth are the result of overpopulation – too many people, eating too many plants and animals, and fighting over resources. To counter that, people in the future will limit the number of children they have. Couples that wish to have children will meditate on it and invite in a spirit that will be harmonious with the survivors and the new Earth. Although there will be no population control as we know it on Earth, there will be a clear understanding among the survivors that human population levels must remain low. It will be crucial that the survivors don’t destroy Earth's natural balance again.

Max said, "In the ET video, I saw that of the tiny handful of humans still alive, the survivors would be the most spiritually advanced – those who had been trying to make a better world before hatred destroyed the old one. Everyone will have instructions on how to live a positive happy life, and nearly everyone will go along with it."

Even so, Max saw that despite the recent horrendous destruction of planet Earth, a few people would not learn quickly enough. A few just will not change their destructive behavior.

Max explained, “The ETs told me that the survivors would have to do something about the few bad people left. Even though there will be very little government needed, there will have to be something like a global police department. It will be tiny because nearly everybody will behave, but it will still be necessary.”

And there will be a handful of highly spiritual ‘judges,’ who will listen to disputes and make fair judgments with Solomon-like benevolence.

Max explained, "Any offender will be warned and given multiple opportunities to change, including working with a global group of spiritual teachers and healers."

Most of the time, that will be enough, but if it doesn’t work, then the police force will go to the second step. Even for repeat offenders, there will be no jails, no prisons, no punishment, and no death penalty.

Max said, "Violence, selfishness, cruelty, and destructiveness, for example, will be treated as spiritual illnesses that are curable. Just like physical treatments can heal physical illness, spiritual remedies can relieve spiritual ailments.”

Max continued, "At worst, an offender that doesn't improve will be sent to another planet with a lower vibration to work out their negativity. In any event, they cannot remain on Earth unless they change. The survivors of Earth's recent destruction will not want to repeat it any time soon.”

Max saw no central government and no armies anywhere in the world. He said, "There will be no local government, the way we think of it.”

There just won't be much need for rules, because the recent worldwide catastrophe will be deeply imprinted in people’s consciousness, and the survivors will realize that they have to get along. There will be one basic, crucial rule, the Golden one. It’s simple. Just ‘do unto others.’ In the future, like today, if someone follows that, there is almost no need for other rules.

Max said, "Everyone will share, support each other, and conduct their lives for everyone’s mutual benefit. Doing that will be easy, because everyone will be telepathic, at least to some degree. There will be no lying, no cheating, no stealing. When everyone is telepathic, someone knows instantly when another person is lying or trying to take advantage of them, and so, people rarely would try."


On one of their ships, the ETs provided Frank more information about the extent of the Earth Changes. A Nordic showed him a scene on one of their computer-like monitors. Palm trees were growing on a large island with the ocean on one side and a wide river on the other.

The ET didn't explain, so Frank asked, "What am I looking at?"

Their answer was "Near New York City."

Shocked, Frank asked, "Where's the city? What happened?"

The Nordic responded, "This is after the changes. We have removed the remains of that city."

Frank was stunned, “So, you mean that New York City will be gone, and the area will be warm enough for palm trees? Like Miami Beach?"

The ETs said that was true.


The ETs showed John more details about the future after the Earth Changes. One night, he had an out-of-body experience. The ETs on the ship told him that he was seeing years into the future.

John described the scene, "I'm a few thousand meters over the Rocky Mountains, traveling rapidly east, much faster than any airplane.

“The sky is beautifully clear with no clouds, no haze, and none of the usual brown fog of pollution. I didn’t recall ever seeing the sky like this, without some pollution. As I pass beyond the Rockies over eastern Colorado, I'm able to zoom in, as with a camera. When I do, I'm surprised to see no cities and no roads. No matter where I look, I see no evidence that humans have ever been around.

“Equally surprising, I see none of the typical grasslands and sparse shrubs of eastern Colorado. Instead, I see dense forests as far as I can see. They’re filled with green leafy trees, such as aspen, maple, and birch. The climate appears mild, and there's plenty of rainfall. I sense that the forests are healthy and filled with birds and woodland animals.

“Then, in a forest clearing along a stream, I stop and zoom in to see about a dozen people below. Several of them see our ship hovering in the air and wave with happy looks on their faces. They appear to be living peacefully, as most Native Americans did. However, they are not living in teepees or huts, but rather in small simple houses that blend naturally with the landscape. Many homes are underground or set into a hillside like house caves.

“I think of Frank, who told me that people would live in tribes after the Earth Changes. I know this to be the future, but realize that this is probably what the world looked like a thousand years ago. Like before the Europeans arrived. When there were only a small number of Native Americans were in North America.

“Zooming back out, I continue to the east. I am surprised to see that the vast grasslands and croplands of the central Great Plains also are gone, replaced by almost unbroken forests with densely packed trees. Clearly, there must be a lot more rainfall across the plains after the Earth Changes.

“I climb higher and look to the north into Canada. Below me, across what must be the Dakotas, the grasslands also are gone, leaving forests that are a rich medium-green. In Canada, the color gradually changes to a darker blue-green. I interpret that to mean that there are still lots of blue-green fir and pine trees in Canada, just as there are today.

“Next, I wonder what has happened in Europe, and in an eyeblink, I am over France with the English Channel off to my left. Below me, I see nearly endless forests. Before the Earth Changes, I would have seen neatly cultivated fields, hedgerows, villages, and roads – now they’re gone.

“Next, I think of northern Africa, and instantly, I am there. It is nothing like what I’ve seen up to this point. There are huge shifting dunes stretching as far as I can see. Northern Africa is not wetter and, instead, has gotten even drier. There are no signs of life anywhere. Areas near the equator have simply gotten too hot to support life of almost any kind.”


Suddenly, John popped out of the scene and was back at home. He had just seen a future Earth that is very different from today. A world with almost no people in it. However, he considered that to be positive, not negative. Nature and the ETs had repaired the damage caused by human overpopulation and by the insanity of war. This new Earth seemed much more welcoming than the old one.


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19 - Alien Tech for a New Earth

Multiple ET technologies have the potential to revolutionize life on Earth. After the global catastrophe is over and the survivors reject war and other destructive behavior, the ETs will gladly share the technology that they use. Here are some hints of what the ETs say is in Earth’s future.

One day, Frank told John about a trip aboard one of the ET ships.

“One of the Nordics was showing me a scene on one of their monitors. They had two types on that ship. One of the Nordics nearby was working on one that is similar to our computer monitors. The image was flat and two-dimensional – just like with our computer screens on Earth.

But the screen near me was different. It suddenly materialized inside the ship, hovering in midair away from the wall, so I knew it wasn’t an opening in the ship. What I saw was like a rectangular window, opening onto a 3D world – except that I knew it wasn’t an actual scene.”

John remarked, “Wouldn’t it be nice to have something like that on Earth?”

Frank nodded. “One of the most impressive things was that when they no longer needed the monitor, they made it disappear. They did that with lots of things. Instead of having a lot of clutter around, they would just 'disappear' something until they needed it, and then, they would 'appear’ it again.”

He continued, "More impressively, they can do that with entire walls of their ship. Now, imagine that on Earth. Let's say that you're sitting at home. It's a nice day outside, and you want to feel the sunlight on your face and have a better view. So, you make the walls and roof transparent. It would be just like sitting outdoors – except no bugs! And no rain!”

Frank said, “The ETs have told me several times that eventually that will show humans how to disappear things, along with everything else that they do. That’ll happen as soon as we stop trying to kill each other."

John was transfixed, thinking of all the ways to use ET technology like that.

Frank continued, “Back to the monitor. They displayed something that I call a ‘magic black box. It was about this size.” Frank held up his hands to indicate that the box was about the size of a large laptop computer.

“Although, to be accurate, it really wasn’t black – it was a dark gray. The box appeared to be made of some kind of semi-gloss metal, and all the surfaces were flat and smooth. I wondered what the other sides looked like, and instantly, the 3D magic box on the monitor spun around to show me. Upside down, backward, sideways – no matter what I imagined, the magic box rotated in the monitor.

“There were no holes, no doors, no seams, no wires coming out, and no way to connect it to anything that I could see. As nearly as I could tell, it was just a solid block of metal, but I guessed that there must be something inside.”

Frank asked them, “Okay, what is it?”

“The ETs told me that the magic boxes deliver unlimited free energy. Now that got my attention!”

John knew ‘free energy’ means you put in a little energy to get a generator started, and then, you get back a lot more energy than you put into it. Earth scientists have been trying to figure out how to do that for hundreds of years.

John asked Frank, “Okay. So, how does the magic box work.”

Frank said, “One of the Nordics said that it’s similar to their ship’s propulsion. Because they understand gravity, they can take atoms apart. He explained that when humans take apart atoms on Earth, we release destructive nuclear energy. When the ETs do it, they produce harmless energy.”

John had another question, “How did they get the energy out if it doesn’t have connections?”

Frank replied, “They confirmed that the process is wireless, using energy waves that spread out from the box. They can focus the energy into harmless beams that run their devices, including lights, heating equipment, and entire ships. In other words, the magic boxes are compact extremely high-energy power plants.”

Frank said that the ETs showed him more images, indicating that every house on Earth would eventually have one of these magic boxes. There would be no need for nuclear or coal-fired power plants, no need for powerlines or transformers.

Frank said, “They told me that we will be able to use regular water as fuel and that there is enough energy in a glass of water to run a city for 100 years. And not just water. We will be able to use anything as fuel. Trash, dirt, anything. No matter what goes into one of the magic boxes, it takes the atoms apart and produces energy.”

John was puzzled and asked, “Am I missing something? You said there were no doors or holes, so how did they get the fuel inside?”

Frank replied, “The same way they get in and out of their ships. They take the atoms apart to open a door, put in the fuel, and close the door by reassembling the atoms.”

John had another question, “How do they move electricity around if they don’t use wires?”

Frank replied, “Here’s one of the weirdest things about their technology – they don’t use electricity at all! They told me that electricity and magnetism are at opposite ends of a spectrum. Electricity is at the ‘hot’ end, the destructive end. And that makes sense. You can die if you stick your hand in an electrical panel.

“On the other hand, magnetism and gravity are at the ‘cool’ end, the non-destructive end of the spectrum. That makes sense, too. I’ve never heard of anyone say that someone was ‘killed by magnetism.’”


Later, as John thought about what Frank had said, he realized that these magic boxes would radically and completely transform Earth’s society. His mind raced as he thought about different areas of life on Earth that would dramatically change.

In agriculture, you could make fertilizer for free and pump water for free. Even more astounding, the magic boxes could create all the water anyone needs by taking apart atoms of something else and reassembling them into water. So, even if a farmer lived in the middle of the Sahara Desert, they could turn sand into water.

There would be no need for fuel for tractors to plow the fields or trucks to deliver the food. Food would be free because it would cost nothing to grow it. So, no shortages of food and no starvation anywhere across the planet. And money would be unnecessary and meaningless. There would be plenty of everything so that anyone who needed something could have it.

Consider manufacturing. There would be no need for electricity to operate the plants – all energy would be free. With the ET technology, we could recycle all of our waste for free. And if we needed some particular element, we could just make it from a different element. It's the old alchemist's dream of turning common metals into gold. Except with the magic boxes, we could turn water or sand into gold, diamonds, or platinum. When we can do that, gold and diamonds won't have any special value, because anybody can make as much of them as they want.

Think about commerce. Right now, our civilization is built on buying and selling. That will be obsolete after the magic boxes come into use. Anyone can use ET technology to make as much of anything they want. So, no need to buy or sell anything.

And technology will be radically different. As in today’s Internet ‘cloud,’ everyone will be linked, both physically and mentally, to the ET version of a global supercomputer. It will be a radically different world when we integrate their technology.


In one of Preston Dennett’s books, he describes an incident in which the ETs rearranged atoms. A contactee named Pat, was on board a ship with about 30 ETs. Some were Grays, and others were human-looking of different races, white, black, Asian, and more. The ETs were able to see into the future and knew in advance about an impending disaster, a volcanic eruption.

They were waiting in two ships when the volcano exploded, sending an enormous mudflow racing down the valleys and burying many villages. Immediately, the ET ships moved in to rescue thousands of people. Pat watched in wonder as the metal hull of the ships changed shape when they hovered just above the mudflows. The formerly solid metal suddenly became fluid and solidified into a new shape. She said, "It changed its outside metal configuration into a railing kind of thing and a flat area where people could climb on."

This incident describes the same process that the ETs use in their replicators. They simply take atoms and rearrange them into any form and shape that they choose.


In another trip on board an ET ship, Frank asked the ETs about gravity. Sometimes, the Nordics would not answer his technical questions, but this time they did.

One ET said, “Hundreds of years ago, your scientists thought gravity to be a ‘pull,’ They thought that the Sun’s gravity pulled Earth and the other the planets towards it. But they had it backward. Gravity is the result of a ‘push’ rather than a ‘pull.’”

The ETs explained that the ‘push’ happens when photons, atoms, and subatomic particles crash into one another. After they collide, they clump together and begin to rotate around a common axis, the same way that Saturn and its rings rotate together. The ETs told Frank to look at what Earth's most powerful telescopes can see – almost everything in the universe is spinning or spiraling. Galaxies are a good example – the vast majority have spiral shapes.

They explained that after these particles clump together, they attract other rotating clumps. Eventually, those spinning clumps grow into revolving dust clouds that eventually form rotating stars that ultimately develop into spiral galaxies. All of them are spinning and that’s the key to gravity.

The ETs said that this explanation of gravity encompasses everything from the tiniest to the most massive objects in the universe. And all of it begins with one small push that causes the tiniest of subatomic particles to spin.


After the Earth Changes, the ETs say that we will be able to use the antigravity propulsion technology that they use on their ships. Here's what other contactees and researchers have mentioned in the past.

The same antigravity propulsion appears to be used on several classes of ET ships. Stanton Friedman offers one of the most precise descriptions. He wrote, "It seems reasonable to assume that the huge cigar-shaped ‘motherships,’ into and out of which the smaller disk-shaped craft fly, are the interstellar vehicles and the others are Earth Excursion Modules for local travel only. Motherships are rarely observed cavorting or flying close to ground level. In Ted Phillips’s huge collection of trace cases, more than 90 percent of the low-level vehicles are disk-shaped.”

Nearly all contactees who mention space travel say that the ETs travel faster than light wherever they want. If so, that means Einstein had it wrong. The ETs told the Mitchell sisters that once we understand gravity, faster-than-light travel will become clear. They said that there is no such thing as distance in space, that it can be shortened by the consciousness analyzing it.

Exactly how that works is unclear, but Stanton Friedman provided an analogy: “Picture a flat sheet of paper and then bend it so that diagonally opposite corners touch each other. Obviously, travel between these touching corners would be more rapid than travel across the paper had it remained flat.” That analogy is overly simplified, but even so, it fits with the ET claim that they can warp or bend space and time so that they can cover seemingly long distances instantly.

Frank once told John, “The ET ships travel on the weak lines of force that connect distant galaxies. Recently, scientists have found tenuous strands of dark energy and dark matter connecting the galaxies. So, do the ETs travel between galaxies along strands of dark matter? I don't know, but no matter how it works, ETs say that after humans reject their belligerent behavior, we will also be able to travel throughout the Milky Way galaxy and even to other galaxies if we wish.


John was curious about antigravity ships in Earth’s future. Entering a regression-progression session, he looked across the landscape of the future Earth and saw dozens of small two- and four-seater, saucer-shaped ships hovering or flying across the landscape. He also saw unmanned drones, ranging in size from smaller than a grain of sand to larger than a jumbo jet.

John told Sarah, “Those small saucers are the automobiles and airplanes of Earth’s future.”

Sarah immediate saw some humor in that and she said, “So, the two-seaters must be the sports-car version of saucers? Let’s buy a red two-seater with a fold-down top?” They both laughed.

When the ETs showed John the small saucers, he wondered about traffic jams. He realized that there was no visible traffic on that planet, because the small saucers can cloak themselves. Even if hundreds of saucers were in an area, they would be invisible to everyone around them. So, no cluttering of the landscape, no spoiling the views. And because of antigravity, no accidents.

John continued, “And it’s not just the ships that they cloak. Sometimes they cloak entire buildings on other planets. Why spoil the view? Just make your entire city invisible. The people inside the buildings can still see out. But others can’t see them.”


Some contactees have described ET ships moving into solid rock as if it weren't there. That would be particularly useful on a future Earth. Here are a few incidents.

Preston Dennett writes that when a contactee named Joe, was eight years old, he was offered a ride on a ship by a human-looking ET. The ET let eight-year-old Joe pilot the ship, and Joe immediately crashed the craft into the ground and kept going. Hearing that makes you wonder why an ET would let an eight-year-old drive a spaceship. In any event, Joe described it this way. “I could see the rocks. We were passing through the rocks, and there were all these sparks flying, dirt, everything.”

Dennett describes another similar incident, this time by Pat. As she looked on in surprise, the ship drove at high speed straight into a rock wall. Hitting with a bang, it moved right through the rock and entered a hidden ET base deep within the mountain. Seeing Pat's surprise, the ETs said, “What is an obstacle for you is not an obstacle for us.”

Frank had several similar experiences of ET ships flying through solid rock into hidden bases. The ETs explained to him that as the ship moves into contact with the rock, they take apart the atoms ahead of it and reassemble them behind it.

In another case, Frank saw the process up close when he was inside one of the ET bases. One of the ETs invited him over to watch. The dark-haired ET held up a handheld device and pointed it at one of the rock walls. When he activated it, a huge round hole appeared in the rock in front. There was no heat, no light, and no apparent radiation. Frank leaned closer to look down the tunnel. It extended a long way into the rock wall. So far that the end was in darkness.

Frank was tempted to call it a 'ray gun,' like a space movie. But it didn’t look like a gun, and no rays came out.

Frank was amazed and asked, “How does it do that?”

The ET smiled and replied, "It's simple. There are two ways. This device teleports the atoms somewhere else. With the other method, we have devices that take the atoms apart.”

ET ships can also repel solid matter. Cooper claims that when he was at the Roswell crash site, "Some kind of magnetic field had pushed all the earth away from the craft at impact.” Howard Menger mentioned that if the ET ships are on a collision course with a meteor when they are in space, the ship’s antigravity flux can repel the meteor. Alternately, they can simply dematerialize the meteor by taking apart its atoms or teleport it somewhere else.

When this technology is available Earth, there will be no more airplane or automobile collisions and no more falling off ladders, among a lot of other benefits.

Howard Menger described seeing ETs use antigravity to float or glide rather than walk. And Dennett reported that two contactees named Tony and John saw an ET hurrying away from them down a golf course, but it was not running, but rather, gliding through the air.

Tony said, “There was no movement, no bounce, and I don’t remember seeing its legs moving.” The ET seemed to be using antigravity to effortlessly move faster than any human can run. If that technology becomes available on Earth in the future, earthlings could just tap a device on their belts and zip along at high speed wherever they want. Also, for those earthlings who always wanted to fly like a bird, human flight would be possible.


As with John and Frank, several other contactees report that the ETs can cloak themselves. For example, Dennett wrote that a contactee named Kevin described the ETs cloaking ability, saying that if some Earth people are standing in a group, the ETs "can make themselves visible to half the group and not to the other half.”

Invisibility would be useful for earthlings who want to nap on the beach or enjoy nude sunbathing and don't want to be disturbed. Or become invisible so you can watch the wild animals in the woods without disturbing them. It also probably would be handy for robbing banks. Except that there won't be any to rob after the Earth Changes.


Almost every ET reported by any contactee appears to have been in perfect health. So, it is exciting to think that their technology to achieve health would be available to humans. The ETs told Frank that they have a complete understanding of genetics, DNA, and hormones for maintaining perfect health.

Here is what John described during one of his regression-progression sessions. “After leaning back and relaxing, I go out of my body directly onto an ET ship. Among other things, I am curious about their health technology. So I ask one of the ETs.

“A human-looking Nordic woman explains to me that whenever ETs and their cyborgs want to have a health checkup or just generally clean up, they step into a curved cleaning cabinet like the one she is standing near. It is a little bit wider than her body and inset halfway into the ship’s wall. The cabinet is shaped like a transparent cylinder with a closed top and bottom, looking a little like an oversized vitamin capsule.

She said, “This is something like what you would call a ‘shower’ on Earth.”

Except that, as John noted, it had no visible door.

She said, “Let me show you how it works.”

As she moved close to the cabinet, the side of it instantly became invisible. After she stepped in, the atoms of the door formed behind her, but she remained visible to John.

John was surprised to see that unlike most humans, she was showering while wearing clothes. On Earth, the very feminine-looking Nordic would have passed for a beautiful movie starlet, and so John idly wondered what she looked like without clothes. Immediately, he saw a mental picture of her nude.

He admitted, “I was immediately embarrassed. I figured she was reading my mind, and I quickly tried to block out her nude image.”

The Nordic woman almost certainly picked up his thoughts, but being kind-hearted and sympathetic about human flaws, she didn’t say anything.

She continued as if nothing had happened and said, “Usually we remove our clothes in the shower, but it is unnecessary. The shower works either way. This way, my clothing gets clean at the same time as I do.”

Once she was inside, an array of colored blinking lights lit up, apparently signaling that the cleaning cabinet began to operate automatically. But there was no detectable sound or vibration and no water, steam, or any other visible cleaning agents.

She explained, “Invisible beams are removing dirt, dead skin cells, and other contaminants. Those are collected and recycled. On our ships, every single atom is recycled, reused, or transmuted into something else – there is no waste.”

She explained that the cleaning cabinet also performs a highly sophisticated medical inspection, including testing blood, fluids, DNA, and hormones, looking for anything that is wrong. The cabinet can automatically fix most physical problems instantly. For more severe issues, such as an accidental injury, the patient is referred to specialists with more advanced equipment.

As the door opened and she stepped out, the cabinet's inside glowed with a pale green light. She explained, "Green indicates that all test results are normal. If the light were blue, that means my body needs more advanced medical treatments. If I want to know the results in detail, I mentally ask the cabinet to tell me."

John eagerly asked whether he could try it.

She smiled and put him off gently, saying, “Not quite yet. When you and others get lifted off Earth, you will be able to repair your health using our devices. Many of you will be happy to know that our technology can reverse the effects of aging.”

She explained that all advanced ET civilizations thoroughly understand anatomy and genetics so that they can repair damage to DNA and the structure of individual cells.

She looked at John with a faint smile and asked, “On Earth, I understand that your females are reluctant to discuss this, but how old do you think I am.”

John told her that she looked 25 or 30 years old by Earth's standards.

She laughed and said, “I’m more than a thousand Earth years old and will probably be in this body for another thousand years."

She continued, "We don't age the way humans do. Our bodies can live in perfect health for many thousands of years if we choose to do so. We just keep repairing them to maintain perfect health.”

She told John that Earth scientists are making significant progress in mastering the initial stages of longevity. After the coming Earth Changes, she said that humans will no longer get old quickly the way we do now – we will live for many hundreds of years.

Next, John was curious about accidents.

She explained, “Oh, yes, these bodies can be damaged and die in accidents. However, because we usually see the future and avoid them, they are rare. But they do happen, for example, if one of our ships crashes on your planet. Also, one of us may decide that we have achieved all the progress that we can in a particular body. In that case, we consciously leave the old body and get a new body, often on a different planet.”


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20 - Spirit, Mind, and Body

Over the years, the ETs have told many contactees that they will share their technology with us – saucers, antigravity, unlimited free energy, and replicators. What is less appreciated is that they will also share with us their spiritual understanding. We can partially summarize that as the 3 T’s and the 3 C’s. The first 'T' stands for telepathy or mind-to-mind communication. Instantaneously moving objects across space and time is known as teleportation. Telekinesis means moving objects mentally without physical contact. The first 'C' stands for clairvoyance, the ability to mentally see the future. Clairaudience means hearing other dimensions non-physically. Knowing something with no prior knowledge is called claircognizance. Most people know it simply as intuition or a ‘gut feeling.’

If you read back over any of the stories in this book, you will find that each involves one or more of these spiritual abilities. On the new Earth, the ETs say that these capabilities will be widely accepted and taught to children from birth. If so, humankind will begin to live the way the ETs do, which is radically different from the way nearly all humans live.

When these six abilities are in widespread use, the positive implications will be immense. Most of our technological advances, which admittedly are primitive by ET standards, will no longer be necessary. If people use telepathy, they don't need cell phones. People don't need automobiles or airplanes if they can teleport. If everybody uses telekinesis, they don’t need cranes, bulldozers, or backhoes. If everyone is clairvoyant and can see the future, they are less likely to get into accidents. If people are clairaudient, there is no need for grief and mourning, because they can talk to friends and family members who have passed on. And last, if all people are claircognizance, there’s no need for computers, Internet searches, or books. Someone can simply ask a question within and get an answer.

When these abilities become widespread, there will be one curious casualty. Personal names. In the several dozen ET encounters by Frank, Max, and John, the ETs never used personal names for themselves, and they rarely called these three contactees by their names. Why? The ETs don't need to use names. When someone is fully telepathic, they instantly know all there is to know about others – who they are, where they’re from, what they’ve done, and what they plan to do. They don't need a name because they instantly know all there is to know about another person.


The ETs often talked with Frank and John about their view of the connection between spirit, mind, and body. They say that most people on Earth are prisoners locked inside their bodies, while the ETs are in full control of matter and energy.

Frank sometimes used this analogy to explain what they meant in his sessions, “When you get into your automobile, you’re the car’s driver. You don't climb inside and suddenly think to yourself, 'I AM this car.’

“And yet, most people do that with their physical bodies – their spirit climbs into their physical body and thinks ‘I AM this body.’ That’s simply a mistake – the human spirit gets in and out of its human body, just like a driver gets in and out of a car.

Frank also often said, “Everyone is seeking freedom and happiness. It’s just that most people are looking in the wrong places. Happiness can be found by getting rid of the feeling that you can’t have happiness. Just get rid of negative feelings, and you will be instantly happier.”


Frank discovered a lot of his happiness by practicing what the ETs told him. He didn’t just accept it blindly – he proved it for himself. Along the way, the ETs suggested several spiritual techniques that they said would help people move higher.

One of the first ones that Frank used was from Paramahansa Yogananda, an East Indian spiritual teacher who founded the Self-Realization Fellowship, also known as SRF. Yogananda also wrote a best-selling spiritual classic called Autobiography of a Yogi.

Frank first met that teacher when Yogananda walked through his wall into his living room. Frank already knew who he was, but was surprised to see him – Yogananda had been ‘dead’ for about five years.

When he came through the wall, Yogananda pointed to Frank’s unread gift copy of the Autobiography sitting on the table and said, “Read that.”

Frank, always independence-minded, said, “What for?”

Yogananda responded, “Just read it – you’ll see.”

Frank did, and it changed his life. Frank grew to understand that Yogananda was a highly-evolved spiritual teacher that could do everything the ETs could do – all of the 3 T’s and 3 C’s and more. Yogananda’s Autobiography gives dozens of examples of telepathy, teleportation, clairvoyance, and claircognizance. It shows how we can live the way the ETs and advanced spiritual teachers do.

Howard Menger also met Yogananda. One day, when Howard visited Frank’s house, The Autobiography with Yogananda’s picture was on the table. As Howard walked past, he glanced at the photo briefly and then stopped stone-still.

Picking up the book, he looked closely at Yogananda’s photo and said, “Frank, I’ve seen that guy! He was on one of the ET ships. Who is he?”

Frank said, “On a ship? Yogananda died several years ago.”

Howard looked puzzled, “Dead? He wasn’t dead when I saw him a few days ago.”

After that, Howard recommended that people who attended his classes read Yogananda’s Autobiography and study the spiritual lessons put out by Self-Realization Fellowship.

There was one other spiritual technique that the ETs recommended. They encouraged Frank to tell people about the Sedona Method. Anyone can learn this simple, but powerful technique through reading a book, taking classes, or using the free iRelease app, which is available the Google Play Store or the Apple Store.

Here is a description from the app about the Sedona Method.

“The iRelease app is your personal guide to your natural ability to release or let go. You can get rid of whatever limiting thought, feeling, or belief about yourself and life that appears to be holding you back. When you do that, you feel an inner sense of happiness, fulfillment, and wellbeing. It can be used anytime and anywhere. It is a simple yet powerful way of accepting whatever you're feeling in the moment, getting to the root cause, and allowing it to dissolve naturally, or release. By freeing yourself in this way, you open up to your unlimited potential.”


Check out the references at the end of this book. There, you will find more information about Yoga Nanada and about Sedona Method classes and about the free iRelease app for your phone. These techniques allow everyone to advance spiritually, which the ETs say is essential for establishing contact with them. If you are already practicing a spiritual technique, you can simply add these to what you are already doing. Techniques like these are crucial for remaining clear-headed and balanced through the disastrous Earth Changes ahead. If you want an ET ship to lift you above all of Earth's problems, it is essential to be ready.

 Sarah and John wish you a safe and happy lift-off. Hope to see you on the ships!


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[1] Yogananda, P., Autobiography of a Yogi. 2014: Self-Realization Fellowship.

[2] Yogananda, P., Yoga Lessons. 2020. p. https://yogananda.org/lessons.

[3] Dwoskin, H., The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-Being. 2003: Sedona Press.

[4] Dwoskin, H. The Sedona Method. 2020; Available from: https://www.sedona.com/Home.asp.

[5] McCavitt, T. and A. McCavitt, iRelease App for the Sedona method. 2019. p. http://www.sedonareleasingworldwide.com/irelease-app/#sthash.WZhsCccO.n8cBR2Gs.dpbs.

21 - About the Authors

Here is Sarah Lamont’s story. She was born in the United States in the Colorado Rockies, west of Denver. After visiting ancient cliff dwellings in the area, including Mesa Verde, she developed a strong attraction to Native American culture. Later, she got married and divorced, and then, as a single mom, she spent most of her time earning a living and raising a son and daughter. Along the way, Sarah found time to explore metaphysics and developed a keen interest and abilities in alternative healing. Reading predictions of future Earth Changes, Sarah felt a strong intuitive sense that there is truth to them.

Before Sarah met and married John, she developed a friendship with Max Frazier, one of the main contactees in this book. We are not using his real name because he prefers privacy. Max frequently met with the most commonly described race of ETs, the Grays, who are usually represented as having grayish-white skin and as being short with spindly arms and legs. Their size prompted Max to call them “the Little People.” Max told Sarah about his face-to-face meetings with the Grays, which she has described in this book. Before meeting Max, Sarah had read very little about UFOs, but intuitively, what he told her about the ETs made sense.

Soon after they met, Max told Sarah that the Grays had asked him to find a specific woman, and they gave him numerous puzzling and cryptic clues. Max was sure that the Grays knew precisely where this woman lived, but wanted Max to find her the hard way. From the first time that they met, Max thought that Sarah was that woman.

One day when Max was aboard one of the ships, one of the Grays emphatically stated, “When she was very young, she made chocolate pies.”

When Max asked Sarah about it, she insisted that she didn’t make chocolate pies as a child and didn’t like them then or now. Max countered that the ETs had been quite persistent about it.

Then, suddenly, Sarah remembered and burst out laughing. As a child, she once made mud pies in her backyard after a rain and proudly presented them to her mother as ‘chocolate pies.’ The ETs had made their point – they knew a lot about Sarah’s past, present, and future.

This example is typical of the Grays’ mysterious convoluted way of thinking. They are rarely direct and logical – their minds just don’t work that way. After many such cryptic clues, Max finally concluded that Sarah was the only one that matched all the evidence.

Although she doesn’t recall consciously meeting any Grays face-to-face, they relayed many messages through Max. Most importantly, they told Sarah that Max, John, and others she knew would be lifted off the planet when the Earth Changes begin. Before that happened, they said they wanted her to play a role in getting out the ET warnings about the coming cataclysms. She agreed, and this book fulfills that request.


Next, this is John Lamont’s story. He grew up in the United States in Virginia and earned a degree in psychology in college, where he learned self-hypnosis as part of a psychology workshop. Experimenting with self-hypnosis one night during Thanksgiving break, he had an unusual out-of-body experience. His girlfriend had gone home to visit her family, and John decided to try an experiment.

On Thanksgiving night, he went into deep self-hypnosis, imagined drifting up and out of his body, traveled across the nighttime landscape in Virginia, found his girlfriend’s house, and visualized himself walking down the hallway into her bedroom. Just as he did that, John suddenly bounced out of the session and was back in his college dorm room.

John immediately assumed he had simply imagined it all. He promptly put it out of his mind and forgot about it. When his girlfriend returned, she excitedly told him that on Thanksgiving night, she was startled awake to see John walking down her hallway. When he entered her darkened bedroom, she panicked, and ran out of the room. At that exact moment, John had bounced out of his session.

John was thrilled to hear her confirm his out-of-body experience and thought she would also be thrilled. But she wasn’t. His girlfriend was very frightened that he could do such a thing, and their relationship was never the same. Even so, John learned a powerful lesson – he was a spirit and not a physical body. He could leave his body whenever he wanted to do so.

After college, John continued with self-hypnosis and had many out-of-body experiences that involved the ETs. He wasn’t sure what they meant until he met Frank Paulson, a quiet, peaceful, unassuming guy, who knew all about the ETs and loved to tell UFO stories. Because of being around Frank, John saw physical ships three times. Also, through self-hypnosis, John has been taken on ships several dozen times at night. He does not consider these abductions, because he went willingly. To his knowledge, he has never been abducted against his will. In some cases, he was taken out of his body without warning by the ETs but always went willingly. This book includes some of those encounters.


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Chapter 22 - REFERENCES

 Adamski, G. & Leslie, D. Flying Saucers have Landed. (Amazon Services. Kindle Edition, 1953).

Adamski, G. Behind the Flying Saucer Mystery. (Paperback Library, Inc., New York, NY, 1961).

Adamski, G. Inside the Spaceships. (The George Adamski Foundation, Vista, CA, 1953).

Angelucci, O.M. The Secret of the Saucers. (Global Grey. Kindle Edition, 1955).

Clark, A.S. Sky People: Untold Stories of Alien Encounters in Mesoamerica. (Red Wheel Weiser. Kindle Edition, 2015).

Clarke, A.C. Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible, (Orion Publishing Co., 1962).

Cooper, M.W. Behold a Pale Horse. (Light Technology Publishing. Kindle Edition, 1991).

Dennett, P. Inside UFOs: True Accounts of Contact with Extraterrestrials. (Blue Giant Books. Kindle Edition, 2017).

Dennett, P. Onboard UFO Encounters. (Blue Giant Books. Kindle Edition, 2020).

Dwoskin, H. The Sedona Method. (2020).

Dwoskin, H. The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-Being, (Sedona Press, 2003).

Fowler, R.E. The Andreasson Affair. (The Career Press, Inc. Kindle Edition, 1978).

Friedman, S. UFO Propulsion Systems (2/2). (2020).

Hall, S. Earth Is Tipping Because of Climate Change. in Scientific American (2016).

James, T. Spacemen: Friends and Foes, (New Age Publishing Co., 1956).

McCavitt, T. & McCavitt, A. iRelease App for the Sedona method. http://www.sedonareleasingworldwide.com/irelease-app/#sthash.WZhsCccO.n8cBR2Gs.dpbs (2019).

Menger, H. & Menger, C. The High Bridge Incident: The Story Behind the Story, (Author published, Vero Beach, FL, 1991).

Menger, H. From Outer Space to You, (Saucerian Books, 1959).

Montgomery, R. Aliens Among Us, (Fawcett; Reprint Edition, 1986).

Montgomery, R. The World to Come. 162 (Random House LLC. Kindle Edition, 2007).

Ruppelt, E.J. The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects. (e-arftnow. Kindle Edition, 2020).

Salla, M.E. US Air Force Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force. (Exopolitics Consultants. Kindle Edition, 2019).

Snow, C. & Wambach, H. Mass Dreams of The Future, (Chet Snow Productions, 1993).

Stevens, W., Mitchell, H. & Mitchell, B. UFO Contact from Mars. (UFO Photo Archives. Kindle Edition, 1957).

Story, R.D. The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters, 672 (Constable & Robinson Ltd., 2002).

Strieber, A. & Strieber, W. The Communion Letters. (Crossroad Press. Kindle Edition, 2016).

Strieber, W. A New World. (Walker & Collier, Inc. Kindle Edition, 2019).

Van Tassel, G.W. I Rode a Flying Saucer. (New Age. Kindle Edition, 1952).

Wickramasinghe, C. The Search for Our Cosmic Ancestry. (WSPC. Kindle Edition, 2014).

Yogananda, P. Autobiography of a Yogi, (Self-Realization Fellowship, 2014).

Yogananda, P. Yoga Lessons. https://www.yogananda-srf.org/HomeStudy/Self-Realization_Fellowship_Lessons_Application.aspx (2020).

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